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Skip (outside my house on Crawthew Grove)

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Dear residents of SE22,

To the very few of you who have politely rung our doorbell asking if you could deposit a few small items in the skip outside our house, thank you.

To the dozens of you who seemingly haven't bothered, please please stop dumping your crap without asking or learn some basic manners. Or just pay for a skip, like the rest of us.

Very annoyed,

Crawthew Grove

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I empathise.

The reason they can afford to live in pricy houses is because they're too tight to get skips of their own. One polite neighbour of mine managed to fill about a quarter of my skip with his rubble.

Hand in pocket to make a contribution to the cost of the skip hire? - Not a chance

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Some time ago I posted my 'law of skips' - I still think it holds

Some years ago I developed the theory of skip equilibrium (based on personal experiences in the late ?80s in SE Dulwich, and some previous observations in Clapham). This theory does not apply to skips used for builders rubble or garden waste.

On day one, the skip is delivered and you fill it with household rubbish. On night one the skip is half emptied by scavengers and a quarter re-filled by surreptitious neighbours. On day two you refill the skip by adding a further 25% skipfulls of your rubbish. On night two it is again half emptied and a quarter refilled. On day 3 you add a further 25%, now having thrown away 150% skipfulls of rubbish into one skip.

On night 3 the skip is emptied by only a quarter and refilled again. The skip has now achieved equilibrium; small amounts will disappear and be added until day seven, when someone throws away an old, wet, carpet which covers the (now mounded) skip and discourages either further additions or more scavenging. The skip is now collected.

The important point is that the skip being used as a public object actually allows you to throw away more than if it wasn't. The only caveat is that you must fill it quickly with your own rubbish on the first day.

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Surely a bit of minor skip usage by your fellow residents is but valid compensation for their loss of parking space. Combined with skip companies love of turning up at 8am on a Saturday and ruining my only weekly chance of an extra hours sleep.

Just feeling bitter about a skip on the road where I live, 5 weeks and counting, three spoilt sleeps, Must get out there and fill it now......

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i once came out of my house to see some neighbours coming out of their house with an awkwardly shaped bit of wood. i watched as they got almost out of their gate, then saw me standing by my skip, then quickly reversed and carried the wood back in.

made me laugh that i caught them.

its really crap that people use your skip without asking. my sympathies.

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What happened uncleglen was the skip arrived and a neighbour from a couple of doors away who I was on nodding terms with appeared. He politely asked if he could 'put a couple of items' in the skip, pointing to a slab in his front garden broken into about six pieces and perhaps half a bucket of soil and stones. I said okay and disappeared into my house and garden to get my own stuff. When I came out there he was, perspiring with effort. A wheel barrow had been brought into play with old fertiliser sacks filled to the brim with rubble. There were at least 10 in the bottom of the skip.

I expressed surprise at the quantity and he said he only had a few more bits. I said he'd better stop otherwise there'd be no room for my own stuff. He said okay, thanks, and walked off in a bit of a huff, rather put out by the whole thing.

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Have found and used Hippobags recently as an alternative to a skip - which was a great success.

They are smaller (in 3 different sizes), but also alot cheaper. You can still put what you like in them, within reason, and depending on the size you go for, it'll fit in the small front garden of a victorian terrace, making it less of a target for fly-tippers and because its comes folded up you can just keep it inside until you ready to fill it.

(If you can get it in your front garden - there's no need for a LA licence)

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tllm2 Wrote:


> Have found and used Hippobags recently as an

> alternative to a skip - which was a great

> success.



How do you then dispose of the rubbish in the Hippobags? Because one advantage of a skip is that somebody else comes and takes it away :)

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Sorry but this is quite funny.

We have never hired a skip but we have hired quite a good co that comes along and removed it. You estimate the amoun when booking and then pay by how much you fill their "open area" when they arrive. They really squashed it all down for us and I gave the guys a good tip as I felt they tried to keep our costs down.

How much are skips? I think our guys were about 90 pounds 75 plus vat or similar.

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Maccers Wrote:


>> Items clearly identifiable have been returned to

> their rightful owners (what were you doing dumping

> a bag of stuff with your medical records in...?)



Maybe the neighbours should club together and give them a shredder for Christmas :)

I know it's not funny, but afraid that did make me laugh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Giacomelli Wrote:


> Just advertise your junk for free on this forum,

> people always take free stuff.

I've got around 200kg of rubble sitting in my garden. Will someone really take that off my hands for free??

(sorry to hear about the skip btw, I sympathise having had this in the past too!)

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