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Winter babies club (due Dec 2011, Jan/Feb 2012)

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If there is somebody who had baby no. 1 like me and wants to meet up please let me know or PM me. I get the feeling most women in this thread have toddlers so all meetings are in the morning and I'd rather meet in the afternoon. Thanks
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Hi Loren, I'm sure there are lots of 1st time mums out there - they're just all hibernating, as like you and me, probably only just getting to grips with this whole baby malarkey! I know there's still quite a few people who are waiting for their little uns to arrive. Perhaps you can suggest a time / place convenient for you and then see who can make it?

Mine baby is the same age as yours - we are currently struggling with the crazy 6 week growth spurt! Not easy as I already had problems with my milk supply due to an earlier nursing strike and undiagnosed tongue tie. :(

Unfortunately I've been busy all the afternoons this week with various appointments, but I could prob make something next Wednesday. I'm quite likely to miss the Gardens on Monday (if that's on). Also thinking of maybe trying the Nun's Head the following Monday.


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Congratulations for all the new babies!

I have been following the thread and had every intention to make the meet ups with Kit, but I am struggling with getting going in the mornings too so haven't made any of them! I'm up for afternoons though and can do next Wednesday. I'm free other afternoons as well at the moment.

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Hello everyone. I'm new to the group too. It's great to find you. We had a lovely nct group for firstborn, and it would be nice for secondborn (born feb 2, a week old now) to have a little community of his own too.

Is there a core group that has been meeting for a while? Will take a look through the messages.

Sarah (and laurie)

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Welcome Sarah and Laurie... some of us have been meeting on Monday mornings at the Garden's cafe. You are obviously more than welcome to join us next week if you can.

If anyone is at a loose end on Fridays with their toddlers.. I've been taking mine to DiddiDance at the East Dulwich Constitutional club at 10am. (free trials available)

Daughter loves it and I am able to feed newbie and watch from sidelines.

I usually go for a coffee/ snack afterwards too so if anyone is around at about 11am and just fancies a coffee, let me know.

Have a good week... ohhh and a romantic Valentine's day tomorrow (YEAH RIGHT, those with newborns will be too tired for romance and those still pregnant will probably heave at the thought!!)

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Hi Missmack, definitely fancy a coffee on fri at 11 if you are up for it.

Baby Cillian arrived on 1 Feb after a very quick induction - he was born on the antenatal ward as the night midwife didn't believe that I could possibly be in labour yet! Looking forward to catching up with everyone now that we're beginning to feel a bit more human again.

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Hi Ladies.

I was wondering if anyone fancied a toddler meet one afternoon next week? Thursday sounded good when we talked about it in the Gardens? We could do play date at a house (happy to host) or at the herbs or the victoria maybe?

It'll be my first solo week so looking for lots of activities! I might be able to do coffee on Friday morning too as hubby taking the toddler swimming!

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Morning all, just let you know that our little man, Jacob, arrived on Monday morning, 5.50am, at home weighing a mighty 9lbs 13! Not sure that was part of the plan! So pleased we got to have our Homebirth. 11 hour labour, spent most of it in the pool, which was invaluable, as was the hypnobirthing techniques and the little bit of gas and air I had right at the end. Brierley midwife's have been amazing!

Feeling a bit shell shocked, but all doing well. Utterly in love with our little man. Would love to catch up when I'm feeling a bit more human.

Hope you're all well.

Caroline xxx

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Hooray, congratulations Caroline, and welcome to the world Jacob (love the name, it was on our shortlist when we had Callum). 9lbs 13 - ouch, but how amazing that you managed it all at home!

Look forward to meeting him once you're over the initial shock of parenthood.

Pippa x

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WOW Caroline... Congrats and sounds like a fantastic first birthing experience! Well done you!

Veryseriousgirl and littlemoo, shall we meet at Green and Blues from 11ish? Also anyone else is welcome too..

Ruth, Thurs sounds fab but as it's half term, Ava's cousins are down and we're going to the kids funfair on blackheath at 12... So I think her sleep may end up going on abit into the afternoon.

If you go ahead with hosting, we could always pop in after her sleep... Happy to also host in future weeks too... Keep us posted.

Hope to see some of you on Fri if not before!!


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Yes Ruth, next Thurs sounds fab!

If anyone is interested.. I'm going to the Mum and Baby pilates at Dulwich L Centre on Monday at 10:15am. The instructor Jennifer is lovely and tweaks the class to suit abilities. Monday's session enables you to bring baby to lie/ sleep/ play next to you whilst you exercise.. I've got to slim down in case of the mild possibility of me ever getting married!

Power Pramming is also on a monday in Peckham Rye Park and If i'm feeling particularly energetic may do that too. (12:30pm)

If people are meeting at the Garden's I could even pop in between for a Croissant and full fat Latte to give me energy!!

Let me know if anyone fancies any of the above... all subject to change depending on baby O's routine, my energy levels and the elements!


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Congratulations Caroline! We won't be able to make tomorrow I'm afraid as have a friend coming over to meet Finn but def up for a meet Thursday afternoon with toddler too. Toddler has become a bit high maintenance, to say the least-since her new brother though- I warn you!

Laura xx

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Hi all

I'm heading to power praming as I too am on mission to shift the pounds in view of bridesmaid role in April!! Anna- I look forward to hearing how Mum and baby pilates is. I was never brave enough last time but if it's gOod then I may start going.

Ruth - great idea re Thursday. I'd love to come and apologies for not being organised to have initiated an invitation to host as I had said I would! Bit nervous to host a toddler tea for first time to be honest so will take tips and host next. Let me know what time and where.

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