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Cycling: issues/noticeboard


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Fixed for you:

northlondoner Wrote:


> Generic patronising bullsh1t.... Motorists swap from

> inside to outside lane in the blink of an eye -

> and yet more patronising bullsh1t This is simply NOT safe in

> busy traffic. That;s why so many cyclists are hurt

> or killed on our roads. I speak as a patronising bullsh1tter

> You'll understand one day. Maybe when you are

> blah blah blah.

Hope you ride your high horse just as well as you do your bike and motorcar.

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Horsebox Wrote:


> Oh! Hi, Laydee Muck. Time fer a tune up?



Hee hee Horsebox - but it's actually closer to this:


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ImpetuousVrouw Wrote:


> There are a lot of sh!t car/van/bus drivers out

> there and plenty of dozy pedestrians.

Seems the only sensible people out there are cyclists!

Horsebox, yes, I was being condescending,wasn't I? But I couldn't resist!

Sometimes I wonder who I am.

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I've [...] did a stint as a cycle courier years ago.

That doesn't actually help your argument, IV. That's a bit like saying, "I know a bit about driving - I used to be a White Van Man".

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ImpetuousVrouw Wrote:


> There are a lot of sh!t car/van/bus drivers out

> there and plenty of dozy pedestrians.


jimmy two times Wrote:


> There's a lot of sh1t cyclists out there.


Now what?

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...and BREATHE...

Check out the most expensive bicycle in the world. Apparently it costs around $100,000. It is made with 24 carat gold and Swarovski crystals.

Wonder if it would make it up Sydenham Hill?


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I can see (after a long absence of cycling/London) that there are a LOT more cyclists out there now than there ever used to be. Doubt that this is due to the improvement of "cycle" lanes though.

I hate to say it but... in my recent experience, its the behaviour of other cyclists and pedestrians that is most unbelievable. Some of them take such risks and are all over the road, going through red lights and turning down streets without any indication. Maybe I am in the minority but buses haven't caused me any problems...so far. They used to be the things I hated most whilst cycling.

*thinks....if its a bus, anything but the dreaded 12 :))*

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A poster recently requested info. on the (employee benefit) Cycle To Work Scheme. I cannot find it.

Anyway, amongst other cycling bumph, I received today some info. about the very subject. So thought it might be helpful to pass this on here.

Basically it says you can save up to 50% on a new bike and accessories (up to ?1,000). You can choose from a vast range. One call does the job and you could have a new bike within 48 hours (sounds good!).

Tel: 0800 652 4745


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  • 5 weeks later...

ladymuck = how would you feel about cycle lane or bus lane on every road. i dont see why we dont have this in london. it puts cyclist in their own lane and lets drivers get on.

i dont know how much it would cost but dont you think it would be great for london.

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mazza7103 Wrote:


> ladymuck = how would you feel about cycle lane or

> bus lane on every road. i dont see why we dont

> have this in london. it puts cyclist in their own

> lane and lets drivers get on.


> i dont know how much it would cost but dont you

> think it would be great for london.

A cyclists' utopia? Now that would be something - just imagine it. We wouldn't have to worry about things like helmets because the chances of sustaining a severe head injury would be so greatly reduced. And we could actually enjoy the ride instead of having to pray each time a heavy goods vehicle approached, or the prospect of a busy gyratory loomed ahead. Sadly, I think we can only dream of such a thing for the moment as I cannot see it happening for a long, long time...unless (perhaps) if the Green Party were to get in...and even then...

*wakes up*

...nope can't see it happening for a while...

But you are right, London would be all the more pleasant for it.

*goes back to dreaming*

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I had some free cycle training the other week via Southwark's website. A two-hour lesson where my very lovely instructor, Louise, helped me figure out a route to Victoria and home again. I feel a lot more confident after it - in terms of cycling more assertively (although not stupidly) and less scared of being on the road in peak hours. Was most surprised by the effect of taking a more prominent position on the road and how much more room I got from cars/vans when I was there. The exact opposite from what I thought.

However, it is amazing how many idiots are out there. More cyclists doing stupid things than cars though - like those merrily filtering past cars/vans already indicating left as the lights change and those who pull out to overtake a bus without even glancing behind them to see if there's anyone there. Nuts! Mirror, signal, manoeuvre should apply just as much on a bike - even if the 'mirror' is a quick glance behind you.

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i always thought that i was guilty of some pretty reckless cycling but some of the things I see on my commute make my stomach turn: undertaking left turning buses and lorries, weaving through traffic, overtaking and pulling in front of motorbikes and cars. but even scarier are the girls wobbling about on some dodgy halfords job at about 3mph. they just look like lambs to the slaughter.
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Applespider Wrote:


most surprised by the effect of taking a more

> prominent position on the road and how much more

> room I got from cars/vans when I was there. The

> exact opposite from what I thought.

know what you mean applespider, I used to think the same but cars seem to steer away from the seemingly confident cyclists but if you keep close to the pavement they pass you with barely a mm to spare.

failing that, wobbling all over the road is a good ploy...they definitely give you a wide berth then ;-)

> However, it is amazing how many idiots are out

> there. More cyclists doing stupid things than

> cars though - like those merrily filtering past

> cars/vans already indicating left as the lights

> change and those who pull out to overtake a bus

> without even glancing behind them to see if

> there's anyone there.

yeah, sadly I find that some of the cyclists I meet these days will do the nuttiest things just to get ahead at the lights.

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Ladymuck - thank you SO much. I think you may be right. The guys at the shop lowered it for me as I was making a complete prat of myself when I first got it ( I thought it was too high for me as the frame is 17" which is slightly bigger than my old bike was...)

Had no idea that might be the cause! Thanks xx

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