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re riots - should we be active and on the streets?


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I am in two minds on this - last night around 20 - 30 youths broke a few windows on LL - its telling that the only pub affected was the Palmerston (prob middle aged couples having dinner) as opposed to the Bishop (20 somethings drinking). However, Guardian/telegraph reporting that 60 year old man was beaten up last night trying to stop rioters in Ealing.

The Turkish shopowners in Dalston showed the way, although I would imagine that they are probably a more fearsome prospect than a bunch of nice middle class folk from ED . . .

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So far not so impressed with the authorities in this.... But these are kids and we are adults this is where we live, isn't kit a bit craven to hide away in our houses while they burn the place down? There are only a hundred or so at most - if we block the main streets with enough citizens in peaceful obstruction they will have to go somewhere else.
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danmaitland Wrote:


> So far not so impressed with the authorities in

> this.... But these are kids and we are adults this

> is where we live, isn't kit a bit craven to hide

> away in our houses while they burn the place down?

> There are only a hundred or so at most - if we

> block the main streets with enough citizens in

> peaceful obstruction they will have to go

> somewhere else.

...and if there's confrontation and the police get involved, who do they arrest?

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thats a fair point. I am only rasing the issue - already had one lady ring me - I dont want to encourage people to wander around being heroes. I was just thinking that a road full of people is impossible to get down.

Please dont mistake me for a brave man. I am discussing blocking not fighting.

Its not feasible or advisable unless its a large number of us and if it becomes too much then we retreat and we did our best.

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Jeremy Yates from Clapham: "I was in Clapham Junction when the looting was taking place and was part of a human barricade. About eighty of us joined together to stop them from going further into residential areas. One of them was shouting things like "you are rich, we are poor" and "we rule London tonight, not you." The scariest bit was when the police arrived and there was a stampede as about 200 looters ran down the street. Today I took part in the clean-up in Clapham Junction. It was like a civil coming together, a great atmosphere."

Edited to add... he's got more balls than me!

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lindylou Wrote:


> have decided to shame all you lot on LL and will

> stand their by myself. Hope ur all ashamed of

> yourselves. This is our community, our shops, our

> families, our homes.

I live on LL and I find your message offensive and divisive. How are you to shame all "us lot"? And what are we supposed to be ashamed of? Get a grip ffs!

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Its all discusting, They police are being to 'soft' on these THUGS, they need to be more tough, Water canons and plastic bullets!!!!! What is wrong with the UK? Do you know that in US you can be shot for looting????

Words are beyond me with whats going on, Id love to us all gather together and give them all a bit of what they derserve, NO MERCY, just like they had no mercy for that poor innocent man who got shot by a rioter in Croydon :(

We shouldnt be scared of these vile people, they feed on it!!!! :( it makes me so angry!

The UK laws need to change BIG TIME!!!! Or this will be a regular occurence.

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Had my essential posting on the peckham thread (nice and quiet tonight) but Kit Malthouse is a complete arse.

GinaBean - Daily Mail readers welcome in Tunbridge Wells, and very safe. Alternatively it was very safe in the East before the collapse of the iron curtain. Not a lot of personal freedom but safe for the majority

Do any other readers have a problem with Bing, which seems to be the default search engine on IE9. Now that does make me angry.

Please can we be proportionate.

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GinaBean Wrote:


> Its all discusting, They police are being to

> 'soft' on these THUGS, they need to be more tough,

> Water canons and plastic bullets!!!!! What is

> wrong with the UK? Do you know that in US you can

> be shot for looting????


One of the many reasons why I am glad I live in Britain and not the US.

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If that turd on the red scooter with yellow flashes comes up the roads off crystal palace road, I'll take a bloody golf club or piece of wood to him.

I think if possible we all remain visible in the area, around businesses and pubs and they won't come. We can't desert streets otherwise it is simply giving them all free reign to do what they want. Get in their way a bit. After all, they are 99% coward

Sleep well everyone

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Well done , and thank you for being who you are. If i could physicaly help i would , sadly recent surgery prevents me from standing strong or running for my life in either situation ,but trust me if i could id be linking arms with all of you thanks for protecting our community. Admiration to all that are making a stand.
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    • Report it to your local Safer Neighbourhood Police.  If you come under Dulwich Hill, there is a meeting at Christ Church Barry Road on  Weds 12th June at 6 pm and members of the Police team will be there, Last time we had 3 officers,
    • Southwark has an Anti Social Behaviour Officer who will take up issues re any Southwark tenant. The fact you spoke about a resident services officer indicates that Southwark has an interest. I have sat on committees with police and ASB officer have worked together to try and solve issues with neighbours. I will look at my records to see if I can find the name of the officer - it was a woman.
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