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Everything posted by Moi23

  1. I put my son's name down about october and he's started this term. He does wednesdays and you don't have to get in with them. It's worth putting your name down for it. Just editing to say it's at East Dulwich leisure centre!
  2. This is all very frustrating. My closest is Goodrich and then it's Horniman. I'd like my son to go to Horniman, if not I'd be happy with Goodrich. But judging by what everyone says in this thread you should put your closest or else... What's the point of having a preference if you're forced to put the closest one or end up in Deptford!! Sorry, bit of a stressed out rant here, but I'm so torn. Should I give it a go for Horniman or play safe with Goodrich?
  3. Both my boys have tongue-tie. I never had any specific problems with breastfeeding. I did want to get it done for my second but was told he wouldn't be referred/operated on if he was feeding alright. My question is, what sort of problems could arise in the future?
  4. I have a rubber outer covering for mine. So far so good, it's even been dropped a few times. Better run off and touch wood now...
  5. Yes bribery and mixing with very thick juice (apple and mango).
  6. JessKat, I'm an only child too and you absolutely nailed it! In my case though it can be lonely. My parents moved a lot and I never had a chance to cement my friendships for long enough. All my cousins lived far away, so no really close bonds there. However my parents were incredibly loving and I'm really close to them. They've even upped sticks in Spain to come and live near to me and my kids. I reckon if you do just opt for one, make sure there's plenty of family and friends in their life. Even if you don't though, I don't think I'm that much of a fruitcake...
  7. I had hot baths too, lovely and relaxing. As for stretch marks, might just be genetics, but I put loads of bio-oil on my tummy and none on my boobs, which is where I got the stretch marks. Second time round put oil everywhere and no stretch marks. It's worth a try... Also used to put my son's oilatum in my bath.
  8. I spoke to my health visitor the other day about my little one not pooing. She said that it was very common in breastfed babies. My first also had bouts of not pooing too.
  9. I was a totally miserable cow at the end of my pregnancy. I was ready to bite anyone's head off, let alone OH's. I was so miserable that once I had baby number 2 I was on an insane high for weeks.
  10. craigy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please don't pull my skirt up/ down or put your > head up my skirt... > and then: 'No sweetie, don't pull my pants down PLEASE!'
  11. We used to make a point of being very firm with our little boy about not chasing or cornering the cat, in front of the cat itself. Cats can be quite perceptive and I think he felt more reassured that we were 'protecting' him from the baby, he wasn't on his own there. Then again, our cat was a viscous fiend until the day we had a baby, then he totally mellowed out. Each cat has it's character.
  12. 'The Child in Time' by Ian McEwan. About a fathers whose little girl vanishes in the supermarket. Very good but devastating!
  13. I remember being fascinated by my first baby's placenta because it had a knot in it. Very unusual apparently and lucky (particularly as it might have caused problems!)
  14. I had that with my first during the first week. I think it's termed a 'sleepy baby'. He'd sleep for 4-5 hours and then I would struggle to get him to feed. We stupidly thought we'd got lucky with a super chilled baby. After a week he was sent into hospital having lost too much weight. We ended up having to feed him on formula with a bottle to get some nourishment into him. But that was just me being a clueless first time mum. I think my milk had not properly kicked in. If baby is gaining weight and is otherwise thriving then I doubt this is likely to happen. Still, it's worth keeping a close eye.
  15. Not in my case, it's been over 3 years for me too.
  16. I was 3 days with my first too. It was awful. Second time was less than 6 hours from the first niggles to the birth! I felt like superwoman after that...
  17. Had a totally useless HV first time round with no privacy whatsoever. Quite shocking really. Now I'm with Elm Lodge and they are first class.
  18. I wonder if she literally had both boobs totally dangling out, or just didn't bother covering up the boob that baby was suckling from. I often don't, it's too much of a faff to be discreet so I often don't bother. I guess I must have scandalized a few prim page 3 girls...
  19. Hi Yorkie, I wouldn't call myself qualified here, nor am I in the same situation as you, but I do know how you feel. A while back after having a baby I went through a very stressful 6 month period while we moved house. Like you, when I'm stressed it comes out in anger. I was having more and more 'bad' days and found myself in a very bleak place emotionally. I reached a point where I realized I couldn't carry on like that, but was too confused to confide in anyone. I ended up going to my GP. As it happened it was my Health Visitor who ended up being an enormous support. She came round quite a few times to talk to me. She was completely impartial, I could talk very openly with her and she helped me to see things in perspective. I was lucky to have an excellent HV though. I think sillywoman's suggestion of cutting down the amount you are doing is very wise. It sounds like you are under too much pressure. Your husband and you are a team, you need to find a balance, so neither of you are overstretched (I don't expect my husband to do all the household chores and nighttime feeds and do a full-time job!). Going to your GP is not a bad idea, not necessarily for medication, but for the support. Even if you are not actually clinically depressed, you're finding it hard to cope, so get all the help you can. You might find, like I did, that once you reach out and actively try and do something about how you are feeling things do get a lot better. I really do feel for you. It's a really hard time going back to work, heart-wrenching. I used to resent my little boy's nursery and hate my clients for taking me away from him. Do PM me if you want to chat more.
  20. Just put my boy on the waiting list for Goodrich which is already full up in september. Nightmare!
  21. Not sure if 15 months is too early for this, but kids quickly cotton on to 'how much it winds mummy up that I won't eat, he he, what fun...'
  22. Clearly Salma has no breast-feeding issues. Good pr for breast is beast campaign! Anyone find that creepy? Funnily enough I don't... I think it's sweet. Then again, I am a lactating mum at the moment.
  23. Contrary to what a lot of people are saying, I found her article quite amusing and a bit of a breath of fresh air. Perhaps I'm not taking what she's saying quite so seriously, neither did she mean to take herself so seriously. To me it comes across as someone who's fed up with feeling she must come up with a good justification for bottle-feeding and is saying 'hey, I've given over my body for 9 months to this baby, I want it back'. For me, it had never occurred to me to do anything other than breastfeed. When I started to get all the pregnancy bumf and info, I was amazed at how full on the emphasis on breastfeeding was. Personally, I found it off-putting. I can understand why it is so important to promote it, you do have to really push something to change peoples opinions and choices. But I couldn't help finding it a bit one-sided, they'd state all the advantages and support available, but brush-over the downside. Now, having breastfed both my babies (still bf second), the picture is quite different. Those first weeks of breastfeeding for MANY women (not just a few) can be really tough. Luckily for me I stuck with it, but there's no need to be sanctimonious about it, I can totally understand someone not sticking with it. For the most part I love breastfeeding, but there is a side of me that can relate to what she's saying. It's odd how both before and after the breastfeeding stage I found it sort of weird the idea of a baby sucking my breasts, even creepy. And yes, I would dearly love to have a couple of glasses of wine at the end of each day, to relax and feel normal for a while. Luckily for me, I usually have tiny boobs, so I'm rather relishing my current cleavage. However if gigantic leaking boobs was making me feel particularly unattractive, then I would feel pretty depressed about it. I think having a baby is a huge sacrifice and requires an enormous amount of dedication. I was a typically selfish modern single woman before motherhood and the transition was not easy. Dedicating your body for 9 months to 'growing' a baby, then being launched into 24 hour childcare and sleep deprivation, is for some of us (or many of us?) a real shock to the system. Wanting at least your body back (for whatever trivial reasons) is not that outrageous.
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