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Woman attacked on everthorpe road (Lounged)


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Today at about 7.30 pm by three black youths, they ran off down Oglander and right on to Grove Vale. If anyone saw them 2 about 5'10", one a bit smaller please contact police immediately.

They were after her phone and had just turned off oglander road whilst walking back from the bus stop on grove vale.

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There seems to have been a few robberies around Grove Vale/Oglander Road/ED station area. Maybe another good moment to urge people to put their phones away when walking away from the station until they get home. Am still startled by the amount of people I see chatting away or texting on their expensive phones while walking down the street.
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what's shockinng about this attack is that there were 3 of them. Most of the other attacks in the area have been lone men. This was brutal. She was a 40+ woman walking on her own. 3 men set upon her and she had absolutely no chance to defend herself. She was kicked and punched whilst lying on teh floor.

Thankfully the local residents were quick on the scene and chased them off. Well done Atticus and John Beasley!

edit to add John Beasley

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I agree this is terrible. However, is it really necessary to note their enthnicity. Surely if anyone saw anything three males attacking a female would be sufficient to prompt any witnesses to come forward.
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For goodness sake!

Atticus posted that 26 minutes after the attack. He couldn't go with the police to look for the 3 men cos he had a toddler at home to mind. So he put out a description on the local forum in hope that someone in the area may have seen them run down grove vale and tell the police of the sighting.


Ps don't know how she is unfortunately

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meister Wrote:


> I agree this is terrible. However, is it really

> necessary to note their enthnicity. Surely if

> anyone saw anything three males attacking a female

> would be sufficient to prompt any witnesses to

> come forward.

FFS - Maybe they might have been seen later, in the minutes afterwards, so yes their ethnicity would need to be mentioned.

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That's awful - poor woman. Makes me sick...

Of course you need to mention their ethnicity as an ingtegral part of an accurate description - What's the matter with you?

Tall? Short? Ginger? Fat? skinny? Glasses? Black? What's the difference? I think they lost their rights to 'political correctness' the day they chose to kick and punch a lone defenceless woman for a handbag.

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meister Wrote:


> I agree this is terrible. However, is it really necessary to note their enthnicity. Surely if

> anyone saw anything three males attacking a female would be sufficient to prompt any witnesses to

> come forward.

Is there any need to note their gender, then? Surely 'three people' would suffice? I mean, we wouldn't want to be sexist, meister...

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meister Wrote:


> I agree this is terrible. However, is it really

> necessary to note their enthnicity. Surely if

> anyone saw anything three males attacking a female

> would be sufficient to prompt any witnesses to

> come forward.


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I think you're being deliberately antagonistic. A woman has had a vicious attack, and is probably hurt and extremely traumatised - I know I bloody well would be - and all you can worry about is the fact that the OP mentioned, having witnessed the attack, that the assailants were black.

Well, blow me. If I read that "3 black youths...." I (maybe wrongly) am going to assume they were blokes. The OP probably would have mentioned if they were girls, as attacks are USUALLY made by blokes.

I think you need to get over yourself and have some respect for the victim.

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meister Wrote:


> Please look again at Atticus's entry. He hasn't

> even mentioned the sex of the assailants. Black

> is the first descriptive word he has used to

> describe them.

Well Atticus (even myself) wouldn't of started the message with.... It was 3 males black or 3 females black........!

At the end of the day 3 BLACK Youths committed this crime and it needs to be mentioned.

Its one of the first questions the police would ask. No point looking for a white person if a black person has committed the crime.....

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'Youths' doesn't mean 'young men'. You're drawing an inference about gender based on the circumstances described. No doubt you are correct. But this shows the importance of considering why we choose to use particular words. Which I guess is the point being made by Meister.
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I suspect most people would agree that in common parlance, the word "youths" is almost always taken to mean young men. The phrase "young people" or indeed "teens" might be commonly taken to mean either or both sexes.

Can we just accept that on this occasion,as on most occasions when the term is used, youths means young men.

Well done Atticus - you live up to your moniker - a good man (I am assuming of course you are male - would hate to appear "genderist"!).

And I sincerely hope the woman who was attacked is recovering well and goes on to feel safe walking the streets of ED again.

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We weren't looking for the female victim. She was lying on the pavement at the time.

If this post had been started to 'inform' the local residents of what happened, then perhaps you'd be right to point that out

However the purpose of the post was to find those arseh0les as soon as possible and while they were still in the area

So a description was given

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meister Wrote:


> Please look again at Atticus's entry. He hasn't even mentioned the sex of the assailants. Black

> is the first descriptive word he has used to describe them.

So why did you say that "Surely if anyone saw anything three males attacking a female would be sufficient", then? Sounds like you made a pretty big assumption. Tut, tut.

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