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Keef Wrote:


> ...ever have I ever felt so low, when you gonna

> take me out of this black hole?

That's an all time low Keef. Oh no, I was forgetting the Bon Jovi cover. As you were.

And I am so not sorry.

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Moos Wrote:


> Never before in EDF history has so much been

> apologised for by so many to... well, not so few

> in fact, so many others!


> Are we cool now? Can we please resume the usual

> levels of affable chatter and inane flirting?

Moos is very Judy Finnagan today, don't you think?

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Keef Wrote:


> That's an all time low Keef. Oh no, I was

> forgetting the Bon Jovi cover. As you were.


> I had to google the words though, you just

> recognised it, so I think you're right down here

> with me!

Yeah OK maybe but I also know the lyrics to Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep but I ain't gonna be quoting them on the forum any time soon.

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giggirl Wrote:


> Keef Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > That's an all time low Keef. Oh no, I was

> > forgetting the Bon Jovi cover. As you were.

> >

> > I had to google the words though, you just

> > recognised it, so I think you're right down

> here

> > with me!


> Yeah OK maybe but I also know the lyrics to Chirpy

> Chirpy Cheep Cheep but I ain't gonna be quoting

> them on the forum any time soon.

Polly whatsherface from MOR, she was the most nasal singer ever to top the charts.

Unless of course you know different.

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