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Peckham native

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Everything posted by Peckham native

  1. Can I also point out that if you do decide to live in the area of Peckham that is now called Bellenden, and for whatever reason you want to avoid Rye Lane, it is highly likely that you will be closer to Lordship Lane/East Dulwich Station/Denmark Hill Station/Sainsburys than a lot of people living in East Dulwich!
  2. I've lived in Peckham for nearly 50 years, my mother still lives here and we go back at least 3 generations living in Peckham. I now live in the Ondine Road area which really is the same as East Dulwich except it's closer to East Dulwich Station! Walking around the area in the evening it appears to me to be safer than say 10-15 years ago if only because there seems to be more people about. Rye Lane is obviously very different from what it was. I had a Saturday job in Jones & Higgins shoe department - a wonderful old department store. We used to go to the Equator Eating House for cola floats! Choumert Road was a great market with Lou Jacobs the fishmongers, a great pet shop, huge newsagents (Parkins - I believe they retired after winning the pools)and various stalls selling everything from fruit & veg to flowers. I don't shop much down Rye Lane now but not through any fears for my safety.
  3. I'm afraid this is only about third hand but my mum's neighbour's child has been going to Bellenden for a couple of years and is really impressed with it. I think she also couldn't get into her 1st choice etc but is now very pleased to be there. Good teachers apparently. I also went to Bellenden but that was over 30 years ago so I think it's changed a bit since then!
  4. Thanks for all the comments about the Southwark Alliance map! I am one half of the graphics & mapping team but I'm afraid I can't remember if I or my co-worker produced this particular map as it is about 5 years old. I also can't take all the credit for the placing or misplacing of stations and names as the map data is taken from the Ordnance Survey data. I can confirm that the Southwark Alliance areas are based on the Community Councils which are in turn groupings of wards.
  5. The Dulwich Estate - who own much of Dulwich The Dulwich Estate
  6. So sorry to hear that PGC.
  7. I understand the family that live in the house right at the end of Ondine Road (front door in Ondine but windows in Adys) helped dispose of the cat. So PGC you might want to give them a knock if your cat hasn't turned up yet.
  8. http://www.dogchannel.com/images/articles/Art%20Gallery/GOODharness.jpg
  9. To me this just looks like another MLM (Multi level marketing) product. Any product website that has more about how to become a 'distributor' (and make loads of money) than info about the product is very suspicious. Just a few steps away from a pyramid scheme.
  10. If the houses are empty you could try contacting Southwark Council Empty Homes Initiatives. [email protected]. is the email address of the manager. They do a lot of work in tracking down owners and "encouraging" them to improve their homes
  11. There is no way I'd cycle through Burgess Park and I've lived in Peckham all my life. A work colleague was attached last week at about 6.30pm. Knocked off his bike and a dog set on him.
  12. Louisa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The of an era. Tilt Estates really were a > successful and predominantly family run business > for years. I remember the old lady well, and god > was she strict with her rents! Yes, one of my earliest memories going with my mum to the Tilts offices and down into that little office with the rent book. One Christmas the old lady handing over a wrapped Christmas present although can't remember what it was. Certainly the end of an era.
  13. Foxtons 0% offer just dropped through the door. First 200 who instruct them to sell their property and sell it before 21st December pay no commission.
  14. Mark Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > As far as I can see they've done wrong but I > believe the punishment should benefit the > community if possible. Anyone know what the > maximum fine imposable is? They did wrong by not applying for planning permission. They legally put this right by applying for retrospective planning permission. This was refused and they are appealing against this refusal. They can only be fined/closed down if they lose the appeal and then carry on trading.
