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The works party.


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Anyone looking forward to their firms party this year or dreading it.

Are you actually having a party,or do you work for scrooge.

Or have you been given a little present instead, a friend of mine is getting a Christmas pudding. his governer said

if its good enough for the queen its good enough for his staff .

So whats happening in your world.

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got my fourth one tonight!! It's great being a bird on a dealing floor as all the separate desks have individual parties and you always get invited. Was in a club last night and apparently I told Aaron Lennon of Spurs to get lost as thought he was gatecrashing our little corner. All the Spurs players were there but had absolutely no idea who they were.
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My last place used to have a place in Battersea Park called Evolution, took over the whole place and had a big old party for 1500-2000 people. Always had a classic old house DJ (last year John Kelly for instance) after the whole catered dinner thing, all with a free bar. Awards, Rolexes, Porsches being driven in etc. My close friend had to organise it all, the most stressful day of her year just about.

It was always a great party from some perspectives but I never enjoyed it.

Where I am now we're 20 people and hosted a client network drinks thing in lieu of a party - also not great.

Christmas parties are like New Year - being told to have a good time pretty much negates the possibility of it actually happening...

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My company puts up everyone in hotels, a team of 4 poker tournament with a ?1000 on each table (?250 each for the table winners), great meal, free booze all night (some still standing at 8am) and a cigar roller flown in from Cuba....who says Ireland's going down the pan....but i was at home with the missus and saucepans (in all honesty I'd rather be with them but pity it wasn't the weekend I got snowed in :X)
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Hmm, the move from private to charity sector has not been kind on the work party front.

Where once were trips to Paris, or weekends at the Vineyard at Stockcross and indoor fun fairs, now we had a lunch, to which we were instructed to bring nibbles. The lunch was conducted in the meeting room, and we had a 2 1/2 hour meeting, over our lunch hours, while we ate our own food. Result.

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Office Christmas parties suck and I haven't bothered attending any of them in a long time. The last couple that I went to were so excruciatingly dull and painful it made my flesh crawl. The false bonhomie and cheery drunkenness of the office oafs make my toes curl. Most of the people I work with in normal everyday life I'd probably cross the street to avoid.
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Of course, yes, back in the day when I was young, handsome and virile I'd be shagging a few of the secretaries and wake up in some strange bed and wonder how the hell I got there. Then back into the office the next morning and there'd be sheepish looks and nudge nudge wink winking. An embarrassment of riches for some good old fashioned ribbing from your colleagues.
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One the way home after the party, the taxi my drunken pal was in killed somebody. Then he slept all through Xmas Eve, woke up at 2pm on Xmas day, too late to get transport to his mum's house and spent the rest of the day watching telly with beans on toast
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