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Everything posted by pop9770

  1. rahrahrah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Everything he says is common sense. I think he > actually does your average person a massive > disservice in thinking they're more naive than is > the case hahaha Don't for one minute underestimate how naive young and old "in love" people are. A modern day philosopher who has his finger bang on the pulse of our "modern" world vs some councilor?
  2. Here the Telegraph Calls It what it is .. A NEW Tax ! Why ... Because it was not taxed before ... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/property/buy/buy-to-let-calculator-how-will-new-tax-reduce-your-profit/ My big problem with this new tax is that it is biased and creates a property tax system which benefits large corporations (who already have many other advantages) against SMEs and individuals. In 2014, two million private landlords owned and let five million properties in the UK (Paragon) Imagine the impact as they begin to sell up! I think it'll be a shock and it will begin a recession. But I could be wrong .. the numbers involved a huge and I don't think any sector could cope with a tax change like this not even the UK property market which is often on a debt knife edge .. If YOU as an individual want to invest in property (and why shouldn't you) you are placed at a large disadvantage when compared to as I have mentioned The Grosvenor Estate (a billion ? tax avoiding lord muck owned corporation) how anyone can think that is reasonable acceptable and balanced I really don't know. Basically YOU and I are allowed one property tax free and McLandlord Corp and Lord Muck who inherited a billion ? worth of central london get to avoid this tax no matter how many houses they own !!! ... Bloody Disgusting Anyone who thinks this tax is fair or good is bonkers or simply doesn't understand what a fair tax system should do ... It is yet another tax that splits society it gives the rich more and more wealth and creates an unbalanced financial system. There is no longer a business that an individual like YOU or ME can get involved in where we are investing on an equal level with a corporation or Lord muck billion ? tax avoider. And everyone wonders why there is a huge gulf between rich and poor ... and everyone moans about the JAMs A. It's because of idiotic taxes like this... taxes which favour the rich over YOU and ME ... To be completely clear this is taxing the turnover not profit !!!! There is no other business that is taxed on turnover it's totally insane ... ! Why would any government want to destroy opportunity for investment the two million + private landlords are being attacked and the corporate landlords are not .. Bizarre ..
  3. Jules-and-Boo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > prices will not come down Don't be so sure I remember when prices collapsed in the late 80s early 90s Supply is increasing just look at all the development cranes and flats going up everywhere. When confidence goes and given brexit this new tax and recession likely prices could easily fall then banks will stop lending and interest rates will go up. We're looking at potential perfect storm ... History repeating itself only with slightly different causes. A crash is long overdue.
  4. rahrahrah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The policy to end tax breaks on second (third, > forth...) properties is right imo. Why on earth would anyone with the slightest bit of logic think that???? When property is an asset,,, no different to land water gold bananas the list is endless. Why treat it differently from a tax point? The problem / solution is to deal with the way these assets are financed currently there is upside-down debt system it is structred to give debt to those who pay little or no tax... A large corporate can borrow to buy huge property or other asset portfolios and pay no tax.. This new tax does the opposite it penalises non corporate asset investment it is bonkers.. It harms SMES and harms JAMS it's bonkers If you honestly think stopping individuals and SMEs from buying property assets is a good idea and giving all the property assets to large corporations is a better idea we are all doomed to live in a corporate capitalist system run for the few not the many.. Insane This tax gives the grosvenor estate http://www.grosvenorestate.com tax advantages over You! Do you honestly think that is reasonable? I think it's a disgrace. bawdy-nan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Pop your glasses on, (down the back of your > armchair, where warriors lose them?) pop9770 - not > my comment ... bawdy-nan You have seen an increase in your rent NO? You've confused me...?
