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Motorbike knocked over


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Just wanted to report than my bike was found knocked over this morning. It was parked on the footpath, which makes me think it was deliberate.

I'm on Overhill Road, just wondering if anyone else in the area has suffered the same?

Am now thinking of hiring driveway space from someone to keep it out of harms way.

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I am sorry to read this, it is a sad sight to see a bike on its side.

Is yours one of the few bikes tied to a lamppost outside Honor Oak Mansions?

I often wonder how those bikes are not constantly ticketed for parking on the pavement.

I do hope it was not damaged and I hope you find a suitable alternative to the parking arrangements!

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My bike was parked on the footpath because it was knocked over badly by a van when parked on the street. They didn't stop, but luckily someone saw who it was.

It is also isn't possible to keep it in my front yard, just doesn't fit.

I'm 5 months pregnant so it's not going to be easy to move it elsewhere, but I can't bear it being knocked over again.

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for 3 years I used to park my bike on the pavement to stop people nicking petrol, but then I got a ticket a day while i was on holiday. I parked back on the road, petrol got nicked regularly.

Got rid of the bike.

Fuck them all

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I think I will move asap.

I can't really move it easily being on a hill, and I certainly wasn't able to attempt lifting it this morning, but I shall try and take it round the corner and park it in another street.

Shame I won't notice as easily if it gets stolen.

Never had my petrol nicked, but how can you really stop that?

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Do you have a lock for it? Put a front disc lock on AND a decent lock and chain through the back wheel. This way it may still get nicked but it would need someone to actually lift it up and put it in a van or a low loader. DON'T use a cable lock as they are too easy to cut through
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It is a public footpath,so I am not surprised it was knocked over.

Probably an irate mother with a pram,or maybe a mobility scooter.

You cannot break rules just because you are pregnant.

Looks like your bike is surplas to requirements.

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Well if pregnancy was a permanent condition, it would be surplus to requirements, but luckily it's not.

And I'm quite looking forward to pursuing motherhood with a motorbike. Life isn't about to end.

I didn't realise it was definitely illegal to park on the footpath, there are lots of bikes around that do. But I won't do that again.

Thank you for your offer DJKillaQueen, but we managed to move it last night to a side road, parked on the road. Whether it's safer or not is yet to be seen.

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Clare maybe this will become a repeating problem if there IS someone fed-up with the bike being on the paveement, potential damage on the roads and your increasing challenge in moving the bike around as your pregnancy develops. Perhaps mothballing the bike for a short while once you're not riding the bike anymore is an option, then you can relax as far as the bike is concerned and reinstate bike (+ baby) capers after the little one is born.
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I sympathise. I've had my bike knocked over several times with a fair bit of damage caused. If you park too close to another car there's a good chance they'll reverse into it. If you park in a space, passing vans don't see it when they duck in to avoid cars coming the other way. The best solution I've found is to park next to other bikes. Cars / vans are more likely to see the volume of bikes.
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KidKruger, can you explain mothballing? At the moment I'm just seeing it stuck on the street under a cover until I get back in the saddle as it where.

spinach, yes, I was parking next to a scooter, but it wasn't parked there all the time and it was during one of it's abscences that my bike was taken out.

It would be great if there was a general bike area set up where you could park for safety as well as perhaps meet fellow riders in the area.

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"Well if pregnancy was a permanent condition, it would be surplus to requirements, but luckily it's not.

And I'm quite looking forward to pursuing motherhood with a motorbike. Life isn't about to end."

Good for you!!!!!! I know someone who was riding motorcycles till about 2 weeks before she sprogged. Sproglet is now a young motorcyclist himself and we think the humming of the engine beneath him when he was in mum's tum must have played its role. Very comforting sound! (Not a Ducati, obviously....) I hope you find somewhere safe and secure to lock motorcycle away for the four days either side of sprogging and that it all goes well for you!! I shall make some stickers for your bike that say "Children in Panniers" soon as I can!


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That's classic PeckhamRose and thank you.

I wish there was a child friendly sidecar I could invest in.

More often than not it's other people that keep pregnant women off bikes.

But I am looking forward to relaxing summer rides while bubs spends time with it's dad.

And perhaps the 'white noise' to settle bubs will be me revving my engine a little!

I would absolutely display a sticker like that!

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I want a shirt that says, "if you can read this, my bike bitch fell off", but I love those other options PeckhamRose.

I certainly don't wear just a t-shirt, I quite like putting on my armour, all black, and then taking to the streets.

Only have one body and prefer it in one piece!

intexasatthemoment - I would love to see a picture of the pram/sidecar, sounds amazing, if not totally illegal now! lol

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