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Second time round spring babies

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Hi, if you're about tomorrow Daisy, or anybody else for that matter, I'm planning to go to the Albrighton Centre. I've never been but it's been recommended to me and Harriet's a regular. ?2 for soft play with a bouncy castle. It's opposite ish Sainsburys (a bit further up Dog Kennel Hill on the right). Fi (and Rosie)
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Hi, I'm afraid we're not coming this afternoon after all - H has been complaining of a tummy ache since nursery and, even in light of my suggestion of going to soft play with a bouncy castle (surely irresistible!?) she still maintains her tummy doesn't feel right, and she doesn't want to go out :( so I'd better take her word for it!

Hopefully catch you there/elsewhere another time soon.


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Hi All

Lovely to meet up last week, shame the weather wasn't a little better. Tess wasn't immune to the mud, she scooted straight into a huge black puddle and then fell in, oops!

How about another Monday meet up in the park as the weather is finally starting to seem a bit more spring like, 30th March maybe?

I think I suggested an evening meet up on the 16th, however as the main group is meeting on the 18th I think it will be easier to just go to that one.

H x

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I'm not sure we can do 30th sadly, but hopeful for the evening of the 18th!

Also, thought I'd mention, as it may be helpful for other second time mums who, like me, haven't done NCT or anything this time and feel a bit fuzzy-headed about the details of labour, that there is a really good (depending on your working days/maternity leave start date) drop-in antenatal class run by a lovely midwife from King's, Nicky Harris, every Tuesday morning at the Bessemer Grange Children's Centre from 11-12. I went for the first time yesterday, when in fact I was the only one to drop in, but it only started after half term, and she is expecting more mums in the coming weeks. In any case, it meant that I had the luxury of an hour long one-to-one refresher course on childbirth (slightly terrifying!), and the chance to ask as many questions and talk about anything I wanted for as long as I liked - a luxury the NHS isn't usually in a position to give! So I'd really recommend it if you get the chance to go, even if just to complement what you're getting from your routine antenatal appointments with your own midwife. I was really hoping it would be another avenue to meet other mums too, and get the kind of community spirit going that NCT did for us last time, and that may come if more people start to go too.

Daisy x

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Oh no Harriet! I'm sorry Tess fell prey to a giant puddle too. Definitely keen for the 30th park meet and will do the 18th if my husband doesn't have to work late late.

Thank you for Albrighton centre tip Fi, (have been recommended a good Monday morning breastfeeding cafe there, I think?) and the antenatal class too, Daisy.

Hope everyone and their respective bumps are doing well!

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Hi all,

I'm not going to be able to make the 30th park meet up - final holiday to my parents if that counts as a holiday! but hope to see some of you on the 18th.

Thanks for the tip Daisy. Hopefully there will be a few more takers and I'll be able to make a session at the beginning of May when I finally finish work.

Fi x

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Hi there,

Great seeing some of you last night! We were talking about fixing another daytime meet up, perhaps after the Easter holidays. How does the afternoon of Friday 17th April sound? We could do Peckham Rye again if that worked for everyone last time.

Katie x

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Hey folks, sorry I've not been on here for a while! I could do Mon 30th if I've not popped yet. Saw Annabel last Mon at Muddy Boots group on Devonshire road, which was ace. Might be a nice thing to do? Starts at 10am until nearly 12. Alternatively, could do Horniman museum / playground for having a backup indoors option and somewhere to grab lunch if you fancy it too? X
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Hello, just to let you know another spring baby has arrived!

Zach was born last week via c section. All went ok and we're home now. Think it will be a little while before I can venture out as need to recover from the op - am pretty immobile at the moment, but hoping I will be back to normal soon. Zach's older brother Oscar has been great so far - welcoming, helpful and gentle, hopefully that will continue!

Anyway, I will join you all for future meet ups as soon as I can.

Hope everyone's well and bumps are growing nicely. Look forward to hearing news of other arrivals soon,

Ruth x

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Lovely to see you all and the toddlers this morning, hopefully we can have another meet up soon. Harriet told me a tip from her MW about eating dates in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Googled and found this research: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/21280989/ (N.B have no idea if this was paid for by dried fruit lobbyists) Anyway, have duly added some to my Ocado order!

Wishing anyone due in next couple of weeks swift and easy labours, and newborns who sleep of course!

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Sorry to miss you all again, can't wait to finish work at the end of the month so I can do more fun stuff locally!

Interesting article re dates. I love dates & was eating them fairly regularly up to the birth & during my initial contractions (along with hoofing plenty of Twixes, it has to be said). The birth of my daughter was very quick & straightforward by all accounts, so perhaps there's something in it?!

Looking forward to meeting you all before too long.

Suzie & Iona

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Lovely to meet some of you at the EDT a couple of weeks back. Just to report the arrival of Laura last Monday, 23 March. She was a few days early, and arrived so quickly that it was an unplanned homebirth as we didn't have time to get to Kings. All went very smoothly thanks to the lovely Oakwood midwives. Interested to see the discussion about dates above - I had followed my midwife's advice to eat six dates a day from 36 weeks. A not very scientific sample of one but it worked for me this time round - a totally different experience to the three day induction with my first daughter. I haven't fancied a date since though!

Anyway, couldn't quite manage meeting up on Mon, but would def be up for meeting up with any Spring bumps and babies from next week onwards.


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