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Nasal congestion hell...

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My son is nearly three months. Almost since birth he has had a slightly dry nose which I attributed to the fact that the house is so dry, central heating etc. This bothered him and he kept rubbing his face on our shoulder, constantly attacking his face with his hands etc.

A week ago the dry nose turned into a completely congested nose. Mucus constantly dripping down his throat making breastfeeding difficult, frequent throwing up and sleeping at night almost impossible.

We are doing everything we can to help - elevated moses basket, humidifier, steaming in bathroom, karvol and saline drops /aspirator. He has had one night of decent sleep and every other day and night he is miserable, uncofortable and never content. I spend all day yesterday either bouncing, breastfeeding or trying to get him to sleep on me. Needless to say am exhausted and overemotional.

I guess I want to know there's light at end of the tunnel - dont think I can do this much longer!

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Supergolden your post brought back a lot of memeories for me. My son was the same, also very "junky" breathing and it was awful to lie in bed at night and listen to the sounds coming from him. The times he did actually sleep I couldn't relax enough to close my eyes, I just needed to keep listening to the breathing. Awful.

My doctor was great about it (and patient) and although she assured me that many babies just have more fluid in their lungs for a while she humoured me and sent us to a specialist anyway. I was assured once again that he was okay and would outgrow it. Something about a flap of tissue behind the nose/throat that is sometimes under-developed?

Anyway he did outgrow it, maybe around 4-5 months so hopefully you will have the same situation. It might be worth taking him to the doctor to reassure yourself.

Not sure if you had a c-section but I think there was something about that as well, they don't get squeezed through the birth canal so sometimes the fluids don't get squeezed out....... I know very technical and probably made it up in my head at the time.

ClareC is right about the swing, my son sleep well there (and not really anywhere else) so at least he got a bit of sleep in the day. Wonder if one of those colic hammocks might help?

Hang in there, it's hard when they're so new and you can't do anything to help them.

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Supergolden I am right there with you - my little one is only 3 weeks old and she has had nasal congestion on and off from birth. Apparently she now has a cold - we have been to the doctor twice and have been assured that she will get through it but it will take time. I got a humidifier yesterday and have spent the whole day today in the bedroom with the humidifier on - I took her downstairs for 30 mins and her breathing got really bad again so we are going to stay in the bedroom until the situation improves. Poor little thing. I know exactly how you feel it is totally heartbreaking like nothing else watching and listening to them struggle for breath. My little one also has green mucus - we were assured that this is from her cold. I hope your little one improves soon - we cant use many of the vapour-type products as she is too young. The only one we can use are the Calpol saline nasal spray which is nice and gentle but doesnt do a great deal (it was great when there was much less mucus). I have found lying her on her side helps a lot - maybe you could try this? You need to put a pillow behind her and then roll up a cellular blanket to put under her arm at the front so she doesnt roll over. You will also need to make sure to swap sides throughout the night so her arm doesnt get sore. I also have a wedge pillow under her mattress in her moses basket - she tolerates this for a little while too. Hope this helps and hope both babies are better soon...
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Snufflebabe is the 'vicks vapour rub' meant for really little ones - and the docs/chemist say to rub it into the soles of their feet (and their backs but not their chests). Don't know why, but apparently it's a magic trick.

I do feel for you - so worrying/knackering when you're just getting used to looking after a small bundle. It does get better - but I'm afraid to say increased socialisation (going to nursery etc) and teething brings on a lot of snot traumas too.

Oh - and throwing up green stuff seems to be pretty normal. Totally gross, but I guess better out than in.

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Have got an emergency appointment with GP. Even though the congestion is less "wet" he still has trouble breathing and I have noticed feeding a lot less. I feel like I am producing a lot less milk too - couple of times I tried to express to boost supply I got next to nothing (normally it's no problem).

I am seriously concerned. Even though he seems alert and engaged etc. when awake he is not producing many wet nappies (except overnight one which is heavy but then again has been on ages).

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Oh Dear. Hope your little one is ok too.

I had a total panic yesterday as C has not been feeding particularly well either - she then had an amazing feed at around 6 and then proceeded to throw up the entire thing in spectacularly dramatic fashion (5 or 6 projectile vomits full of mucous) (of course all over me, the freshly changed bed sheets, duvet etc.) She was then totally starving but I was empty so had to resort to her first formula top up. This went down a treat as she could have it mostly upright so no throwing up after. I have since been trying to breastfeed her semi upright and although awkward she at least seems to be keeping what she does take down. If this continues much more I may just have to express and try a little on the breast but mostly bottle feed. Maybe you could try formula top up Supergolden not ideal I know but I was amazed at how quickly C picked this up and it was total peace of mind to see 3oz of fluid go into her...

Let me know how you get on with the GP - like I said I have been to the GP twice over this - they have not been overly concerned and told me a week isn't very long for her to have a cold. Joy. I was mostly concerned on whether it was more serious than a cold or if it had spread to her ears (it had not). I mentioned re feeding being affected and they just said to feed her little and often. If they offer you any wisdom/new things to try I would be very keen to know what they say. Im just going to molly coddle her until this goes away. Will be thinking of you and your little one.


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Thanks Shauna and everyone else

Shauna I hope your little one improves very soon. What a rotten time for poo baby! It is very upsetting when they throw up entire feeds - I was in tears over this. My boy won't take a bottle unless the planets align usually middle of the night and then only if it's mostly breastmilk... BTW if you want to continue breastfeeding by all means bottlefeed but express every time you do - my milk once abundant nearly dried up because baby was not feeding well for 2/3 days. I had to express a few times a day and get nothing to keep milk supply going.

The (male) GP was great. He checked everything: chest, ears, mouth/throat etc. All clear despite the congestion. Told him baby was not feeding well and seemingly had no appetite and he said could be reflux but then examined his tummy and the culprit is... gas! His poor tummy was like a drum when he tapped it.

I can't believe it. Second time mum here, I should know better. Bear in mind I saw a female GP who observed me breastfeeding (or trying to - baby would latch on and then pull away crying)for over half an hour and her suggestion was to wash before a feed as my scent may be offputting (thanks a bunch btw)!! Not once did she mention gas as a possibility.

Anyway have been back on the Infacol and fingers crossed things will improve. Nose still very stuffy overnight but GP said to continue using saline (Tixilyx now do little one use ampules which work a lot better than the sprays). I really hope he turns a corner soon

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Gripe water is a wonderful invention. If you put it on a sterilised spoon, and put it up to his mouth he should lick it in...like a cat having milk, cutest thing in the world. You can give it before a feed and after, its herbal so there is no over using it.

Hope your little one clears up quickly.

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Your scent??? She's nuts. A baby always loves its mum's scent. Anyway, we've always had success with tummy sleeping if you don't find the idea too scary. Allows them to get rid of gas on both ends much more easily while in bed... Not particularly helpful with nasal congestion though. Hope things improve soon!
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Hope things have improved with you. C had a fantastic 30 minute feed last night and kept it down. Think we are starting to turn the corner as her breathing is much improved, but she threw up her last feed (which was expressed so upright feed) and followed it by a 3 min feed so we are still not yet out of the woods. I am looking forward to having a congestion free baby. Neither of us will be able to stand this for much longer...C is already on infacol with every feed for colic so in her case its not gas. I also took her back to the gp yesterday and again was told she needs to get through it but to have a low tolerance in bringing her back if there are any changes - so we are right to be concerned about them...

Hope your little man is breathing clear v soon.


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