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Summer babies thread (due June/July/August 2012)

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Hi All

My second baby is due 7 August and I already have a 12 month old baby boy so would be great to meet other expectant summer mums. 10 march at the plough sounds good. Did you guys decide on a time?

Look forward to meeting all those who are able to make it.


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Looking forward to meeting everyone in March! We find out the gender of our baby this week, and can hopefully start thinking about names. Is anyone else stalling with baby naming?

Overall, I feel pretty good. Hope you all are too! No major aches or strange cravings last week. On the downside, I think I've discovered a new varicose vein on my calf. I can't really bend over to see it, so had my husband check and the eternal optimist in him said it's just a bruise.

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if anyone is looking to buy nappies in advance i have 10 packs of size one eco friendly naturecare baby nappies for sale there are 26 in a pack and they retail from 4.29 upwards im selling for 3.50 or 2 packs for ?6.00

pm me if any one is intrested and congrats on you pregnancys

iv just 5 weeks to go now scarey :)

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Umm, do we need a Summer Babies Club events co-ordinator?

The next meet up would be Saturday 10th of March, but time (2pm again ok?) and venue TBA - the Bishop and Plough have both been mentioned... anyone need to bring their child/ toddler along? Luckily I don't, I'm off the childcare hook on weekends!

For anyone around on Fridays, especially (but not exclusively) those with toddlers, I've suggested another playground/ park meet-up on the 23rd March.

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Hello everyone, Just in terms of being decisive, I reckon 2pm is a good shout for 10th March. And I think given the toddlers that may be in our gang, The Plough is perhaps the better of the two. Shout if you have any other thoughts!

I'm looking forwards to meeting you all. This week, has felt like a bit of a struggle for me - I'm only 15 weeks, but suffering with really bad lower back pain (anyone else have that?). I went to a preggo yoga class on Wednesday and think I picked up some moves that might help, but otherwise I don't think it seems to be getting much better!


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Biddls, I was getting the lower back pains too. The squatting exercises that were recommended didn't really do anything for me. Unless I was doing them incorrectly? However, I did find that if I walked around in a low-heeled shoe, my back was happy. Also try avoid walking downhills.
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Thanks vch, I'm not sure whether the swimming and yoga is helping or whether it is going away by itself, but seems to be on the mend (fingers crossed). Look forward to seeing you all for a chat on Saturday!
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I'm 34 and still in denial that I'm having a son. Go easy on the little guy! :)

julia2009 Wrote:


> My son will be 3 in

> May and is still in denial that he is having a

> little brother!

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Hello Summer baby mums

This will be my first and although I am about 20 weeks (due end July)I am still in a little bit of denial about the whole thing. Not for any bad reason just can't really beleive it.

I was really hoping to come and meet some local expectant mums on Saturday but I have to go to my cousins hen do that afternoon.

So I hope you all have a lovely meet up and look forward to the next one. Please post if you organise another one on the Saturday.

All the best

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I haven't contributed in a while but I'm looking forward to catching up on Saturday!

In reply to your post biddls, I'm a pre/post natal Pilates/fitness instructor also having back and pelvis issues early on. Start working on core and pelvic floor work early to support your growing baby. A simple exercise to do:

Sat on a swiss ball or on all fours, take a deep breath in allowing the rib cage and belly to expand. Then exhale as you gently hug the belly in towards the spine. You should feel a tightening feeling around your waist and a lift in the pelvic floor. Inhale to expand again and repeat. You can do this 10 - 15 times and then on your last one hold the "baby hug" as you continue to breath normally.

I've also starting swimming which I have found helps release some tension. Stick to front crawl or back stroke though.

If anyone wants to do a workshop one saturday I would be happy to teach!

Kellie (19 weeks)

biddls Wrote:


> Hello everyone, Just in terms of being decisive, I

> reckon 2pm is a good shout for 10th March. And I

> think given the toddlers that may be in our gang,

> The Plough is perhaps the better of the two.

> Shout if you have any other thoughts!


> I'm looking forwards to meeting you all. This

> week, has felt like a bit of a struggle for me -

> I'm only 15 weeks, but suffering with really bad

> lower back pain (anyone else have that?). I went

> to a preggo yoga class on Wednesday and think I

> picked up some moves that might help, but

> otherwise I don't think it seems to be getting

> much better!


> xx

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Really looking forward to meeting you all on Saturday after missing out on the coffee meet a few weeks ago. First NCT class done and tour of the maternity ward tonight so it's all become very real all of a sudden! Hope you're all well and happy x
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A surprise given that my little one is only 9 months at the mo!! Over the initial shock and looking forward to an August baby (due 5th). Did NCT first time around - we're all back to work soon (yes, even me - just for a few months) but will be glad to meet new mums and mum's of two especially. Perhaps we can arrange coffee?
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Hey folks - apologies for radio silence of late, I hope you are all doing well and welcome new mums-to-be.

Very much looking forward to catching up tomorrow - I'm delighted that the Plough is the chosen venue, it's a short walk from home for me!

I've hit and passed the half-way mark now (21 weeks, scan next Friday). Turns out I may be now starting to atone for the relatively easy time I had in the first few months - the pain is kicking in. Walking around too much/too fast is becoming problematic, I went and got checked out this week and the doctor said probably SPD. What fun! My new goal is to make it through this pregnancy without the need for crutches, wish me luck....

See some of you tomorrow.


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Sorry to have missed the meet up today ladies - hope you had fun, it was a lovely afternoon for it!

@jlo - sorry to hear about the SPD, but good luck for the rest of the pregnancy!

I really hope to meet some/all of you soon - maybe at the next meet-up, till then, hope everyone is well and is positively blooming (except for me;-( ) xx

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Hey everyone! It was lovely to see so many folks at the Plough yesterday in the sunshine. A proposal was made that perhaps we should do it again sooner rather than later - the theory being that if we meet quite often these days then all will get a chance to come along when they can. Once we get bigger and more immobile it might become more tricky, so let's take advantage of it now...

SO: March 31st was the date proposed. I think the Plough worked really well yesterday - but of course, I would say that, it's my local. Very happy to meet somewhere else if folks prefer.

Julie x

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