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Gay saturation.


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The other saturation Simon Cowells monopoly of t.v. dont vote for B.G.T. its a forgone conclusion that Boyband will be the winners, never seen such a well groomed put together band by Simon since Harry Jagger andh his thrown in bandmates of one direction,its a farce.
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*Bob* Wrote:


> What sort of a witless existence must a person

> lead to give enough of an actual toss about soap

> opera plotlines and manufactured talent shows - to

> commit fingers to keyboard with any degree of

> seriousness?

Blah Blah Wrote:


> A not very bright homophobe?

Jah Lush Wrote:


> I love you *Bob*. x

As you were...

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A quick Google search gives the following definition... "The avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against". Which could probably be simplified to "not being a bully". Sounds OK.
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I think I can help here Tarot.

I've attached a picture of something called a 'remote control'. This is used to 'remotely control' your 'television' without the minimum of effort. If you look carefully there are numbered buttons - pressing these allows you to change the 'channels' to see something different.

There's also a row of coloured buttons. Simply press blue for 'less gay', yellow for 'less foreigners' etc etc

If all else fails, there's the 'off' button.


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If this lady* were a man, she'd be gay for *Bob*.

And if this lady were a gay car, she'd run Tarot down. Who knew there were still these thoughts? I'm naive, I guess I didn't.

*NB - this lady is using 'lady' only in reference to a famous feminist story, just in case Otta was wondering.

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lol Heterophobes!

Do you feel presecuted now Tarot because no-one shares your same bigotted viewpoint. You haven't actually responded to a single point made, all of them far more sensible than your view that children can be adversely affected by seeing gay characters in a soap drama. Have ANYTHING to say about that? Head, cloud, cuckoo land comes to mind.

Meanwhile, Dot I believe is an android. That's why she looks not a single day older from her appearance in the first episode.

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