  15. Caffe Nero haven't 'got away with it'. They broke the law by not applying for planning permission. When they were 'found out' they applied for retrospective planning permission which is the normal way these things are sorted out. They were refused retrospective planning permission and are now appealing against this decision. Whether they win or lose this appeal will not depend on the fact that is was a retrospective application but whether the reasons for refusal were sound. I would imagine they have quite a good case as it was refused at planning committee against the advice of the planning officer in charge of the case. Retrospective planning permission is not at all rare and not confined to big businesses. I noticed a planning notice outside the small cook shop almost opposite caffe Nero applying for, you've guessed it, retrospective planning permission.
  16. As a born & bred SE15 person 'The Lane' will always be Rye Lane and it was always "I'm just off down the Lane" or "I'm just popping up Lordship".
  17. Live in Ondine so will keep a lookout. Cats seems to migrate to my house so hopefully... If you need any help with posters/flyers in doors let me know.
  18. Thanks everyone for your concern about this cat. It is becoming a minor celebrity! Ive been in contact with 'upland' who is very keen to take on the cat with the understanding that there is a chance that a owner may still come forward. I'm going to do another blitz of the area with a flyer this evening to see if I can find an owner. I think this is very unlikely as the cat isn't just a visitor but is living in my front garden. I will keep you all updated of developments.
  19. Hi Paula I'm pretty sure I know your cat. When this cat first appeared many weeks ago I did at first think it was your cat visiting but I then saw yours and realised they were different cats. This cat has no collar or nick in the ear. It has been permanently in my or next doors front garden for over 6 weeks. It sleeps under my hydrangea bush or under next doors bushes and always appears whenever anyone goes in or out the front door. It never goes through to the back gardens and I've never seen it anywhere else in the street. It literally is here all the time. I've even got up in the middle of the night and opened the front door and it's there. I've contacted local vets, Celia Hammond, Battersea etc and they don't have any similar cats reported missing in the area. I'm going to do another trawl up & down the street this evening so you'll probably get a little flyer through your door.
  20. Yes Jeremy, have checked & no cats matching its description have been reported.
  21. Jimbo - the cat has made it quite clear that it will not tolerate being raffled - it has its image to think of. It will however, if found a nice E Dulwich home, agree to be the E Dulwich forum mascot. It is a very E Dulwich type of cat - likes its food & very vocal. Seriously I hope I can find a good home for it. It's a lovely cat & deserves better than becoming a tatty stray. I'd take it in myself but my own 2 cats would not agree!
  22. http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1620/996800/1855403/252974250.jpg This cat has taken up residence in my front garden. Has been around for over 5 weeks. Very friendly, would guess fairly young - bright eyes, seems in very good condition. A very loud miaow! Have asked around and no owners come forward. Anyone recognise it/offer it a home?
  23. Tried looking at some old maps (which I love) to see if a stream was marked. Seems to be a field edge in the 1869 map. Also possible to waste many hours looking at how East Dulwich used to be!http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL1620/996800/16459547/252788422.jpg[/img]
  24. Louisa Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bawdy I just get rather angry with the way people > seem to have lost the ability to think about > others and just selfishly act without thinking. > The number of times I have seen parents who just > completely ignore people in and around ED, almost > as if they dont actually exist! I have even > stepped aside once or twice to be nice to these > people, and these two yummy types were walking > along talking to one another in that rather > annoying home counties way, and they completely > ignored the fact I had stopped to let them pass... > They even saw me and looked directly at me.. Now > this sort of thing seems to happen more often than > not to me, and I just find it really bloody rude.. I have to agree with Louisa here. I have no problem with Mums with kids or Dads with kids or even Mums & Dads with kids. BUT I have noticed a particular type of parent with child in the E Dulwich area that seem to have a total disdain for all other pavement users. They either motor up Lordship Lane at full speed and expect everyone to get out of their way or they stop & talk to their friends and block all routes. I actually had to ask more than once for a particular group having a Sunday morning chat to slightly move one of their buggies so that I could pass. They looked at me as though I was being terribly rude for intruding into their conversation. I thought it was only me that had encountered this attitude but when I mentioned it to other friends they had similar experiences.
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