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Bakerloo Line extension petition through Camberwell and Peckham

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If only the Bakerloo Line were extended to Camberwell and Peckham. However, if you study your transport history, you will find that it was proposed that the line should be extended to Camberwell all of *80* years ago - indeed there are post WW2 underground maps with a dotten line showing this as a proposed extension (along with the abandoned Northern Line extensions to Ally Pally and Bushey Heath). And the extension has been proposed on many occasions since then.

So it may be wishful thinking - but I hope I'm wrong about this.

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Hi Renata

Does your petition correspond to option 1 from the TFL report http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakerloo_line_extension_to_Camberwell or another option? This has been on And off for ears. How do we actually get some traction and make progress on this? The inequality between north and south over the tube s plain for all to see. The need for infrastructure investment has also been highlighted. A stop in Peckham rye would benefit ED, nunhead, Peckham and HOP residents. The national rail services to London bridge are over stretched and unfairly priced when compared to a similar tube trip.

How do you intend to take this forward? Cross party support from all the councillors and MPs in the areas that would benefit from the option 1 plan would surely carry some weight with Boris et al.


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Thanks for drawing our attention to this Renata. I've just signed up.

A page pops up after you've signed inviting you to make a donation to the organisation managing the petition. I think it's important to point out that while many people may wish to make such a donation you can sign the petition without doing so.

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Has anyone seen the routes being considered for the extension via Peckham? At least in the old analysis posted by GEEK, if you follow the links, the extension will run from Peckham Rye to Honor Oak with the creation of a new station in between called Peckham Rye Common. Where is that supposed to go! I'm having a hard time imagining exactly where that could be created (except perhaps by losing a portion of Peckham Common). Can someone confirm what the current option involving an extension through Peckham would look like and where the services would be located?
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LondonMix Wrote:


> if you follow the links,

> the extension will run from Peckham Rye to Honor

> Oak with the creation of a new station in between

> called Peckham Rye Common.

Did you find any geo-technical analysis of this proposed route?

I can't see much of a problem with the Camberwell and Peckham stations as they would both be in the Thames valley.

Coming south into our valley for Peckham Rye Common and Honor Oak stations would be an "interesting" engineering challenge.

John K

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The Peckham Rye Common station suggestion is very attractive. Within easy walking distance for residents of ED, Peckham, Nunhead and honor oak. The overground and rail from HOP and rail from ED are stretched during peak. This clearly will be a massive benefit for residents of all these areas. The other options via old Kent road etc would not benefit us and we would remain a transport black hole relying on buses via congested roads or the above creaking train routes.

DOI: no engineer. I cycle to work in E1 and would continue to do so Bakerloo or no.

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It would help if people can be a bit more longsighted and accept that these projects require long term sustained agitation by residents so that when money is available the will is there.

Please write your MP. the fact that crossrail and crossrail 2 are higher on the agenda than SE improvements is shocking and requires action. It seems highly likely that infrastructure projects are going to be used to get us out of recession and therefore having a well thought out plan and political support from our GLA members, MPs and councillors means that when money is available this could get signed off on.

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GEEK, it's not really responsible to suggest citizens support projects without any information or understanding of the options and trade-offs. I support the extension but I want to understand if (and how much) of Peckham Rye Common would be destroyed in the process. ED History's question regarding the geological survey gets to the heart of the feasibility of the current proposal. If this hasn't been taken into account, then the analysis carried out regarding costs and the cost benefit analysis won't hold up which means it would be less likely to go forward.

I hope the extension happens and that we can secure the funding (I would personally benefit enormously) but supporting something with absolutely no facts is ridiculous.

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The common would be smaller (potentially not too much smaller) for an entrance to a subway station to be built on it. I have no idea how much of the common would need to be used for this (or if the entrance would be the grassy park across from the common). I just want more details regarding the plans and how they will affect existing amenities like this.
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> Problem is at present there is no concrete plan.

> For things to get to that stage then support is

> needed for the idea in principle. During

> consultation periods concerns such as those you

> raise can be aired.

I agree. I started a separate petition to demonstrate broad local interest in an extension to the Bakerloo Line without explicitly supporting one route or destination. It is a complex issue that requires extensive consultation. The important thing is first for the residents of South East London to express their desire for such an extension and then for there to be dialogue.

The petition is here - please sign, regardless of what route you support:


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Hi Renata. Like I mentioned - the two petitions are not mutually exclusive. It doesn't concern me too much that some Lib Dem and Labour councillors have elected to support a route through Camberwell. I think that it is important to show that above all - this is something that a great many people in SE want, regardless of what form it takes (if it ever happens). The petition set up by Cllr Peter John for a route that ignores the area where I live and work and is not something that I could sign so I wanted to create a petition that represented all people interested in seeing this project happen and underlining the importance for broader discussions.
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Always an interesting dust-kicker this.

To those who say it would cost vast amounts of money - of course, it would. But so does any major transport infrastructure, from Crossrail or Thameslink on downwards. Just look at the Northern line extension - roughly 1 billion for 2 stops, a quarter of which will (in theory) come from the private sector.

To those who say there's been talk of this for decades - quite right. A start was actually made on digging the tunnels from Elephant to Camberwell, they still exist. As I understand it the technical difficulties that south London has more of than north London (for Tube tunnelling) can largely be overcome now, whereas that used to be less the case.

My experience has been that Lewisham is pretty clued-up on this issue as a Council, even commissioning its own report, whereas Southwark is nowhere - despite the fact the line currently terminates in zone 1 in Southwark!

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Exactly, lewisham have been visibly proactive for years on this. Southwark appear to be joining in now. This is the most low hanging of fruit to ease and improve an important aspect of southwark residents' lives, transport. Also agree the defeatist attitudes about cost will ensure it never happens.

Who is the petition to be delivered to? Can the councillor a tell us what the motion that was passed said? What are the next steps? Is southwark commissioning a report Into the business case and benefits?

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