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New out of town shop on East Dulwich Road

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Am surprised to see that James Barber refers to parking on Crystal Palace Rd near the leisure centre as a 'nightmare'. At the time when it was proposed to resite the entrance from East deulwich road he was in full support and positively sneered at my neighbour and myself - who live opposite-when we raised parking and congestion issues at the planning committee!

He accused us of being anti community and selfish.

Note ever likely to get my vote. wonder what brought about his change of heart.

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It does happen that anchor shops draw people to spend their money when they previously would have gone elsewhere. The local newsagent by my office closed down within 6 months (maybe even 3) of a tesco express opening nearby, having been open for years... Also in Cambridge a few years ago the out of town shopping became so popular that the shops in town started shutting down; people browsed there, but bought out of town; of course there is a massive new centre in town there now and no longer there regularly so don't know the impact. Just saying James might not deserve the bashing; competition from supermarkets may not detract all custom from smaller grocers, but it will certainly take some; whether any loss in sales would be enough to shut a few places down who knows-but the rents are going up and a few places have gone already do there may be something in it. (Also I'm not remotely politically motivated, but I find all the james bashing would actually sway me to supporting him rather than what I imagine the desired effect is)!
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If you read the case officer's delegated report it is clear the applicant satisfied the correct planning tests. It demonstrated that there were no available premises within any defined centre (not only East Dulwich but Camberwell, Herne HIll and Peckham too). On this basis, and going back to my original post, investment into an empty premises should surely be welcomed. It will create jobs and bring an empty unit back into use. Given its scale it didnt need to demonstrate what impact it would have of these centres.

As far as retail tests go, this application seems to fulfil these and really I dont understand James how you can be "amazed" that planning permission has been granted. Your Government is encouraging the planning system to be pro-growth after all.

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I've not been on the forum for a while and I've just read through this thread.

Yet again, councillor Barber shows his true colours: a man on a campaign to change the world into his personal view of what it should look like, with little or no regard for those who voted for him.

He now claims to be a friend of the Lordship Lane trader - hmmmm

Here is a deputation that Clr Barber heard from the traders last year about controlled parking:


After listenting to that, he was one of only 3 (out of 9?) councillors to vote in favour of controlled parking.

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The choices for this site are between a large nursery, and we have a terrible shortage of nursery places, or a retail shop but our existing shops on Lordship Lane tell me they re are really struggling.

Sadly Southwakr Council refused the nursery due to loss of office space that allows employment but granted permission for a shop which would employ less than a nurery. At appeal we managed to get the nursery granted permission.

Hi gsirett,

A number of shops on Grove Vale would have liked controlled parking running for 1 hour each day as it would enable their customer to come and go as well as deliveries to more easilly come and go. Equally a number of shops feared it.

It didnt proceed and your view prevailed. Well done. If you recall my instance the decision was referred to the Dulwich Community Council helped give you that opportuntiy to win. You may hat emy views on this issue but I helped ensure your views could win.

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> Sadly Southwakr Council refused the nursery due to

> loss of office space that allows employment but

> granted permission for a shop which would employ

> less than a nurery. At appeal we managed to get

> the nursery granted permission.

James, I don't quite follow this. Are you saying that the permission has changed again, so quickly (from retail to nursery). Or that it has now has 2 permissions - retail and childcare? (

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tomk Wrote:


> >

> > Sadly Southwakr Council refused the nursery due

> to

> > loss of office space that allows employment but

> > granted permission for a shop which would

> employ

> > less than a nurery. At appeal we managed to get

> > the nursery granted permission.


> James, I don't quite follow this. Are you saying

> that the permission has changed again, so quickly

> (from retail to nursery). Or that it has now has 2

> permissions - retail and childcare? (

Agreed - I'm confused now too. Which is it going to be, retail or nursery?

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It seems like a group including James B and (who?) tried to get a separate planning permission in place in an attempt to stop the retail unit. Who else is in that we James?

Also, there are shops opening up in Lordship Lane all the time so I really am not sure that they are struggling as much as they might not want additional competition which of course is good for consumers but less great for businesses (small or otherwise). What I find galling is that you support a supermarket in the new residential development of the garden centre (on other threads) so your opposition here seems hypocritical...

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