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Everything posted by nunhead_man

  1. James you said ... "North Cross Road is being fully resurfaced this week starting today Monday 21 May - weather permitting. Who hoo! About tinme that ploughed field was leveled off
  2. We have a good broker who may be able to help - he has alawys helped us Maxted Morrison & Co. Ltd. 17 Hatherley Road DA14 4BP Talk to John Maxted a good sorted out guy
  3. Yeah - two here too - may be a "brown out" caused by bank hol load? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownout_%28electricity%29
  4. Anyone else around Peckham Rye had brief power cuts today?
  5. There was a W G Dawson, an entomologist - 1880's I think - happened accross a record of him locally - Hornimans I think Google shows him at the Greenwich Natural History Society so he might have lived locally?
  6. I use this junction to turn right. Experience shows that if there are more than two cars or one 484 already across the line turning right then the right thing to do is to stop at the stop line (not in the bike advance stop box!!) and wait for the next green light. However I wish more people did this!
  7. Ooops - sorry - no idea why this post duplicated
  8. This lot may know ...... or know a person who does ... http://moderngov.southwarksites.com/mgFindCouncillor.aspx?XXR=0&AC=WARD&WID=12850 Alternately doddle along to this meet and ask? http://moderngov.southwarksites.com/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=177&MId=3957&Ver=4
  9. Indeed. Anyone any ideas about the electricity network in this area as seems to be quite widespread?
  10. Was anyone else the victim of a power cut @ 5hrs today? Looks like it was about 10 minutes - enough to set off a neighbour's burglar alarm which cannot have a proper back-up battery :-(
  11. Suspect this may be to do with the bus routes - roll on average speed cameras!
  12. Usually by the recycling bins in the car park near the cafe - end of Strakers Road
  13. We have a visitor who is leaving on Boxing Day - does anyone know if the DLR will be affected by industrial action? Guest needs to get to City Airport
  14. Yeah - we have three LED based bulbs in our kitchen replacing halogens - and they do buzz as they warm up - sounds like 50 cycle hum - the "cycle" (alternating cycle - AC) on UK AC electricity
  15. Thanks for this - main learning for us from visit was that our solution for not heating the outside walls (we do not have cavity walls) with our wall mounted radiators was out of date - new solutions examples here www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=radflek&tag=googhydr-21&index=aps&hvadid=5589077896&ref=pd_sl_7vdbu22ji3_e and here www.thegreenstop.co.uk/heatkeeper-energy-saving-radiator-panel-211-p.asp
  16. No problems with cracks unless you can get your fist into them says my Victorian house experienced contractor of choice :-) This book is a good read .......... http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Has_your_house_got_cracks.html?id=lql5TR3Gj0YC&redir_esc=y
  17. Yes - its a pain - can go from Forest Hill as mentioned or from East Dulwich take West Croydon train (southbound), change at Selhurst for East Croydon (stay on same platform), and then change at East Croydon for Gatwick
  18. There may be some help here ...... www.freeview.co.uk/Help/Aerials-and-Reception We have a Topfield with two digital tuners that picks up signals from a loft mounted aerial - pointed to the transmitter ... aerial - similar to this - http://tinyurl.com/d8o59zj
  19. That seems a bit mad from a traffic point of view - what about a car parking / waiting area for those dropping off? Expect the cycle route will get hit as usual
  20. Do you have the post code for Vale Street ? But see http://www.westdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?4,1701
  21. From above fairly rate in my experience for pre 1900 houses to have sewer runs at the front - usually had Mr Crapper's santitary products at the back of the house somewhere - and later bathroom additions followed the same line. You can tell by looking for those vertical fat pipes that end at gutter level - soil stacks they are called and they vent the sewer pipes
  22. Our bit of Nunhead is a lot greener than where we used to be in East Dulwich - Peckham Rye and Nunhead Cemetery plus Stuart Road Allotments and the golf course - partly courtesy of the Thames Water Inner London Ring Main And two bed houses in SE22 = 3 bed houses in some parts of SE15
  23. "create entertainment for speeding mopeds." ...............and danger for cyclists - I cannot count the times I've had a driver of a van or car head straight for me when I'm on the correct side of the road and driver of that lethal weapon is straddling the central speed bump.
  24. Mammab presume you have Sky for internet? If its been off for a few days may well take a while to realise you are back? Suggest you keep rebooting? And might be easier to look at your router by a wired connection while you are sorting things out? One thing less to go wrong!
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