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former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?

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Sorry to go slightly off the current theme, but I just received my selectDna kit from the community police. I was trying a few months ago but they had evidently run out of them. Glad to say they are indeed in and the community police kindly came round to deliver and show me how to use it.

Thanks also to Councillor Barber for your speedy reply to my PM - would have put this on the 'so much for James Barber's contributions thread' to say that you've been helpful to me.

Many thanks,


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Hi Steady Eddy,

I'm afraid despite your lengthy explanations I still don't get the problem I'm causing you.

I've not stated I have any information I'm withholding from any other councillor. I have different experiences to other councillors and will draw different conclusions and priorities than them.

Your suggestion that councillors only ever talk about things within their narrow ward boundaries is a form of censorship.

If an issue affects residents from the ward I represent I will seek redress. Taking your suggestion to its logicial conclusion no Southwark councillor could ever comment on anything to do with Kings College hospital for example which clearly serves as many Southwark as Lambeth residents but is located in Lambeth. I'm afraid I wont be gagged. I will fight for East Dulwich residents.

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Thanks so much for achieving in a day what I couldn't do in over a year - someone has come and put a notice on "my" tree stump asking people not to park there tomorrow due to "tree work".

I thought the handwritten "Merry Christmas" under the bit saying they would be towed away if they did was a nice seasonal touch :))

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There is a lively thread on parking wardens and the application of their powers on this site (see Parking Wardens - Setting a Poor Example). I've already complained to Nick Costin (the manager in charge of parking)about the fact that his staff park on the kerb, on yellow lines on dangerous corners, block disabled ramps and park in loading bays. His manager, a Mr Mahmood, wrote back to me saying that Civil Enforcement Officers are allowed to disregard all parking restrictions in exercise of their duties (which you can read as: "we're allowed to ignore parking restrictions so we will"). This power apparently comes from the Road Management Act 1984 (although when I read it I couldn't see anything giving that right to ignore parking restrictions)

I'm not happy with Mr Mahmood's response at all, as the reason that the Civil Enforcement Officers exist is to enforce parking restrictions for the public good. By breaking those restrictions, they are therefore acting against the public good. Besides, this it sets an appalling example by appearing to suggest that the council can do what it wants - do what I say not what I do. And finally, when they park dangerously, this leaves the council open to legal action if anyone is injured as a result of an accident caused by their dangerous parking.

What are your views on this?

Additionally, there appears to be quite a few people on that site who think that the council are acting very poorly indeed when it comes to enforcing parking restrictions. I'm sure everyone appreciates that they are doing a necessary job but why so heavy handed. The council should be working WITH people, not acting as a big brother type organisation there to oppress the people who pay their wages (i.e. the council-tax payers) and certainly not sending round the baliffs unless really necessary.

Any thoughts on this?

Finally, I have repeatedly pointed out to Mr Nick Costin that the double yellow lines on my street, are degraded and breaking up, therefore making them totally ineffectual, and that these yellow lines are vital to ensure that a sharp corner doesn't have people dangerously parked on it (apart from his Civil Enforcement Officers of course!). Should he not at least attempt to get that fixed instead of just ignoring repeated notifications? Is this man incompetent, lazy or just overworked? Or can you remind him that maintaining double yellow lines is part of his job?


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Hi Steady Eddy,

I'm the chief whip. I helped review, multiple times, the latest councillors code of conduct. I've posted a copy for you to read. You have accused me of breaking rules. I have broken no rules. I have explained how you can report me if you think I've broken any rules. I'm not breaching any etiquette. Frankly I think you're misguided in your understanding.

Now, please, I'd like to help people with real problems, issues and concerns.

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Hi Gimme,

I believe that any vehicle that stops should stop somewhere safely and without compromising anyone else's safety. I can understand, if such a rule exists, enforcement officers being allowed to temporarily stop but only safely.

I'd hope that any enforcement officers would use their judgement carefully about when to enforce and when to be more understanding. However, most of us seem to take on a different persona when we're behind the wheel.

Equally, I don't expect enforcement officers to feel the need to describe some parts of East Dulwich as code red areas where they have to take extra precautions for their own safety before visiting. This is East Dulwich not the wild west.

Hope that makes sense.

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Thanks for answering but your answer didn't make total sense...

You said: "Equally, I don't expect enforcement officers to feel the need to describe some parts of East Dulwich as code red areas where they have to take extra precautions for their own safety before visiting. This is East Dulwich not the wild west." Do enforcement officers describe some parts of East Dulwich as code red areas? I'd never heard that before. Can you clarify or justify?

Secondly, although you "hope" that enforcement officers stop somewhere safely to enforce and use their judgement and understanding about when to enforce, this clearly is not happening. I understand that you have merely been asked for your thoughts in this thread and have given them, but would you also be able to communicate to the managers in question that their staff should be both parking safely and using understanding and / or discretion? This will allow the parking managers to reinforce this with their staff.

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The Bishop pub on Lordship Lane has had another car crash into it yesterday afternoon - we'll try and get bollards placed to protect the pedestrians and pub users from this. Third car is 18 months. Apparently, it was a parked car in East Dulwich Grove that presumably didn't have it handbrake on.
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Hi Steady Eddy,

I'm sorry I've disappointed you but what you ask for is not possible.

When residents, whether they live in East Dulwich ward or not, contact me for help they provide personal details and details of personal problems. I can't in good faith pass around those details as you've requested even if I wanted to.

However, I do explain when residents come from a different ward that fact but that if they want me to help I'm happy to. I'm positive some East Dulwich residents will have asked councillors from other wards for help as few know the artificial ward boundaries. I've had one piece of casework handed to me from a Tory councillor. I've never had a piece of casework handed to me from a Labour councillor. On this basis your request seems partisan.

You've clearly indicated that you don't like Southwark Council being led by the Liberal Democrats.

If your motivation is party political then I'm happy to meet with you and debate but this thread is aimed at East Dulwich residents highlighting issues and concerns.

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good afternoon

could you please shed some light on the issue of why was the side roads as well as pavements not gritted over the weekend

i have read on the council website that maintaince has been contracted out but a bit of common sense would say... we have had a severe weather warning over the weekend lets send out some staff so gritt the roads

sorry but i do not understand this i pay council tax surley this is included what i pay for???????

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