  5. We have a two tier property tax system. One Benefits foreign investors and large corporate landlords The other Is disaster for JAMs and the average British tax payer and SMEs James Barbers logic is typical of the political classes.. Who have no understanding of how business works and they pander either knowingly or blindly to the corporate world which is supported by the economic "intelegencia" who work for the corporate capitalist system. As I said above its Idiocracy The movie now today in 2016 Trump Brexit Corbyn all point towards idiotic population and idiotic political leaders... Bizarre
  6. DovertheRoad Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I have it on good account that rents on flats are > actually starting to fall slightly in East > Dulwich. More and more people seeing better value > in other nearby and less family orientated areas. Nonsense bawdy-nan and my neighbours are not seeing that clearly there's an impact. As this new tax only comes into effect from next April this looks like the beginning of the increasing rents. Some landlords are getting going before the changes and likely property price collapse. In my experience when a Tory government messes with the property market it always ends in disaster.
  7. This is politics idiocracy style Watch idiocracy the movie ... We need a smart person from 500 years ago..
  8. James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi pop9970, > I thought I was clear that no new tax is being > proposed. What is being implemented is removal of > the ability to deduct buy to let mortgage interest > payments from buy to let businesses tax bills as > it has been for a number of other such exemptions. You politicians have a weird way of looking and twisting reality. Interest on property loans has never been taxed. So This is in effect a new tax. Anyone knows that taxing something has never made it cheaper. Be clear This is an increase in tax on rents by the back door as we are seeing it is resulting in higher rents. If you can't see that there's no hope for any of us. It is an idiotic tax harming the JAMs. A property price collapse will halt construction and make it even more difficult for buyers as banks restrict loans into a falling market. The future impact on the wider economy will hit just as hard on jobs in construction and property services as the large corporate landlords fill the void and cut costs to the bone whilst increasing rents in a market which will be dominated by fewer players. How anyone can think taxing anyone out of business is a good idea is beyond me. The same brains who told us interest rates would increase after brexit are doing the maths on this crock of ?hit. It's blindingly obvious rents are increasing ... To everyone except you ? Even if property prices fall the Mortgages need to be paid and only by increasing the rents will that be possible. Or have I got my maths wrong? I am truly shocked by the lack of logic on this idiotic tax until I remember it was a George Osborne policy. The man is an elitist moron of the 1st degree he makes Mark Carney look like a genius.. And we all know Carney is just a lucky chancer who ends up in the right job at the right time aka a lucky ba?Tard. Competition to make Norman Lamont look like a genius .
  9. I find all this talk of greedy landlords is nonsense They're about to go from making a small profit on their rents to making a loss. Also what is the alternative for JAMs do they rent miles away from London which makes London even more elitist or do they rent from a large corporate landlord who will charge even more because they have share holders who require x percentage return on their investment? It's a bad tax and it's going to create havoc with property prices and the economy. The question is is the current system broken. I think the only element of the property market which is broken is lack of supply. Hitting small landlords and giving the advantages to large corporations is a bad move. It only results in concentrating wealth in fewer and fewer hands. Soon almost every rental property will be owned by just three professional landlords. That's what has happened in banking supermarkets phone providers fuel utilities. It's not a good solution for prices or progress for JAMs or the rest of the population. I believe free markets are best not ever increasing bias towards corporate capitalism. This tax is another main in the coffin of free trade it's bias is away from small landlords in favour of banks and big landlords .. Horrendous Here comes McLandlord .. Insane
  10. I think this is a great example of... be careful what you wish for..
  11. http://www.theweek.co.uk/66688/multi-property-buy-to-let-owners-face-squeeze
  12. James Barber Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Lets be clear. This isn't a new tax. It is about > removing an exemption from paying as much tax. Tax > payers have been subsidising the income of people > who buy properties to rent them out. The interest > payments for buy to let mortgages for such rented > properties were tax deductible. It encouraged buy > to let businesses to maximise loans because the > tax payer paid the interest. This perverse > incentive resulted in much more demand for > properties to buy forcing up prices. > WE need to see less demand for properties to buy > and more supply to see average homes prices down > to the long-term historic trend of 3.5 times > average income. Sadly I don't see sufficient > policies from this government (or any over the > last 30 years) to rectify this huge imbalance. I've had a look at this and James what you say doesn't make any sense. From what I've read searched there has never been a tax so how can there be an exemption? Have you convoluted confused this with something else or is it an old wives tale? All other businesses investment or otherwise have been able to offset loan costs against profits maybe I'm wrong but this looks like government are targeting the property business as being somehow different so messing with the "free" market. Regardless it's looking like a bad idea for the JAMs who are going to see rent increases and a bad idea for the property market which could collapse and set off a UK recession which would be even worst for the JAMs as they're the first to suffer. James if you think that's a good thing, thank the universe the your lot aren't in government, mind you this lot as as bad. I remember 15% interest rates and property prices dropping by 1/2 their value in the late 80's this is looking like a similar balls up expecting years of recession driven by a property price collapse it was the Tory's who did it in the 80s too history repeating itself ?? Edit to add JAMES exactly how have tax payers been subsidising the income ? Please show us the maths?
