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former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?

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James, I posted this on another thread so you might not have seen it: can you confirm that CGS has been rolled into the new Neighbourhoods Fund? I get the impression from Southwark's website that this funding round is now annual rather than twice-yearly, but I haven't been able to find out for sure. Any help gratefully appreciated.
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The Community Fund and CGS revenue fund have been merged to for mthe Neighbourhood Fund. It's down to ward councillors whether they spend it all in one go or hodl some back for future applications.

For East Dulwich ward we've held some back.

hope that answers your question?

Hi landsberger,

I'm afraid I don't know the history behind Three Rivers. Great they still run on the Committee system where every councillor helps decide decisions of the council. I think it leads to more pragmatic and less partisan decision making. But it very tempting when a party has a mjority to release a great deal of their power back to the committee system.

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James Barber Wrote:


> Hi BNG,

> The Community Fund and CGS revenue fund have been

> merged to for mthe Neighbourhood Fund. It's down

> to ward councillors whether they spend it all in

> one go or hodl some back for future applications.


> For East Dulwich ward we've held some back.

> hope that answers your question?

But aren't applications dealt with Borough-wide according to deadlines? The previous round of applications had a closing date a couple of months ago. I'm wondering when the next round opens and closes.


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The mani round results in around 80% of the money being allocated. Projects don't happen, tings come under budget, etc and the difference is allocated during the year. So wards have had a formal second round.

So the next full on round will be late Autumn this year for money FY Apr'15-Mar'16.

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I heard today that Little Jungle nursery is going to take over the building of what was the Amott road playgroup for it's 3-5 year olds with an added intake of 30 children. I have looked online to see if any planning permission was granted for these works/change but can't find anything. As I back onto the church I am slightly alarmed that what was previously used for a playgroup that runs from 9am -12pm during term time only is now going to be used from 8am-6pm 51 weeks a year with the associated noise levels of young children plus parking in the surrounding streets at drop off and pick up is problematic already and I think this will add to it. I have young children under 5 so am well aware of the need for more nursery provision in the area however I am concerned that it is being done without the necessary infrastructure changes.

Do you know if they'd need planning permission for something like this? Also I am not sure if this falls into your ward so if not which councillor should I speak to?


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HI OutOfFOcus,

Two types. General council decision making where Calling-in occurs where councillors are concerned the decision has been taken without considering all the facts or following the correct constitutional procedures. So the call-in is meant ot ensure the decision is reviewed and if the councillors thinking the decision maker didn't consider al the facts etc they can send it back to them or the relevant cabinet committee to reconsider. They may still make the same decision.

Planning call-in where two councillors are very concerned about a planning application and want a committee of councillors i.e a planning committee to decide an application rather than council officers under delegated powers. Variety of reasons why councillors may decide this. I've often done this with my ward colleague cllr Rosie Shimell asking that it be called-in if officers are minded to grant a planning scheme or vice versa. I think I have the record for the most call-ins.

Hi patt1980,

It depends. I think the premises you're refereing to at the Bapitsts Chrurch at 47 Amott Road. If they've been operating a playgroup for many years there then it becomes an accepted use. If they've obtained planning permission for the use in the last 15 years then that permission may have time limits. I've just searched the council system and no planning permission appleid for or granted.

You would be advised to ask the planning department to check if planning permission is required. If you email me I can set the wheel in motion to be doubly sure.

Adding 30 nrsery places will be really helpful for the local area but we need to ensure your and your neighbours amenity is maintained.

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I do not know if this has ever been brought up, or even this actually is an issue for yourself James. However I know this is old and felt a bit stupid about mentioning it, but my wife insisted.

The junction of East Dulwich Grove onto Lordship Lane. It is just so used by pedestrians and vehicles, and after the death of the young lady recently (RIP) I think it should be looked into. I could never understand why traffic lights were place a few metres away from this junction for pedestrians, yet the danger remains on this junction. Would it not have been more common sense to have lights on the junction which I repeat is so used, and just seems to be a dodgems between cars and pedestrians trying to cross, and those who I now notice jump lanes into northbound lane from the southbound to beat the traffic lights.

I feel and I do not know if everyone feelsthis way the most unsafe junction to actually pass.



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Hi Sunil

I agree with your comments.

I was actually knocked down on 22 December when crossing over at East Dulwich Grove, Lordship Lane end. I was hospitalised for 10 days, spent Christmas away from my family.

My leg was broken in two places so I had a cast on until 2 nd March. I had to go back to hospital a couple of weeks after the cast was removed for an emergency scan, when I was diagnosed with a blood clot caused by the break.

