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Everything posted by kels

  1. It's also the foxes pooooo! I was so perplexed by it after getting big ones left in my front garden. I worked it out after a while that it wasn't actually dog poop! Poor doggy owners are getting a bad rap I think, majority do the right thing.
  2. best highlight - hog roast on a saturday (nth Cross rd) - sorry all you vege's its a bit barbaric I know....but yummy all the same.
  3. Does Bon Scott dying in East Dulwich count?....ohh not the dying bit of course....but what a legend and who'd have thought he passed just a few streets from mine? nnnnaaannnaannanannanan thunderr! AC/DC rule!
  4. Has anyone seen the old east dulwich photo's in Haarts. I never knew there was an East Dulwich station....really interesting. And the fact that the V1 V2 history on that block - biggest drop in South London I read. v interesing. Pity they rebuilt such fugly buildings to replace the old ones :( Can't get much worse me thinks.....
  5. In Australia, you have to be given the item for free if you are mischarged. yes, the law. Can you imagine that coming in here. Somerfield would be out of business for one. I was in there the other day and was overcharged 6.00 for 2 pizza's that were on special. Not only were they wrong, the amount I was charged was more than the original. :((( grrrr
  6. mmm jerk Chicken. Great, thanks for the tips
  7. ...does anyone know where we can find out what's goin on over the summer in and around LL. Just thought I would start something slightly more upbeat...
  8. I'm no fan, I got short changed by ?10 one day with no apologies when I picked it up. I'd stoop to a Sainsbury's bunch than go back to a retailer that doesn't know how to apologise.
  9. Wondering if anyone knows what happened to the 2 boys that collided with the bus at about 5.20pm on Thursday 18th September. It was on Pytchley and Dog Kennel Hill.
  10. (Always sad to see a bookshop go. But to blame its demise on 'ed new folk' shows an almost comical dislike of 'incomers'.)... Mattham, get a grip. WHY? are 'new-combers' tarred with the same brush? Drop the ridiculous social-elitist shit. Old v new. Is this not a forum for ED? or an old v new basher enclave. I'm so over reading all the negative comments about new so-called Claphamites moving here. I know lots of new-combers who are amazingly down to earth and have enriched the community here. You're living in la-la land if you think that East Dulwich was better 10 years ago than now. And I don't profess to be a fan of Foxton's or chains a like, in fact the opposite. Please, I ask, refrain from ridiculous sweeping generalisations about 'new people' Thanks :))
  11. My question is..how are all those Foxtons boys surviving on the low retainer?
  12. In other words a quasi-makeover. Good on you Keef. Why don't you suggest holding a music venue at yours instead.
  13. Well you have obvioualy not tried to get into The Palmeston on a Friday or Saturday night....
  14. Thanks for the info and sympathy everyone. I think that's it for oysters, for me.
  15. On Saturday night I had half a dozen at a reputable restaurant down LL. Known for its continental cuisine and lovely covered patio garden. Within an hour of eating I was heaving....until the wee hours. Not a Happy Camper....
  16. Reminds me of this article....a follow on from Captain Birdseye.....tbat is just so funny. What a crap article. Oh yeah serious money saving solutions. NO job, no money....go spend on something else you don't need. EAT A PIECE OF FRUIT WOMAN!.... and go and find a job.
  17. Matham.... ahh The Magdala....don't get me going... lol
  18. and i thought it was just me....how does it stay afloat.
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