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The What Time D'You Call This Thread


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Fuschia Wrote:


> Yes, I was awake at 4.35am too... have been up at

> all hours for a while now, late pregnancy... and

> not likely to end any time soon with a newborn

> now!

Me too, Fuschia - there are quite a few of us, aren't there? Many congratulations on your little chap.



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Sorry to hear you're back in Kings Fuschia, hope you get out again soon. Congratulations on your newest addition. I'm one of four, including twins, so have been thinking of you (& my mum!) lots.

The EDF accompanied me through most of my baby's night feeds this time last year, it was how I stayed awake (reflux baby needed to be upright for 20 mins post feed) and I was a bit paranoid about co-sleeping so always stayed awake before transferring back to cot. These days I'm queen of the lying down sleeping feed so not really up to posting but am usually here in spirit in the early hours! I did once do my Sainsbury's online shop at 4am...

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intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> Oh Fuschia ,poor you .

> Why are you in so much pain ? Are they looking

> after you ? Do you need a hit squad ?

Not sure the squeamish on the board want the full details but let's just say my bladder is yet to recover fully from the birth!

Apart from that, I am doing OK actually having my BP monitored ... am in a sideroom and quite enjoying the peace while someone else brings me food etc and I only have 1 child to look after. Poor MrF is at home wrangling the others...

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I was up from 2-5am last night with Little Saff. I'm so deeply traumatised by 11 months of broken nights that I didn't even have the energy to turn on the computer. Mr Saff is convinced we should just put her in the nursery in the dark by herself and let her cry it out. (I disagree b/c I don't think she is the kind of baby that would benefit from such approach.) For 3 hrs last night it was baby grumbling and feeding to one side of me, husband moaning and grumbling to the otherside. How's a person supposed to maintain any sanity???

'Cry It Out': Lazy man's sleep solution, or last refuge of the deeply sleep deprived?

For now I'm carrying on with lots of nighttime cuddles and hoping this phase passes quickly.

Wishing everyone lovely afternoon naps. xx

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Ah saff, I'm sorry! Totally respect your decision not to let mini saff CIO, it's true that it's not a universal solution. We did do it in the end after 9 months of baby only sleeping around 6 hours in a 24 hour period but I dowish we didn't have to.

I was up from4-7am. Baby b has a cough and everytime he coughed, he'd wake himself up. Shouldn't complain- he did go 9-4am without a peep- big improvement on the night before- woke up at 9pm and took till 1am to go to sleep, th awake from 5. Argh.

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It's a big jump from sleeping next to mummy to being in the dark by herself so I fully understand your reluctance Saffron, my first bub didn't sleep through regularly until I was in hospital for four days after having his little sister and dad had to take over the nights, he's now a very good sleeper so there is hope! He wasn't left to cry by himself even then, he did cry but was in our bed with his dad to look after and reassure him.

Now to get his baby sister in her own bed....

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