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Everything posted by ed_pete

  1. Found in Planning Applications (sorry I'm a little bored...) Location: 34 EAST DULWICH GROVE, LONDON, SE22 8PP Proposal: Demolition of existing 3 storey residential property (including accommodation in the roof) and existing double garage and the construction of a 3 storey residential property (including accommodation in the roof) comprising 5no x 2 bedroom units and double garage. Now I think that 34 EDG is the one on the corner of EDG and Elsie Road, that looks like its got severe subsidence caused by the massive Ash tree in the front garden. It's been surrounded by plywood hoarding for as long as I can remember. Over to the regular forumites to debate (again) the merits of all property is theft, unsold developments, buy-to-let, incomers, Victorian/Edwardian vs contemporary architecture...
  2. I think they're part of the Friern Road society - try here
  3. Far too obvious - the job was much more likely to have been carried out by a couple of women in their late 20's/early 30's with three-wheeled pushchairs to carry off the loot - last seen heading for the queue at William Rose
  4. I'll try and help you out Ant - Ealing Broadway.
  5. Mark - what rules are you playing by ? Dollis Hill would have been allowed using the old 1978 rulebook (revision 2.2) but not if you're the following the changes proposed at the Santiago International Convention in 1985, yet to be ratified but in common use. You should have played South Woodford.
  6. Here between Blackwater Street and Bassano Street, next door to the Thomas Moore Hall
  7. That probably means that some poor soul is weeding them out at some point during the recycling process.
  8. Re: Tetrapak carton recycling, while Southwark drag their feet, being one of only four boroughs not offering any recycling facilities, according to the Tetrapak recycling website, Lewisham have placed a large bin in the Sainsburys Car Park in Forest Hill for just this purpose. Not exactly on the doorstep but worth knowing about if you feel like saving them up for a while.
  9. Thanks - call me a cheapskate but I wasn't looking to spend quite as much as that, but then I guess you get what you pay for. Ta EDP
  10. Can anyone recommend earphones for running ? My ipod earphones died recently and I replaced them with some earbud type ones from Sennheiser, which sound good if your standing still but constantly fall when you're jogging along.
  11. The Onedin Line (showing my age...)
  12. The "Wanted, Offers & Recommendation section" seems to be a victim of its own success. If you make a posting of say something for sale, then it only stays on the first page for about a day or so because of the volume. Maybe everyone else is more diligent than me but I don't often stray past page 1 of any of the sections - mainly because I assume that the subsequent pages will contain posts I have already seen. Two proposals: one reorganise Wanted, Offers and Recommendation into three separate sections - at least split off recommendations as these are less transient; two, have subsections within the WO&R (if subsections are possible) with a "Week Commencing.." title. Anyone else feel strongly about WO&R ?
  13. The FAQ simply says: ? How will the refurbishment affect me as a user? You will end up with a modern, well-designed leisure centre that you will want to use. We?ll keep disruption to a minimum whilst the building is going on, keep you fully informed and offer you an alternative whilst we are refurbishing your local centre. Personally I think ?5.3m should go a long way and we ought to end up with swimming pool to rival JAGS (I'm sure most people only join JAG's for the pool). Peckham Pulse was great when it opened but it went down-hill through lack of council resources. Whilst I know i should be commending this initiiative I sadly suspect that once refurbished, ED Leisure Centre will go the same way (broken lockers, showers not working, dirty changing rooms) etc and 5 years after re-opening it'll need another makeover.
  14. Hmm.. the Southwark link is not that great and only offers one box in which one is supposed to ask questions, rather than make suggestions however I see no reason why it shouldn't be used for the latter. Failing that (or to make doubley sure) you can also email the Southwark Head of Leisure and Wellbeing at [email protected]
  15. Mentioned on this forum a few times I know, Southwark is planning to spend ?5m on the refurbishment of the East Dulwich Leisure Centre. They have set up a web page to provide more information on the scheme and solicit comments and suggestions from residents, the deadline for which is 14th September. It looks like they're also planning an exhibition on the planned proposal during the w/c 19th November. So, here's your chance to have your say. {Admin - is it worth making this sticky until 14/9 ?}
  16. Sorry I don't know about other allotments, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. I believe the ethos is non-commercial.
  17. Sorry to be a spoil sport but my allotment lease, at least, does not allow the sale of produce that I grow :(. Besides which, the few bits greenery I manage to produce that's actually worth eating is rapidly consumed by my offspring.
  18. I'm pretty sure that the previous owner's insurer is obliged to carry on providing cover however, if there's been a gap, i.e. between completion date when the propery changed hands and now then I'm not so sure. Having made quite a few enquiries over the past few weeks it seems that if insurers offer cover at all on properties with any structual movement history then it's only likely if the property is given a clean bill of health by a Structural Engineer. But that no guarantee - so you could go the expense and effort of getting a report done and insurers could still turn you down or charge extortionate premiums.
  19. Dulwich Infants and the Hamlet are both excellent schools and my children have been/are very happy there. The Infants changed its entrance policy a few years back and unless you're a regular church goer are unlikely to get in unless you live very close (not likely if you consider yourself an East Dulwich resident). The Hamlet (years 3 to 6) is non-denominational and probably easier to get into, depending on how far away you live. The only other school I feel qualified to comment upon is Dog Kennel Hill to which friends of mine send/have sent their children and in their opinion it's a very good school.
  20. IMO = In My Opinion IMHO = In My Honest Opinion HTH (Hope That Helps)
  21. ?91 a month for 4 bed house with Scottish Power, although I'm of the Mr Asset school of thought and have constant thermostat battles with Mrs ed_pete in the colder months.
  22. For those of you not interested in "premium" content then I'd recommend a Hard Disk Freeview Recorder aka Personal Video Recorder (PVR). I've had one of these about a year and its revolutionised viewing in my house. The ability to delay start programmes (kids no longer have to gobble dinner down 'cos Dr Who starting in 5 minutes), not having to mess with VHS tapes and programming recordings via the EPG is worth the expense alone. Don't skimp though - I went for a Topfield 5800, which is arguably the best on the market and has a huge fan base of tecchies that have developed their on add-ons to the software. It also has two tuners which means you can record from two different channels simultaneously and watch something you've recorded previously all at the same time. You will need a reasonable TV aerial though to pick up decent digital reception.
  23. So if I get this right until its covered in the media then you aren't going to believe it actually happened ?
  24. Thanks for all the advice. I have tried shopping around but as Bob says they won't touch you if you've previously made a claim. Confused.com quotes range from ?353 to ?670 and that's if you never made a claim so it's definitely a pricey area. What's really galling is that Confused shows the AA (my insurer) quoting ?412 - exactly half of what I'm paying, so they've essentially doubled the premium because of a prior claim. My damage never warranted underpinning - at least in the opinion of the Structural Engineer. I wonder what my position would be with regard to sueing the council for increased premiums, after all it was their tree that caused the damage in the first place. Off topic slightly but given that all insurer's ask about flooding, there a shed load more homeowners going to be stung next year following this weeks weather.
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