  13. I'm not recommending any of the three options I listed, I'm recommending a video :) As a first step before spending money on pre marriage counselling. My view is marriage was invented at a time when peoples life expectancy was low 30ish years, doesn't really match with todays reality. Imho But if you're going to do it may as well be fully armed with the reality of the romantic delusion.
  14. JAMs will mostly never be able to afford to buy their own home they are always going renting. This is a crazy tax I agree the stamp duty tax is also counterproductive Free market economics are dead this Tory government are as bad as the looney left for the JAMs. Insane
  15. Yep it's good. Everyone should watch it. :) It's free too.
  16. Just bumped into my neighbours their landlord has given them notice of a 25% increase in their rent from April next year from ?1,000 to ?1,250 neighbours are from Brazil and asked me to read it to confirm what it meant. The letter says it's due to the new George Osborne Buy To Let tax which starts in April next year, that they are increasing rents to all their tenants, for those who can't accept the increase they will sell the property next year to reduce their buy to let portfolio as they believe with their accountants advice any interest rate increases or other higher costs and they will be looking at running a loss making business. I thought the Tory Government wanted to help the just about managing JAMs?
  17. johnie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, you're a hater Have you even watched the video I linked to? It's not hateful or boring it's real fun and ends on in positive way. Calling me hater is hatefully..
  18. Tuff Electric vehicles are the answers. I think Southwark need to change parking policy and allow free parking for EVs it the only reason I haven't bought one yet. Oh and the lack of dc rapid chargers in Southwark.
  19. Sorry to hear that I bought a Canary All-in-One Home Security camera Captured images when burgled a second time and the police identified him. After that also bought a yale wireless alarm system which dials my mobile when it goes off worth every penny.
  20. I'm not a hater I'm a realist. If you're going to commit yourself to a voluntary life sentence then it's best to go into it with your eyes wide open,, the OP appears to understand that wanting pre marriage councilling is a great idea,,, they appreciate it's probably better not to leave it to luck.. Really hope they are happy ever after, for that outcome many factors need consideration I'm only offering a realistic route to getting all those factors out in the open. Maybe watch the youtube video before you assume ?
  21. If Southwark really cared about the environment they would do what Westminster have done and introduce free parking for electric vehicles. If they cared about safety they would implement pedestrian safe Road layouts rather than bus and cycling madness. Southwark only care about is fleecing the local tax payers to keep as many useless jobs at the council as is fleetingly possible to keep the self fulfilling fleecing machine going fleecing and fleecing. So they can make one fu?k up become a continued costly ongoing fu?k up and fleece and continue fleecing until the retirement and the next load of council fleece specialists learn the fleecing profession.. Hilarious
  22. What's nice someone who tells you everything is fairytales or someone who tells you the Truth? Did you watch the youtube video I linked? Here it is again
  23. rendelharris Sounds like you have a Victorian marriage moneys on the Mrs shagging her tennis coach or someone through work If not you're one in a million ... ;) Romantics it starts out all Mills and Boon and ends up in court with a big legal bill.
  24. Some advice from my friends and family ie 100s of years of experience Options are 1. Don't get married 2. Go polyamorous marriage 3. Live like a Victorian IMHO You should both watch this before you go and see a counselor
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