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Voting to remain

Bob Buzzard

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Blah Blah Wrote:


> Rational and informative are big words Louisa, but

> you are fun to do battle with and I don't think

> I've ever seen you be rude to anyone.

May I agree in that I don't agree with virtually anything Louisa has said on this issue but she has been nothing but courteous. Ah well, this time tomorrow it'll all be over and we can all celebrate/drown our sorrows as appropriate.

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Blah and rendelharris you have been great sparring partners in this debate (as has LM), and as the countdown to voting begins I would just like to thank you all for using your democratic right to debate and disagree with me, in a courteous and informative manner. I don't agree, but I've listened and taken note and respect you all deeply for your passion on this topic. As the thunder clouds gather over ED, two tribes are about to go to war, and once the dust settles at some point on Friday morning, let's hope thy regardless of the outcome, we can all agree to move on with whatever hand the British electorate have dealt us all.


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I am pleased to see that the voice of the British public, of which 72% voted, has been listened to but I am saddened that the man who took us to the brink of s nee future has decided to step down when he should be steering the ship through the choppy waters whilst we negotiate a post EU Britain as the PM was the one who gave us the referendum so surely he should stand up and guide us through the exit process by remaining PM ?
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Rabid Pro-Remainers should understand from this that when you spend months telling marginalised and disaffected people that they?re stupid, racist and ignorant - those people are more likely to go out and stick their vote right up your enlightened cosmopolitan arsehole.

Anyway, there it is, that's democracy.

We are living in interesting times.

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We made the right decision. I am happy, but not jubilant. I gave ample warning over many years on this forum, that out of touch London elites were refusing to acknowledge or understand various gripes in the poorest regions of England, mostly working class Labour cities and post-industrial communities which had been left behind and not listened to. They have now spoken, despite all the dire warnings sent to us from almost every expert doomsayer. There will be turmoil for some months, and yes in some ways it is an act of self harm, but we now need some positivity. I am not a fan out of PM, but one thing throughout this campaign he rammed home to us all "we are not quitters", and then the very next morning he resigns as PM. Cheers David.


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what *bob* says - ironically the "dog whistle" campaigning approach as the left likes to call it applies as much to shouting 'racist' at anyone who questioned the EU. I think it's the wrong decision and am quite unsettled but it's democracy.

The screaming left - the lack of movement at the EU (on negotiations and reform)- Cameron's poor negotiation; no decenbt positive case made........all culpable.

But seriously my left wing mates, and I have many, get off your high horses

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I have a very interesting question concerning trade with the EU now.

As we will be negotiating with different countries in the EU concerning trade deals, who will be doing that negotiation, will it be the politicians who don't really understand business or will it be lead by a business consortium who do?

It could make a major difference to the end results !

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