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One Born Every Minute Christmas special


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Anyone who remembers the "One Born Every Minute" series on channel 4 and the thread on the forum, there's going to be a Christmas special, Christmas eve I think. Looking forward to is, especially since have now had my baby so no longer have to dread the birth!
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I wish I could watch but I don't think I can quite sit at my mother-in-laws all day watching people give birth live on TV and make everyone else put up with it too. I loved the last series though. I'd be sitting there all day crying my eyes out.. For this reason, I cannot bring myself to train as a midwife!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Looking forward to it, though may have to watch on sky plus as Glee starts at the same time :-$

Really looking forward to the return to the original format (hopefully) as have to say, didn't think the live/Doctor embarassing illnesses/Julia whatnot format worked that well at Christmas - though the actual birth stories were lovely as always.

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I thought the xmas one was shite to be honest. I also wondered if I was less in to it because the birth of our daughter wasn't so fresh in our minds.

Will have a look at this series though, as the first one had some absolute comedy gold in it.

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They were both terrible presenters! especially when interviewing people. But also some bad links and awkward moments. It just didn't work. I also found it hard to get really excited about how many/which one first would be born on CHRISTMAS DAY, it's the births we tune in for really isn't it - i don't think the audience cared that much about who'd racked up the most Xmas babies etc.

it was nice to find out how the parents whose babies had been in special baby unit were doing - that was very moving.

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Mrs Keef made the point that the hospital is very old school (she used the term "out of the dark ages). All the births are women lying flat on their backs. I guess other births may be hard to show, without showing too much, but it's not really a realistic account of things.
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There's me and my partner talking about another baby in the next 2 years then I go and make him watch it! Silly me. Once again cried at both births and felt sorry for both of them. Then I remembered the best bit of advice I was given - concentrate the screaming to the pushing!
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Out of interest, what does "DH" stand for? I know it's your other half / Husband, but I don't know what the D stands for.

Just looked it up, and it means "Dear Husband". Yuk yuk yuk, you should all stop using it immediately!

Anyway, sorry, back to one born every minute.

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I know Keef, but it is universally understood so tricky not to use, mind you I think of it as Darling Husband, also DD or DS Darling Daughter/Darling Son.

My own favourite is ROFLMSO (rolling on floor laughing my socks off).

Did think for ages that when people put LOL they were sending me Lots of Love prior to realising it was Laugh out Loud!!

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I really enjoyed the show last night, brings it all back! I have vivid memories of wandering round the labour ward at Kings waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) for my induction to work and hearing a woman screaming like that lady last night - at which point I wondered whether it was too late to change my mind! I was the complete opposite, no noise, no talking, went completely into myself and dealt with it that way.

Looking forward to next week's episode!

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