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writing on my bmw

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thanks very much for whoever fancied writing on my car windows with paint last night, it was a great sight to see as i walked out of the house on my way to work(if you no what that means) it was nearly as good as walking out to find my motorbike had been nicked again a few weeks ago....lets keep our eyes peeled for these mugs who do this stuff to normal living working struggerling people......
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Disgusting but there's no way to stop these scum.

I've bought a bland car anything bling will attract the wrong kind of attention.

Unless it looks like a drugy pimp waggon... Eg Purple porsche

It's why we live in such dreary surroundings nobody wants to attract unwanted intercity attention....

Buy an Audi almost as good as a BMW witout the scumbag attraction problems...

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fazer71 Wrote:


> Buy an Audi almost as good as a BMW witout the

> scumbag attraction problems...

Surprised to hear you say that Faze, I always thought BMW was the uPVC of the German motor industry, whilst Audi is the hardwood option....ding ding, round 2! :)

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red devil Wrote:


> fazer71 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > Buy an Audi almost as good as a BMW witout the

> > scumbag attraction problems...


> Surprised to hear you say that Faze, I always

> thought BMW was the uPVC of the German motor

> industry, whilst Audi is the hardwood

> option....ding ding, round 2! :)

Both Upvc IMO .... ;) hehe only Morgan in the uk have the hardwood option covered living in the past big style...

There is no point in having a nice car in london It'll get scratched dented and abused by jealous tossers.

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kr1st3l Wrote:


> yes it was a tag but could not make out what it

> said,,,,,thanx 4 the reply

If you got a picture, Police might know or even someone on here may of seen it elsewhere or know whow it is.

If they are caught/ identified in the future may help your case.


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Sorry to hear that.

Was that on Underhill road? Saw a BMW had paint on it the other day so guess it was yours . There does seem to be a lot of graffiti on underhill road at the moment mainly "Gear" tag - which as with all tags is ugly, disrespectful, upsetting and utterly pointless.

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Southwark Council has the policy of treating Grafitti as Art. Just young people Expressing themselves.

Foxy said in the Stik thread that allowing Graffitti on E.D. walls and buildings would give the Green Light

for all the other Grafitti morons to reach for their spray cans.

Once someone sees Grafitti, Litter, they will just add to it.


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OH so sorry to read this. My car was tagged at the same time as some of my neighbors a while ago on underhill, we all had the word "VEX" scratched into our bonnets by some scumbag, and my car is an old banger, felt even more sorry for my neighbors who had much more expensive cars then mine, sometimes its just mindless indiscriminate vandalism :/
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Sue Wrote:


> DulwichFox Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Southwark Council has the policy of treating

> > Grafitti as Art. Just young people Expressing

> > themselves.

> >


> xxxxxxx


> No it doesn't.


> http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/200089/street_cle

> aning/422/graffiti/1


> And tagging is hardly in the same league as the

> lovely Stik murals.

Hardly a Mural. They are Childish doodles at the very best.

If you like the Stik Grafitti that much, why don't you have one painted on your house.

It surely would add value.

You cannot selectively allow some grafitti and procecute others.


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I remember seeing the grafitti team in action some years ago, not recently though. I was told that it was a territorial thing- much like wild animals marking out territory by indiscriminantly peeing on everything. Southwark Council say its young people expressing themselves- it's an eyesore for the people who have to live with it, or clear it up themselves.
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Southwark Council graffiti policy below. Can't see the bit about "Young people expressing themselves" Uncleglen and Fox. Get your facts right before you post.


What is graffiti and why is it a problem?

'Graffiti' refers to any drawings, scribbles, messages or 'tags' that are painted, written or carved on walls and other surfaces.

Graffiti is vandalism and it's become a really expensive problem. Removing graffiti costs the UK over ?1 billion a year. We and other agencies have to remove graffiti from walls, street furniture, telephone boxes, bus shelters, monuments and even gravestones.

Graffiti is:

Illegal - and clearing it up costs tax payer's money

Unsightly - graffiti is a sign of a neglected neighbourhood and is associated with increased levels of crime and the fear of crime. It also discourages investment and new businesses from moving into the area.

What can I do about graffiti?

Report it!

Click here to The following link opens in a new windowreport graffiti online or call the 24 hour hotline on 020 7525 2000. We can remove graffiti if it's either

Offensive (e.g. contains language or images that are racist, homophobic, express religious intolerance or anything else that could be described as offensive)

On council owned property (e.g. public buildings, monuments, subways, parks etc.)

Report graffiti vandals

If you know someone who repeatedly vandalises property with graffiti, you can report it to us using the reporting form and phone number above. You could receive a ?1000 reward - see below for more information about our anti-graffiti campaigns.

