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Assult on East Dulwich Grove

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I was walking down East Dulwich Grove (towards Lordship Lane) on Tuesday 6th at 13:35 when a man came out of Thornecombe Rd and headed towards me. I had a sense that he was going to approach me, but put it down to paranoia. As he became parallel to me he almost turned around and grabbed me in between my legs. It lasted a matter of seconds and he then ran off into the housing estate, not before stopping and having a look back at me. As you can imagine I was pretty stunned, but felt it was serious enough to call the police who were there in a matter of minutes. We drove around the area but with no luck. He was a tall white man, about 6'2", spiky mousy hair, he was wearing all beige-beige sweat shirt and cambat-like trousers, he also had sunglasses on. This was a very bold attack on a busy rd and I am concerned that not only will he do it again, next time it could be in a less busy area and therefore more servere, please keep your wits about you!! The police think that he was probably a local man as he would have had to know the estate.
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I have just read the thread about the 'jogger', does sound similar, thanks for pointing it out...i have asked if the lady could give me a description. Peckhamrose, thanks for the message-i'm ok, just makes you realise you're really not safe anywhere or at any time of day!
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Noosh82 Wrote:

"As he became parallel to me he almost turned around and grabbed me in between my legs."

I'm sorry to quibble but this doesn't make much sense to me. He either assaulted you or he didn't. It's the "almost" I'm not getting.

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Think you should be sorry to 'quibble' actually, i was trying to describe the angle at which he made a grab for me which is quite difficult in writing...the 'almost' which seems to be causing you a problem was meant by the way he was at a near parallel position (maybe just past me) and seemed to 'almost' have to turn around to grab me. If someone was to grab you in between the legs would you quibble as to whether this was an assult or not!?
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Look, I've said I was sorry and I truly am. It just wasn't written too well and it was an easy mistake to make. There have been "phantom" things written on here in the past and I just thought it may have been one. Once again I am very sorry and offer you my sincerest apologies. I hope that the police catch this bastard before it happens again. And, well done you for reporting the incident. Not enough people do.
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Jeremy Wrote:


> But don't be too hard on Jah Lush - I made the

> same mistake when reading the original post.

Me too...

Gosh I feel so sorry for you. I know everyone else has said it, but I do hope you are alright (and that they catch this b@stard). In a way I hope it is the same person...God forbid that there should be two such perverts. Urrrggh, you must feel quite sick.

Big hug xx

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Noosh I hope you are doing ok. What a horrible horrible experience. I know it's been said before, but well done for being brave enough to report it. That kind of courage makes it all the more likely that this person will be caught before they do anything worse. Good for you.
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Holy crap Noosh that is bl00dy awful! I have to say I would never think anythign would happen to me during the daylight hours (pretty naive I know) so thanks for pointing it out, I'll be more aware going forward.. Hope you are ok and that guy gets caught..
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JL.. I posted my response at the same time you were posting the apology...it's fine, can see how it could of been misinterpreted but it is difficult to describe in words his actions...which all happened very quickly! It's nice to see people's concern, I'm fine thanks, just thought it best to share especially as there are so many schools nearby. Thanks again!
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Oh God, poor you. I cannot believe something like this can happen during daylight hours in a residential area. This guy is a complete sicko and the police must have some knowledge about who he is. Hopefully he may be someone they are aware of through the register kept for people who have previously committed these sorts of crimes. They better get this guy before he does anything more serious (no intention to lessen what he has already done!).

My thoughts are with you. You are probably still in shock and may find that it hits you in a few days time. Please speak to Victim Support if you can. If they are not able to offer you support and advice they may be able to signpost you to another organisation who can.

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Sorry to hear about this Noosh, hope your ok, well done for contacting the police.

He sounds a bit like the odd guy that hangs about on goose green and is often seen talking to himself, did you notice if he had a cut on one side of his face by any chance.

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they need to catch these pervs quick!! seems like theres too many loitering around here, not a nice thing to experience for anybody...

its actually quiet scary as i have a teenage daughter who goes to school locally.... theres every possibility he could strike again!

good to hear ur ok though!

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Poor you , how absolutely horrible and I hope you feel comfortable out and about very soon.

I don't think she really had an opportunity to defend herself as such and I don't agree with the statement that we live in an increasingly violent world. I think Noosh was just very unlucky, I'm not saying we should not all be careful but your post raymond (to me at least) sounded a bit scary.

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