Apparently it is a very old and ill cat and about to be "euthanised" - euphemism.
My understanding is that it wasn't actually lost, just wandering around near its home as cats do, but people thought it was lost because the poor thing looked so terrible.
The owner was tracked down, but only after loads of posts from people trying to catch it and take it to various places for stray cats.
I got my information from the "other" East Dulwich Forum, but I've got no reason to believe it isn't true.
Irrelevant, but my partner and I once took a very thin and ill looking cat to Celia Hammond because it kept coming into my house for weeks and looked terrible, and we (wrongly) assumed it had no home.
That cat also turned out to have an owner. And yes it was ill, but being treated by a vet.
It's lovely that people care about animals, but it's very easy to make mistakes like this.
Having said which, many years ago when our cat died, a couple of days later another cat started sitting on our doormat every day (three floors up in a Scottish tenement) and refused to leave, so eventually we took him in ......
Not sure that would do A3 colour copying, but I might be wrong.
Last time I was there, admittedly a long time ago, they just did A4.
Actually, I have a vague memory that Oru might do photocopying, no idea if they do A3 though.
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