If you see someone writing or painting graffiti, do not approach them - what they're doing is illegal, they don't want to get caught and could be dangerous. Instead, make a note of what you remember about the incident and report it to us.

Graffiti on private property

If you'd like us to remove graffiti from your property, please contact us using the details at the bottom of the page. We can only remove graffiti from private property if it faces the public highway and we have written permission from the property owner. Click here to The following link opens in a new windowdownload a disclaimer form.

Once you have signed and returned it to us, we can remove the graffiti free of charge. If the graffiti does not face the public highway, our specialist teams will still be happy to do the job for you but will have to make a small charge. If this is of interest, please get in touch with us for a quote.

What does Southwark Council do about graffiti?

Graffiti removal

Southwark council receives around 100 complaints about graffiti every month. We also respond to reports of graffiti from our own street cleansing teams, the Southwark Wardens and the Street Leaders. In order to deal with graffiti more quickly, we've doubled the size of our graffiti removal teams and now deal with 96% of graffiti reports within 24 hours.

Our Street Leaders help to remove graffiti too. They are trained and supplied with mini graffiti removal kits for removing small amounts of graffiti from lamp columns, street signs and other public property. Click here for more information about Street Leaders.

Prosecution and prevention

Those caught causing graffiti can be prosecuted under the Criminal Damage Act 1971. Those found guilty can be fined up to ?5000. Young offenders may be given a community service order.

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Literaly the bottom line of the above post.

Those caught causing graffiti can be prosecuted under the Criminal Damage Act 1971.

Those found guilty can be fined up to ?5000.

Young offenders may be given a community service order.

Like a couple of days Gardening. Not even allowed to tap them on the wrist.


Best thing would be to Spray all their Designer Trainers and Clothes.

See how they like having their property trashed.


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DulwichFox Wrote:


Sue wrote:

> >

> > xxxxxxx

> >

> > No it doesn't.

> >

> >

> http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/200089/street_cle


> > aning/422/graffiti/1

> >

> > And tagging is hardly in the same league as the

> > lovely Stik murals.



> Hardly a Mural. They are Childish doodles at the

> very best.


> If you like the Stik Grafitti that much, why

> don't you have one painted on your house.

> It surely would add value.


> You cannot selectively allow some grafitti and

> procecute others.



Fox, I'd be very happy to have a Stik mural on my house.

I think they're lovely and very touching. And so presumably does Dulwich Art Gallery who I believe were involved in the local Stik initiative as part of the Dulwich Festival.

Do you think - say - Tracy Emin's recent drawings are also "childish doodles"? Or - say - Picasso's drawings? I guess you probably do.

Edited to clarify who said what.

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DulwichFox Wrote:


> Literaly the bottom line of the above post.


> Those caught causing graffiti can be prosecuted

> under the Criminal Damage Act 1971.

> Those found guilty can be fined up to ?5000.


> Young offenders may be given a community service

> order.


> Like a couple of days Gardening. Not even allowed

> to tap them on the wrist.


> Pathetic..


> Best thing would be to Spray all their Designer

> Trainers and Clothes.

> See how they like having their property trashed.



DulwichFox, so you are generally in the eye-for-an-eye school of punishment, are you?

What effect exactly do you think trashing their "designer" clothes (I doubt many of them can afford Designer clothes) would have on these people's future behaviour?

I don't in the least condone graffiti, but nor do I believe in mindless punishment with no attempt to address the (many, complex) roots of the behavioiur.

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Sue Wrote:



> DulwichFox, so you are generally in the

> eye-for-an-eye school of punishment, are you?


> What effect exactly do you think trashing their

> "designer" clothes (I doubt many of them can

> afford Designer clothes) would have on these

> people's future behaviour?


> I don't in the least condone graffiti, but nor do

> I believe in mindless punishment with no attempt

> to address the (many, complex) roots of the

> behavioiur.

No Not generally :- An Eye for an Eye would leave Everyone Blind..

***Address the (many, complex) roots of the behavioiur.***

Like they did't have a Teddy Bear when they were young. Arrh Bless.

Well I was born in the 1952 and we had nothing. No Television, No telephone, No stereo, No hot water, Outside toilet.

I did not go round damaging other peoples property. I did not Steal from shops.

These people are scum.

Depriving them of their precious goods seems to be a reasonable response to their selfish acts of vandalism.

They get away with it because of people making excuses for them.

As for being able to afford designer clothes. ?? Well many of them are wearing them, Drinking alcohol and using drugs.

We saw the riots on our streets where these people just helped themselves to designer goods.

The Police are up against it bringing these people to trial with people defending them.

The situation will only get worse.


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