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I am guessing you're gay yourself, BBW, and using that expression ironically?

To be honest, whether this is some flippant bit of "irony" or not, it's pretty tasteless and inappropriate. I'm also amazed that I'm the only one to challenge it (perhaps you were just waiting for someone to bite). Needless to say, if you had used a racial slur you would have been challenged, so I don't see why you think this is any different.

Anyone remember Muffintop's enormous thread about racism - where everyone piled in to rubbish my statement that homophobia was generally more tolerated? Well, well, what a surprise. Where are all those people now to challenge this unacceptable remark? Bet if someone had used a racist word they would be falling over themselves to have a go.

Double standards or what?

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James, I'm unconvinced this is double standards.

I rather think it's more the case that people are uninterested in Torchwood, so didn't bother reading the thread. Agree with Mockney - it is offensive. Suggest you report it.

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Totally agree with everyone that BBW's language (not to mention judgment and attitude) was out of order

But I'm also disappointed that James was, within less than 10 minutes, playing the double-standards card. On a thread about Torchwood FFS!. And did James report it? No - just a whinge and a finger-wag from him

Actually I'm more than disappointed - I'm a bit pissed off re-reading it again. Uncalled for presumptions James...

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slight retraction and (another) apology to James

less than 10 minutes? more like 12 hours later! Whoops - sorry again for not reading PROPERLY

That said, it's more to do with the thread being low-traffic than a tolerance of what BBW said James. You know I'm shoulder to shoulder with you on the general point

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Absolutely what Sean said, but in a "throws hands up in the air in exasperation" rather than school teachery kind of way (me and school teachers, a whole new different thing).

I reported the language and I don't mind saying so. I think BBW sometimes crosses the line and this was one of those times. BBW, you must have known that the language you were using was offensive and it was unacceptable.

But James, you know what? I hadn't read it until after 1pm today, and I really doubt that other people had either - just me and the sci-fi geeks.

Edited for unnecessary shouty capitals.

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I agree, perhaps I was being hasty in accusing people of double standards. Sorry for that.

And I am heartened by the supportive responses Rosie, Sean and Mockney.

The post seems to have been removed now, in any case. I'm confused by BBW's motivation - attention-seeking perhaps?

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oooh d'ya think? ;-)

Compared to some of BBW's posts, particularly in his early career, it was almost (ALMOST) benign. He has generally been better behaved since he attended a couple of drinks but he is prone to crossing a line from time to time

Anyway - I wouldn't have noticed his post were it not for it being reported so 2 things to bear in mind:

1) If a post bothers you, report it

2) Torchwood - not as popular as all that

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Oh god no, I never watched Torchwood - just those 5 episodes on iplayer when getting in late at night and needing to wind down. How foolish I was...

(and you know I don't really think That Programme's about drugs, don't you?)

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