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Question about nappy rash cream (applying it)


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Not sure how to put this so will just be blunt

My baby has his first really bad bit of nappy rash causing him a lot of pain when I touch it so I'm trying to be as quick as possible with the cream

Do you put the cream all over or just on the rash?

Is it ok to put it right in his bum crack or it the anus bit too sensitive? can't really tell if the nappy rash extends in there

Any other tips? I'm considering breaking out the talc to avoid touching him as it really bothers him


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...hadn't noticed ref to talc!! Agree with Monkey to avoid the talc. Would suggest even less than a pea size lump would do - is much easier to add more than try and take any away/get it off your fingers afterwards! I use metanium on bugglet's bum every night and (touch wood) at 18mths she's never had anything more than a bit of redness on her bum.
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Feeling your pain on the nappy rash front? :-/ Teething is just shite.

I just bought Metanium and it seems really good. Was previously using sudocrem or waitrose bottom butter but other than providing a bit of a barrier, they didn't seem to help.

Have to say I haven't been spreading it very thin, I've been lathering it on, mostly because it's easier and faster and there's less touching/rubbing because every contact makes my wee one cry in pain right now.

With any luck, it'll have done its job and he'll be less raw in the morning.

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It's awful isn't it

Mines been going through a poo every nappy stage which has led to this, I'm wishing I'd done a bit of preventative cream but at least I know fr next time.

I think we will try to get a docs appt just t check him out. He isn't in as much pain today but it still looks very red.

Thanks for all the advice

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Yes, docs a good idea as they can prescribe stuff if it's fungal. Lots of nappy free time helps, as does making sure the bottom is bone dry before you put on any cream. A hairdryer on the very coolest setting helps.

Good luck getting it sorted. It is really miserable for them, poor things, but it can be cleared up quite quickly.

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We bought some metanium yesterday and his bum looks almost normal, so thank you very much for the tip. The difference is incredible.

Anyone else going though a green poo / poo every nappy stage, might be worth getting some in, just in case! Otherwise lloyds on north cross road stock it.

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. . . and change his/her nappy a lot more frequently until it's gone.

Another Metanium fan here. Am well past nappy rash now but swore by it when mine were babies.

Is it possible that your baby is teething - disgusting nappies often go hand-in-hand with teeth arriving?

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Sounds like metanium has done the trick for you. I do like Metanium but I absolutely LOVE raw egg white. It is the most amazing thing for nappy rash IMO and has cleared it up pretty much instantly whenever I've used it. It goes on really smoothly and looks so soothing, I swear by it and it's always my first choice when I see any redness (better on cloth nappies too). An old wives tale that really works!
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