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Everything posted by CamberwellOz

  1. I went to my best friend's father's funeral and I sat behing his mother. All through the funeral she sobbed saying 'My boy, my boy. I was supposed to go first.' I'm welling up just thinking about it. My biggest fear is having to bury my child.
  2. Or when they make you sing 'Row, row, row your boat' about 500 times in an hour and each time you sing it, they giggle. My daughter makes me realise how much love I actually have inside me to give to everyone - not just her. She makes me a better person and boy does she make me realise that work issue are just that... for work and not to bring home. I have never been so chilled out. I think she has added years to my life. (Not to mention the year I had to give up drinking. My liver loves me)
  3. Adventure Bar? I want a climbing wall, a flying fox and a secret door that leads to a ski slope.
  4. Thank you sazzle. For years I have wondered what is on the back of our door. I now know it is a Birmingham Bar. One of life's questions finally answered. I'm home a lot of the day (now I've been mummyfied) and I'm astounded at the amount of people who ring our buzzer trying to get in. It really does make you wonder how many opportunistic people there are around there... and how many people are really watching your front door.
  5. On that topic - am I the only one to get weird cab drivers?
  6. I'm sure I heard him muttering something about locusts but then it could have been my imagination.
  7. I was in a cab too. My cab driver didn't bat an eyelid. He then proceeded to tell me that he had seen two people get killed by cars on that day whilst driving. So I suppose he wasn't too miffed about some police running around with guns.
  8. I still like the pub called Dirty South in Lewisham. Makes me smile every time I go past it.
  9. 6.40am? I've been up, had breakfast and played with my daughter for close to an hour. Wish I could bitch that 6.40am was early. mrsw you deserve an asbo for making me so depressed ;-)
  10. Is there a Monday night pub quiz anywhere? Nan is looking after bubs CamberwellOz tonight.
  11. I'd love to come for a drink. All my friends are getting pregnant again. Damn them and their fertility. Although I haven't seen my husband since Monday. (Queens is on... didn't he know?) If I went out, I think he may change the locks.
  12. Well to add to the story, my ex was living with us at the time. He had been snow boarding with my man and broken his back. He stayed at ours for six weeks. We ended up calling him Lurch. Those were strange weeks.
  13. I just organised my daughter's first birhtday party and made myself some pie for lunch.
  14. I forgot my husband's (was boyfriend at the time) name in bed and called him my ex. I don't know... I think I felt worse than leaving ?300,000 on the bench.
  15. Ms B - we have a flat to rent. What sort are you looking for?
  16. Oh yes I am inclined to frolic. Working from home is hard today. So much sunshine.... must concentrate.
  17. When I was a kid (all those years ago) I just did the job I was paid for. If it involved cleaning (and I worked at a supermarket for five years - so there was a lot of cleaning), I did it. I didn't complain or say 'no human should be made to clean tables. It's undignified.' And now I'm all grown up and a working professional - I still have to clean things up. Whether it is after a huge wine evening we put on or because everyone has put their coffee cups in the sink. It isn't in my contract but *shock horror* I still do it. This is a silly thing to argue about. We go to the coffee shop so someone else makes us nice coffee and gives it to us in a nice environment. Otherwise I'd drink it at home for free.
  18. That better not be one of those... 'can you see the boat?' pictures. I hate them. Or to phrase it better.... I never see the pictures. It is Mall Rats revisited every time.
  19. I just could never draw the line between work and people. I could never switch off and become hard. It nearly broke me in the end. I changed careers to find some sanity.
  20. NCT Coffee morning :( ....what.... I'm allowed to say that. I've been to them before.
  21. Have you ever seen the guy down at Somerfields in Camberwell that guides all the cars into the carpark? Always around in Summer time with a large, black stereo.
  22. I think if your knowledge on wine is pretty minimal then a great local wine shop or wine club is the way to go. They are so much more approachable and are actually interested in selling you something you would enjoy. And most of the time - their knowledge is fantastic. They can tell you great wineries to visit and good things that are on. Did you know that it was English Wine Week at the moment? It looks like it going to be a nice weekend. I think we should all get out there and try some local wine >:D<
  23. I work for a Wine Merchant. So usually I just place an order and put it in my bag to take home. :)-D
  24. The camera was a Canon EOS 350D and the setting was on automatic. (I must make a confession that I'm writing this on behalf of my boss :-$) Ah, the joys of work.
  25. I just got a delivery from photobox today and the print quality is really grainy. I have printed from the same digital camera before from photobox and it was fine. I have sent them back but I was just wondering if anyone knew of another company.
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