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Everything posted by Sherwick

  1. matthew123 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Jacko's dad Joe Jackson has said the kids will be > staying with him - heaven help 'em! Joe Jackson of 'Stepping Out' and 'Is She Really Going Out WIth Him' fame? ::o
  2. Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yes *Bob*, those ones. > > The same ones who used to walk around with their > heads covered in veils. > The ones who clearly - to put it tactfully - don't > look much like their father. > > Hopefully it's not too late for the kids to have > some sort of normal(ish) childhood. > > > (Sherwick - Not sure I'd describe the Challenger > disaster as a "great TV event"...) True, i should have written 'TV events' not 'great TV events'.
  3. 3 great TV events of the 80s that I remember: 1. Who shot JR. 2. MJ's Thriller. 3. Space shuttle disaster.
  4. I think it was Dulwich Mum celebrating getting a house in Richmond!
  5. ???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sherwick Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Also listening to 400 Blows - Movin' (a cover > of > > Brass Construction's classic) > > > > Apparently, 400 Blows was founded in South > London > > in the beginning 80's as a duo of Alexander > Scott > > Fraser and Andrew Edward Beer. Wonder if > they're > > around Dulwich somewhere... > > > > > If anyone knows where I can get a CD with the > 400 > > Blows version of Movin' on it (don't mind a > > compilation, please let me know! > > > > :) > Sherwick were you a bit of a Soulboy/girl - Brass > Construction and Loose ends..good stuff. Got the > original of Movin' but not that cover I might have been... ::o
  6. Jacks' bacon and avocado Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
  7. 2 men in suits handing out leaflets this morning at DH station about the closure of said line...
  8. er, I mean Murray... ::o
  9. Geez. With this place and its pastries, together with Il Mitro pizzas, I'm gonna have to go on a sustained diet... or move out of East Dulwich. :(
  10. I heard on the grapevine that Dulwich Mum went to Kew to see how the other half live.. ::o
  11. Also listening to 400 Blows - Movin' (a cover of Brass Construction's classic) Apparently, 400 Blows was founded in South London in the beginning 80's as a duo of Alexander Scott Fraser and Andrew Edward Beer. Wonder if they're around Dulwich somewhere... If anyone knows where I can get a CD with the 400 Blows version of Movin' on it (don't mind a compilation, please let me know! :)
  12. Trains go twice a day from East Dulwich station? When does the other one depart then? :-S
  13. Horsebox Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Is Nunhead Green safe? > > Someone told me they'd seen a police car driving > past last week. Does anybody know what was going > on? OMG! OMG! Sounds very dangerous! I'm gonna steer well crear.
  14. LegalEagle-ish Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's not fault of the kids who are forced to grow > up in those kinds of environments, it's all of the > adults who have let them down I think we've found the source of the problem.
  15. vinceayre Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks, i will twiddle with the knob in Spain!! Sorry, you'll also have to tune your radio to the correct station in order to listen to the cricket.
  16. Tony.London Suburbs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sherwick Wrote: > Anyway, I don't know why you're telling me about a > Black racist site. It's just as bad as a White > racist site as far as I'm concerned. > > The whole point is that it is NOT a Black racist > Site at all!! > > It is an everyday Site and easily, the largest in > The UK for The Black Community from The UK, with > contributions fromother parts of The African > Diaspora. > > It WOULD SIGNIFICANTLY open you eyes Sherwick. If it allows racist material against whites, browns or any other colour IT IS A RACIST SITE IN MY OPINION. Just as racist as Stormfront or any of the other racist sites. Anyone who dreams about 'racial purity' is swimming against the tide of history and of the future. Apart from this, they are swimming against the tide of natural selection. It's completely absurd, along the lines that flat-earth theory was absurd. Didn't stop the majority believing in a flat earth though at the time.
  17. "To answer your question, I don't know where I got "my" 75% figure from" LOLOL Anyway, I don't know why you're telling me about a Black racist site. It's just as bad as a White racist site as far as I'm concerned.
  18. If you actually bother to read what I have posted (and apparently, to read what YOU have posted), then you'll see that I have anwered all your questions. Regarding your latest question about ONE of your various '99% figues', this one may be correct, but only to a point. I say 'only to a point' because your original quote was: "As you know millions died in the last 2 World Wars fighting for Freedom for Britain and the British people." This is factually correct. "99% of them were White/British, which was representative of British Society then." This is NOT factually correct, because 99% of the millions who died were not white/British. In fact hundreds of thousands of Indians alone died fighting for Freedom for Britain and the British people. However, I suspect, what you meant to say (but never did) is as follows: "As you know 1.5 million British died in the last 2 World Wars fighting for Freedom for Britain and the British people. 99% of them were White/British, which was representative of British Society then." That would have been accurate, but then, that's not what you said.
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