I now have to take blood thinning tablets for three months at least and unable to fly for same amount of months. I am walking on crutches now and not sure for how much longer. The driver was never traced as the number plates were false.

This crossing is very dangerous. Councillor Barber is in contact with the council regarding this crossing and I will be contacting him regarding the outcome. There definitely needs to be traffic lights ON THIS junction to make it a safer place to cross.

I was lucky, my accident could have been worse. I don't want anyone else suffering like I did. It has affected me, my husband and children.

Please take extra care when crossing here, cars speed round into East Dulwich Grove to avoid lights and traffic coming from opposite direction, very unsafe. There have been a number of accidents here just recently, it certainly needs some attention.

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Hi Mason/Sunil,

I don't believe we've had a young lady die at this junction thank god. Really serious injuries as Freda has highlighted.

I'm having problems getting couincil road safety to meet me on site to review options. we clearly need to do something.

The previous different coloured brick textured effect surface has been replaced with simple black tarmac. And it looks to have changed behaviour as the crashes happened after that change.

WRT full traffic lights on that junction. To have traffic lights would require two lanes in both direction free of parking - traffic lights reduce road capacity so the two lanes make up for it. TfL would never allow us to reduce capacity as bus routes would be held up. Traffic owuld divert around this by using side roads creating another problem. But making it two lanes in both directions is likely to speed traffic up. The junction would have a pedestrian phase making it safer to cross but the phasing is likely to result in jay walking. All these factors when discussed with officers several years ago suggested a sum of near zero difference in road safety while creating a very different Lordship Lane.

BUT road safety thinking has moved on. Hence my request ot meet council road safety officers at this junction.

I'll badger them again and keep everyone posted.

Hi Freda,

Blimey, you have suffered. GET FULLY WELL SOON.

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James, as a frequent driver down LL, some weeks ago I was travelling up from the roundabout and was just nearing the traffic lights by the Bishop which were on green, had to slam o my brakes as a car coming down from ED Grove decided to ignore the no right turn notices and almost crashed into me. I got a 2 fingered salute when I slammed on my horn.

Since these lights have been operational I have noticed more drivers turning right at this junction.

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Hi Pugwash,

I think this maybe due to the sign encouraging people to turn right via Matham Grove was removed. This occurred a little before the Toucan crossing was added but close enough in time.

Matham Grove is more civilised and drivers left to work out they had to go left, round roundabout.

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Hello James, Could you explain how the Southwark council have allowed what appears to be an illegal build in a

house in Darrel road, E.D.they have built a two story four bedroomed house in their back garden,and added an extra front door.

A farmer has recently lost his case to keep his castle he built, and has to knock it down so will we see this house knocked down it surely cannot be legal.?

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Tarot Wrote:


> Hello James, Could you explain how the Southwark

> council have allowed what appears to be an illegal

> build in a

> house in Darrel road, E.D.they have built a two

> story four bedroomed house in their back

> garden,and added an extra front door.

> A farmer has recently lost his case to keep his

> castle he built, and has to knock it down so will

> we see this house knocked down it surely cannot be

> legal.?

The Council need to be informed to enforce. I saw the farmer's programme on the TV and I am sure (have you checked on line yet) if it is an illegal build, he will be asked to demolish

Some people blame the Council if the bus is late, it seems

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Underhill Road will have parking restrictions 11 May -> 6 July and be closed between nos. 237 - 247 to allow Thames Water works to be undertaken by contractors MGJV Works.

Diversion planned. I will check with council officials whether they truly need to close the whole road. Diversion proposed is Upland Road, Dunstans Road, Peckham Rye, Barry Road, Lordship lane - a very long diversion.

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James Barber Wrote:


> Underhill Road will have parking restrictions 11

> May -> 6 July and be closed between nos. 237 - 247

> to allow Thames Water works to be undertaken by

> contractors MGJV Works.

> Diversion planned. I will check with council

> officials whether they truly need to close the

> whole road. Diversion proposed is Upland Road,

> Dunstans Road, Peckham Rye, Barry Road, Lordship

> lane - a very long diversion.

Hi James, would you please be able to find out how that would affect the P13 bus route? Presumably a diversion of some description would be put in place.


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Hi James, Sorry for the delay Had to drive down there, The house in Darrel road, with the incredulous four bedroom house built over the thirty foot garden and attached to his house is number49.

Originally he had a tiny extension then while the house was hidden behind trees this other houser was built.

They have also created two front doors.

Hope thats enough information you want.Tarot.

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Hi James,

Just wanted to congratulate Southwark Council on providing a very impressive garbage/refuse collection service. I'm really impressed that the recycle bins accept so many recyclable items and that the garbage collectors collect one's bins from inside one's property instead of one having to place the bins on the curb.



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