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Royal Wedding Street Parties (Lounged)

Little Miss Epiphany

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Really important to understand that these are street parties NOT open events - expectation is just people from the relevant streets and possibly a few invited friends. This way everyone knows each other, sometimes just by recognition, by the end of the street party they'll know each others first names after sharing a day.

Really brings a street together.

Having people from other streets gate crashing would be really poor and selfish.

If anyone wanted a street party on thier street they'd have to make it happen on their street - plenty of other events in the calendar to have one later this year - and I'll happilly give lots of advice and help.

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Hi everyone, I am quite surprised to see how cold people's reaction towards the royal wedding! In the country I come from (Indonesia), there is a royal wedding fever. The wedding ceremony it self will be a live coverage on the local television channels there and a national newspaper has even have a special page on the royal wedding. I am just wondering if there is anyone who is really -relly keen to celebrate the wedding?
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of a couple of vacuous over priviledged leaches

I do not know the couple personally (neither I suspect does ratty) - so I cannot comment on whether either or both are vaccuous - their public statements are necessarily guarded, so they may appear vaccuous - but the Prince does appear to be holding down a quite serious Services job and Ms Middleton has certainly worked (if only in the family firm, although I know many people who work very hard and effectively in family firms). I see no evidence in Ms Middleton's case, of over-privilege - she is a normal daughter of a successful middle-class couple, so unless being middle-class is a sign of over-privilege I don't think she, at least, qualifies. Neither, yet, is she in any way benefittng from the public purse (I don't think Prince William either is in receipt directly of public funds other than his Services salary, presumably the same as any other offcer of his rank/ experience). Clearly he does have the benefit of being the son of a very wealthy man, but that does not make him a leech.

By all means attack the concept of an hereditary head of state, and a deference society which sees merit simply in being royal, but equally the reverse of the coin (attacking an individual soley because of their heredity) is also unthinking. I hope that the couple have a happy married life togther as I would wish any couple marrying. I will not be watching the festivities as I care no more about them than any other couple marrying, but I would not wish to deprive those who will enjoy the spectacle of their fun. And 'the rest' of us are not all facing the prospect of austerity and hardship, although undoubtedly some of the rest of us are.

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Oh c'mon Penguin...you seriously think the the privilege enjoyed by the Royal Family and hangers on is OK? They are lucky sods in a world where 90% of people are born into poverty with never any hope escaping it. And lucky you for not facing hardship but way too many ordinary people are. Ratty is spot on imo. I have no time for any of them.
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Well said! Lucky old Wills, born into life at the mercy of just about every stifling tradition you could dream-up with no recourse to escape.. for life. Spending every day of the year with a camera looking up his nose and a story in the press and not being allowed to go for a piss without being accompanied by four undercover policemen. Not to mention the dead mother, hounded to death by the paps, popping up in a new conspiracy theory programme, rolled-out every two years on Five.

I'm so jealous of the lucky, lucky sod. What I wouldn't give to swap places an inherit his lucky, super-charmed life.

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DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> I have no time for any of

> them.

"Them" - a term used to describe a minority group whose identifying feature is an accident of birth. Members of groups described as 'Them' are generally persecuted by the majority for something that 'they' had or have no control over. Feel free to apply this principle to a range of other minority groups; although don't expect to be treated so lightly.

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DJKillaQueen Wrote:


> Oh but they do have the freedom to leave it.

> William doesn't have to become King, nor does he

> have to do anything he doesn't want to. It's a

> complete myth that they (or anyone for that

> mattter) are somehow trapped and have no control

> over their privilege.

You're right. He could simply put aside those 28 years of indoctrination into the cult of monarchy and just give it all up tomorrow and live the simple life - in a semi in Surbiton, minding his own business - perhaps getting a modest job at Snappy Snaps.

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I'm also shocked that everyone isn't fully supportive of these two.

We're the envy of the world, 2 billion people will watch on Friday and wonder why some of us can be so anti.

Ratty if you took the time to understand what they do for society in the UK and further afield through their various causes and the voice they give underpriveleged people you'd soon get back in your cage.

Our society needs young, positive role models. I can't think of any better candidates versus the vacuous celebrities that have been pimped over OK and Hello in recent years.

It's a feel good factor the nation desperatley needs, so chin up and stop whining.

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Can there seriously be anyone in their right mind who 'envies' The Queen?

Looks good on the surface.. and being driven around in a Roller, eating with silver cutlery, not worrying about your gas bill and champagne on tap is all very well.. but the novelty would soon wear orf once one realises that one must attend 300 parties a year which one doesn't want to go to, with people you (at best) barely know or (at worst) can't stand.

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But it's not just the Queen though is it? And monarchy is symbolic of everything that is wrong with inequality and subjegation in a society - the 'establishment' is a direct manifestation from monarchy for example. So no ayresc I am not enamored by a group of people 'born' into royalty and I certainly don't evny them either. There are millions of people who have nothing, and do far more good around the world and sometimes give up everything to do so. My role models are those people and not the pampered and ever so comfortable Royal family who on the whole have everything, and give up very little comparatively.
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I think i have a fundamental problem with some people being "born to rule" especially when the examples of born to rule are Charles,Edward and Andrew. And everytime i see though vile porcine princesses rolling out of Mahiki I think i actually want to be sick. I have no real feeling about the forthcoming wedding I just hope that they manage to avoid embarrassing us as a nation like the rest of the royal aunts uncles and cousins.
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But dita-on-tees, they're not 'born to rule'; that went a long time ago, and even then it was only the first in line. Their 'job' is primarily one of marketing UK plc, but a quick look at the court diary shows they do a lot more than that.

I have no interest in the royals myself - I certainly won't be watching the wedding - but there are plenty who treasure the chance to meet them (sad but true) and all those visits made by even minor royals are on someone's request. I really can't imagine Prince Andrew thinking "Oh, I fancy addressing the Plumbing federation at their annual conference today, let's see if I can arrange it" but for some reason he ends up doing such odd things.

And DJKQ, of course there are people with far less who do much more but there are so, so, many more with similar levels of usable cash to the Royals who do absolutely nothing - why not pick on them?

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Well, Bob, that may be a police matter....

But seriously - 'inequality' is a word that's increasingly thrown about not to describe differences in opportunity, but differences in achievement. I think some confuse equality (and fairness) with everyone achieving the same,rather than everyone being presented with the same opportunities.

Education is free, employers cannot discriminate and, whilst connections and networking will always help, I'm not sure that society is anywhere near as unequal as some would say.

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