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Fabricio the Guido

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Everything posted by Fabricio the Guido

  1. http://botherer.org/2012/07/28/the-daily-mail-and-how-an-nhs-death-means-racism-is-fine/comment-page-2/#comment-30453
  2. Two kids on bikes wearing hoodies LOOKED at me as I walked along the road. I found this very suspicious.
  3. Ok, I was wrong. I did enjoy the OC!
  4. Have you read about Boyle's opening ceremony? Nostalgia and melancholia with a nod to the modern which is supposed to pass for humour, but is really quiet disappointing. I'm not watching it because it is cringe worthy and worse than than the jubilee flotilla.
  5. @Civilservant, thanks for referring to the Terry verdict. I had a good old rant about that on Bookface and then I just let it go. It seems like, or so the judge reasoned, he did say what he said but we cannot be sure of what he meant when he used foul and abusive racist language. No harm, no foul. It was astounding, but the shrugged shoulders which greeted the verdict was just as telling.
  6. I spat my drink all over the key board. Cruelty to children is never funny, not even for scientific purposes. Carter 1. Pillock 0.
  7. Cut their willies off and don't marry people who are different from you, this is how you keep a covenant. It's a straight forward issue of consent, if the child cannot consent you cannot inflict harm on a child and even if there is consent, there are circumstances where the State can override that consent if it is in the public interest to do so, for the protection of public health, morals etc. The obvious, right answer from a human rights perspective is clear. It's all the other position that are muddy and unclear an that's because they spring from the incense and shaman brigade.
  8. Went to see Belong there the other week. Nice space and its great to see shows without trekking to the Royal Court!
  9. Yes, instead of all this Dew-eyed lamenting could someone in comprehensible terms spell out exactly what "has gone wrong" so that those of us less fortunate types, having missed the golden era before now, can really understand how much things have changed and have a context within which to understand the development of the area. There is either a decline from a period of greatness or a progressive rise to a point of maturity & fulfilment. Help us to understand this melancholic and nostalgiac lament.
  10. I find it hard to believe that anyone can try to make a moral claim for the Empire. Is Colonisation ever a good thing? Maybe for the colonisers but rarely will it be for the colonised. Hence, my comment about relativism,but I see that I should have just referenced the Telegraph rather than mention abstract concepts. Britain didn't try and defend the indefensible : so what about Britain's support for Rhodesia and South Africa?
  11. HI Jams, Welcome to the board. It's been a slow couple of weeks. Have you any outrageous opinions on any subject matter you care to share?B)
  12. Moral relativism is a brilliant concept. I would also like to take a nuanced view of the Holocaust, six million dead but the train service was top notch. The conquistadors in Latin America, millions dead from small pox but many now speak Spanish and where would they be without the church which justified slavery for the indigenous people.http://youtu.be/0S2NKlMW0vc
  13. http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/educational/lessons/secondary/crime/upload/race-and-crime-lesson-kit.pdf Here is a lesson kit for anyone who would like to be better informed about the issue.
  14. Perhaps because these descriptions feed into popular stereo-types. Perhaps because a police report is one thing and the forum is another. Perhaps because the demonisation of certain social groups is very prevalent in some societies, some people are rightly concerned about these issues. I wonder about the efficacy of posting these reports on the forum and whether the forum is a part of a crime prevention strategy of some kind.
  15. Another option, if purchasing the freehold is not feasible is to set up a Right to Manage company and you can run the building without actually owning the freehold.
  16. "Sounds like we are headed in the same direction as South Africa." Is that really necessary?
  17. I have a lovely recipe involving a charcoal grill and chilli pepper?
  18. I did not call him an idiot. Read the sentence again. I am perfectly chilled. I like good debates.:))
  19. I wouldn't punch you or encourage anyone to punch you just because I thought you are an idiot with idiotic views. I wouldn't expect anyone to physically attack you for holding your views. It is interesting that you assume that any confrontation must lead to a physical one. How about I just call you out for what you are? The video you posted ended by stating that "Anti racism is just another word for anti-white." If you do not support such groups why do you find their arguments so appealing? "I do not support the EDL. I do not support the BNP. I do like to think I understand why these organisations exist." You understand why these organisations exists but you cannot see the point of Black Police Association? You don't have to be a card carrying member of any of those groups; besides they are not outlawed in this country. However, despite not carrying a card, your style of argument, and the reasoning or lack thereof, exposes you for what you really are. I am not ashamed of being wrongly called a hypocrite. As a liberal, I can be. You on the other hand seem to protest vigorously when your ideas are shown to be the product of certain disreputable schools of thought.
  20. You want to get a Party Wall Act agreement set up.
  21. I actually used the word 'trope' as a semiotic tool to describe a series of ideas, debates, rhetorical arguments employed by certain groups to advance their cause. I am not simply discussing an idea but a style of presenting an argument which attempts to circumvent logic through rhetorical devices. "The straw man argument." as you correctly point out. Whilst ACM might feel that he is a lone wolf with iconoclastic libertarian arguments of some description,, I am sorry to shatter that self delusion because if you lie with dogs you are likely to get fleas. For example, turning to the free speech argument: you cannot use your enjoyment of the right to free speech to endanger my life or the right to life of others. Where rights conflict there has to be a priority between rights. So not all rights are absolutes, some rights must be qualified. Incitement to racial hatred is a crime for that reason. I want to resist the temptation of saying more because if you read my original post, very, slowly, you will get some of my points.
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