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former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?

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This one ?https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/William+Hill/@51.4574061,-0.071182,3a,52.5y,121h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sKcfIzUDyIYTpngq7Y_7fUw!2e0!4m9!1m6!2m5!1sbetting+shop!3m3!1sbetting+shop!2s42+Hindmans+Rd,+London+SE22!3s0x487603be18b649b3:0x8381980c9759e47!3m1!1s0x4876039607b48ea3:0xb8fef3d2e09cdb7b!6m1!1e1

99 Crystal Palace Rd ,junction with Upland ?

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intexasatthe moment Wrote:


> This one

> ?https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/William+Hill/

> @51.4574061,-0.071182,3a,52.5y,121h,90t/data=!3m4!

> 1e1!3m2!1sKcfIzUDyIYTpngq7Y_7fUw!2e0!4m9!1m6!2m5!1

> sbetting+shop!3m3!1sbetting+shop!2s42+Hindmans+Rd,

> +London+SE22!3s0x487603be18b649b3:0x8381980c9759e4

> 7!3m1!1s0x4876039607b48ea3:0xb8fef3d2e09cdb7b!6m1!

> 1e1

If it is this a house would complete the row of house as they were originally built.

The key is in your post "returned to a home"

Are you for or against?

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"A new alcohol licence has been applied for 151 Lordship Lane to sell alcohol Mon-Sat 9am-11pm, Sun 10am-10.30pm"

Is that the old Speedo Pizza site? The application doesn't show up on the licensing register web page - any more details available?

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James Barber Wrote:


> A new alcohol licence has been applied for 151

> Lordship Lane to seel alcohol Mon-Sat 9am-11pm,

> Sun 10am-10.30pm.

> Please see attached.

> The hours appear OTT.


Whilst it may seem "OTT" to some it should always be remembered and considered with any application that licence hours are not the same as opening or even operating hours...

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Hi James

The traffic counts are interesting. On what basis and for what reason do these counts get made for some roads and not others. This is relevant of course to the ED Grove and Townley junction development consultation that is ongoing where the evidence base is not clear. Do TfL produce anything separately?

thanks for any insight.

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Hi @Woodwarde,

I'm sure TfL produce their own stats but they'll be for the roads they're responsible for.

If you'd like to view traffic and speed counts please see:


and click "Southwark traffic flow survey" option and then move the map to the location you're interested in.

I've found this mapping doesn't automatically include all counts but most. Currently pairs of rubber tubes across lots of roads - so lots of traffic count results coming soon.

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I've had two reports of rubbish bins vanishing:

1st Junction of Worlingham Road with East Dulwich Road

2nd Bus stop outside the closed Police station entrance (Lordship Lane/Whately Road junction)

I'm hopeful we can get them put back.

IF you think a rubbish bin has been removed and it is needed please let me know.

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Hello there,

Apologies if this has already been raised but I am curious as to when the 'bike box' markings at the traffic lights on East Dulwich Road by Goose Green (by the turn on to Adys Road) is going to be re-painted-? It's always annoying (and increases danger for cyclists) when drivers decide to block bike boxes but in this spot the markings are now pretty much invisible to everyone.


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Hi James, if you're canvassing opinion on the bookies being turned into a house - I would prefer a shop as agree it would encourage more people to go down to the other shops on Upland Road. However, being turned back into housing would be preferable to leaving it empty, as it's been for a while now.
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We don't have enough housing as shown by the high house prices and given the number of shops have closed/turned into charity shops or estate agents in the time I've been here, I would suggest we have already have plenty of shops, so I would support turning the bookies back into housing.

Do we know what the old building opposite the actress that is now being worked on that had been boarded up for years is going to be turned into?

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Hi James,

I am not sure if this has been raised with you but I wondered if you could ask the relevant person/dept at Southwark to do something about the gates on Goose Green, particularly the one going out to the busy East Dulwich Road.

I walk my dog there every day and have had a couple of close shaves recently as someone had left the gate open and my dog got out onto the busy road. She is still a pup and a bit clueless but I would not like her to cause an accident.

I think at least a sign but surely something to make the gate self-closing could be put on at relatively low cost?

Thank you!

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Re rubbish bins vanishing, one used to be at the corner of Muschamp and Oglander, and another was at the corner of Ondine and Marsden. There also used to be a dog poo bin in Everthorpe Road, at the Oxenford end, which disappeared, some time ago. I realise these roads aren't in your area, but thought I would mention them.
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with regards to the old betting office opposite the actress, it would be nice if it was a shop, effectively extending north cross road - leading up to the two lovely jewellery shops. That little parade had a nice boost with those two shops opening, along with the 'junk shop' and the brilliant rye books further up. It is a shame that the shop next to he junk shop has been turned into housing as that would have added to 'the parade'.
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hi. I wondered if anythinbg can be done about the profliferation of skips and builders materials left for weeks on the roads. Parking is bad enough without some builders apparently using the road as an extension of their working premises. Not to mention slippery pavements with concrete etc on them.

Also when the skips are removed there's usually a lot of rubbish left behind which is an obvious eyesore (our road was aweful yesterday with rubbish blown about) and causes a lot of extra work for your road cleaners.

Some sort of tax/time limit/fines for leaving rubbish behind?

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Hi janemarple,

Have requested the Advanced Stop lines for cyclists are renewed.

Hi sedm,

Thanks for feedback,

Hi indiepanda,

The building you refer to is the old East Dulwich police station and will become flats with the rear yard havings everal houses facing onto Upland Road.

Hi bornagain,

I will ask if it can have a spring added so it closes and a sign. Not much point having a fence area if the gates get left open. On relfection seems a real oversight they've not already been added.

Hi tiddles,

I agree but it did remain empty for some considerable time and the rear yard recently received planning permission to become a residential home. It is a tricky spot mostly residential. Upland Road lcearly has lots of past shop units being converted back to homes. If you strongly oppose this then you should formaly object. Let me know if you need any help doing this.

Hi ZT,

I'll come back to you on this.

Hi Lynne,

Every skip should have a licence but I've never had any casework of someone being refused. Let me get details of how it all works and come to you.

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