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Easy CWALD, that would only be a problem if the majority of middle-England was looking out only for itself and would vote against any collective effort to address the situation by...

....oh wait. You're right - I'm coming with you

Snorky - be more worried about other "peak" resources. Mining compnay BHP Billiton recently calculated that over the next 20 years the world must produce as much copper as has already been mined since the industrial revolution. And after that ...?

I have had dealings with Billiton on a profesional basis.

Scum. but they are not alone.

With all due respect,the eco rapists of BHP-Billion are not exactly in a position to benenfit from any statement stating there is too much copper to be extracted - price movements ion the metals markets are not casued by real shortages, but often driven by unterested parties taking stock off market in hot spot locations, driving the prices up - Billiton and their filthy broker cousins make money hand over fist in this twisted mens drinking club of the Commodity markets.

Doom n gloom statetments of imminent reource collapse benefit one group of people directly.

There is going to be a squeeze, but the fact that the commericial interests are joining in the declining rescources cruisade should be viewed with some degree of suspicion ( that isnt to say we are not looking at running down of a finite resource of course )

"if the majority of middle-England was looking out only for itself and would vote against any collective effort to address the situation by... "

Why middle-england. Surely that's just 'the majority'.

I think I said on here sometime ago that if there was one tree left in the world it wouldn't be a case of whether we could finally get collective action to protect it, but how many would die in the war to cut it own.

Unnecessarily hyperbolic scaremongering I know, but I don't think the sentiment is too far wrong.

So when it all goes tits up are we going to get plunged into a post apocalyptic, Mad Max style world where the fashion is all leather, skullls and big hair and our cars are covered in spikes and guns and powered by methane refined from pig poo?

You have to admit it would be pretty cool. I think I may start stocking up on weaponry and biker gear.

Fun as it all sounds I can't say as I buy any of the total breakdown of society apocalypse scenarios. Things will change, and current model is unsustainable, but the whole head for t'hills is all a bit black helicopters isn't it.

Even the black death didn't result in a societal breakdown, and man has not experienced a greater catastrophe (well, unless you actually take all that ark stuff literally ... weirdo).

It did result in a pretty significant rise in the wealth, power and status of what we might now term the working class, so I can see why CWALD is so excited ;)

I was only being light-hearted - I don't buy the scenario either

But I dragged middle-England into it because I spent the last 3 days in Daily Mail central and forgot how very opposed some people are to any sense of collective action even if it were needed.....

We are due a malthusian type of event - thinsg are gettinmg a bit too crowded at the minute

The US drive to domestic grain based Boifuels, is possibly the biggest con that has ever been perpetrated - pushed by the big agro boys like Cargill - its may - opn the face of itl- go some way to allevaiteting a US dependance on imported hydrocarbon, but will make the probelsm worse for the rest of the world.

We are eating into food sticks at a rate never seen before - agriculture isnt catching up with demand - the Chinese are not contesnt with a fish head and a bowl of rice any longer, they want fancy foods to show their wealth and status.

The need for a yellowstone supervolcano incident grows more and more favourable with each passing year- we cant go on like this - the blunt bottom line is that a mass cull may not be as bad as expected & may do the human race some good &hem a fighting chance of survival


Civilisation is ending, of that there is no doubt.

A convenient 'oops, where have all the americans gone?' moment would come in handy.

Barring that mockney's link to flow charts will keep me happy.

And my kids won't get the mad max thing at all.

Snorky is excating his partially collapsed back garden anderson shelter, with the aim of refursbuishing it to a high standard and stocking its shelves with tinned goods bought cheaply from Lidl. Snorky further intends to create a moat of burning ( carefully stockpiled ) oil that he has aquired from the waste sump oil tank of the Kwikfit on Grove vale - this should keep back the hordes of frantic ED residents , running amok on the streets clad in only animal skins and crocs, searching throught the smouldering skeletons of LL shops, searching for the holy grail of stone ground Oliver oil and

tinned cassoulet.

Snorky hopes that coming EDaggeddon does not involve flooding, else his carefully designed underground lair may well be useless and snorky may be forced to sratch amongst the wreckage of MooToo for useful items ( not very likely )

I just hope it all just gets on and ends soon so I can get back to buying stuff i don't need, driving about in a 4x4 the size of peckham and then settling down to watch endless sport on my plazmar skream.

Snorky, could you knock me up a diamondette anderson shelter? I'll pay you later etc.

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