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Well come on, it doesn't take a lot.

Well not too much.

First, you have to be a little bit in love with me.

For female applicants this is non-negotiable.

For males I'm prepared to accept 'tolerable-enough'.

At a stretch 'tolerable-enough I suppose' will suffice.

Second, all click members will have to, as a minimum, smirk at any amusing posts I may see fit to make.

Regular wry chucklers will be awarded bronze membership, guffawers silver and tears-down-the face belly-laughers gold status.

Platinum status will be reserved for the went-incontinent-with-laughter-fell-forward-and-smashed-my-laptop category.

Rare and much sought after I'm sure you'll agree.

Third, I'm not for a moment saying that all members of the click have to love Mott The Hoople, but each entrant will have to take a sacred vow that the 1973 album 'Mott' was by far and away their finest recorded moment.

I've put it to my people who are firming up the details.

Fourth, the click will be a secretive but not 'secret' organisation, not unlike the Freemasons or the RAC. It will perform charitable works along the lines of the Cubs and the Mafia (Italian, of course, not Russian).

Above all it will be a force for good.

Remember this is not a 'quick-fix' click, this a click for long-term change.

Fifth, speaking of change I will require you to send me all of yours at the end of each week.

I'll be sending out the envelopes to you as soon as you send me your name, address, bank details, date of birth, mother's maiden name and where you attended primary school.

Mere formalities, as I'm sure you understand.

So, who's first?

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Want to be in my Click?

It Would be a Pleasure

I will require you to send me all of yours at the end of each week

I'm a Cadillac

Name: Alice

Known as: Midnight Lady

Address: Angel Of Eighth Avenue, Downtown, (At The Crossroads), Cleveland Rocks, All The Way From Memphis

Love: Trudi's Song

Don't Like: Violence

Born: Late '58

Mother's Maiden Name: Waterlow

Favourite Period: The Golden Age Of Rock 'n' Roll

Favourite Food: American Pie

Favourite Place: Half Moon Bay

Favourite Song: Ballad Of Mott

As for you, I hope you You Are One Of Us and not Like A Rolling Stone. Also I don't want no man from the Wrong Side Of The River or Death May Be Your Santa Claus. You got that Honaloochie Boogie? Damn Lounge Lizard.


think I am there by proxy already

But anyway "CLICK" me in as a formality

* wonders what happened to the naked "clickk" *

(note the 2 k's)


( an on-line dictionary definition of "by proxy" shows this as an example, which I like )

> "The Executor is granted any and all reasonable powers necesary to manage and maintain the estate of Jonh, while he is in his coma." <

Narnia Wrote:


> Would you mind defining 'click'? I wouldn't be

> sure what I was joining otherwise.

Simply, a 'click' is a group of self-appointed elitists who enjoy sneering and snob-nosing at everyone around them.

We will also cock snooks at all and sundry. Whoever they might dare to be.

Good to have your support, Narnia. Frankly it's been a little slower than I anticipated.

I'm seriously considering you and Impetuous for founder member status.

*Bob* Wrote:


> Have you been to University.. or at least to one

> of the better Polytechnics?

Brunel, in a desultory fashion. Only because work made me.


But well done on joining the click *Bob*, there's a vacancy going for a valet.

I merely ask.

gLadymuck Wrote:


> Want to be in my Click?


> It Would be a Pleasure




> I will require you to send me all of yours at the

> end of each week


> I'm a Cadillac

> Name: Alice

> Known as: Midnight Lady

> Address: Angel Of Eighth Avenue, Downtown, (At The

> Crossroads), Cleveland Rocks, All The Way From

> Memphis

> Love: Trudi's Song

> Don't Like: Violence

> Born: Late '58

> Mother's Maiden Name: Waterlow

> Favourite Period: The Golden Age Of Rock 'n' Roll

> Favourite Food: American Pie

> Favourite Place: Half Moon Bay

> Favourite Song: Ballad Of Mott



> As for you, I hope you You Are One Of Us and not

> Like A Rolling Stone. Also I don't want no man

> from the Wrong Side Of The River or Death May Be

> Your Santa Claus. You got that Honaloochie

> Boogie? Damn Lounge Lizard.

LadyMuck is of course First Lady of the click.

Should the click involve itself in local politics and The Glorious Leader (didn't I mention that?) achieve high office, then she shall of course be the Lady Mayoress.

Should things progess further and national political power beckons, then then the one who started the click (The Glorious Leader, just to remind you) will rename the Home Secretary's post as LadyMuckIronFist.

I'll be equipping her with a lightweight suit of armour and a laser cannon.

I can't wait for the first cabinet meeting, that'll shit the rest of them bastards right up.

woofmarkthedog Wrote:


> I.....


> think I am there by proxy already


> But anyway "CLICK" me in as a formality


> * wonders what happened to the naked "clickk" *


> (note the 2 k's)


> W**F




> ( an on-line dictionary definition of "by proxy"

> shows this as an example, which I like )


> > "The Executor is granted any and all reasonable

> powers necesary to manage and maintain the estate

> of Jonh, while he is in his coma." <

Why of course WMTD, I couldn't imagine a click without your sweet and tender presence. It would be akin to a rose without the prick, a sausage sandwich minus the HP sauce or indeed a w@nker sign to the thin air.

So heartiest welcome to the click good stout WMTD, and none more welcome or more heartfeltier.

There is a vacancy going for a more physically imposing than The Glorious Leader (we all know that's me by now, don't we?), taciturn, broody black-clad(I'm thinking Schott leather pea jacket, black Levi's, black Muji 'T' and black Loakes slip-on boots, but we can discuss that, frankly I not married to it) fellow, handy with both an aphorism and a card trick.

Think about it.

Talk to some people.

Some of them may be mine.

cate Wrote:


> What you are referring is not a click. It's a

> clique.

Away with your Frenchified flummery.

'Clique' indeed Cate.

It saddens me to see someone falling at the first hurdle, particularly as the response has, in the first stages been a little less than overwhelming, but standards must been maintained.

We must always aim for quality rather than quantity.

Regretfully I must decline your application.

The board finds you not 'street' enough for this particular click.

With your permission we will submit your details to the West Dulwich Forum, but even then...

HonaloochieB Wrote:


> gLadymuck Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Want to be in my Click?

> >

> > It Would be a Pleasure

> >

> >

> >

> > I will require you to send me all of yours at

> the

> > end of each week

> >

> > I'm a Cadillac

> > Name: Alice

> > Known as: Midnight Lady

> > Address: Angel Of Eighth Avenue, Downtown, (At

> The

> > Crossroads), Cleveland Rocks, All The Way

> From

> > Memphis

> > Love: Trudi's Song

> > Don't Like: Violence

> > Born: Late '58

> > Mother's Maiden Name: Waterlow

> > Favourite Period: The Golden Age Of Rock 'n'

> Roll

> > Favourite Food: American Pie

> > Favourite Place: Half Moon Bay

> > Favourite Song: Ballad Of Mott

> >

> >

> > As for you, I hope you You Are One Of Us and

> not

> > Like A Rolling Stone. Also I don't want no man

> > from the Wrong Side Of The River or Death May

> Be

> > Your Santa Claus. You got that Honaloochie

> > Boogie? Damn Lounge Lizard.


> LadyMuck is of course First Lady of the click.

> Should the click involve itself in local politics

> and The Glorious Leader (didn't I mention that?)

> achieve high office, then she shall of course be

> the Lady Mayoress.

> Should things progess further and national

> political power beckons, then then the one who

> started the click (The Glorious Leader, just to

> remind you) will rename the Home Secretary's post

> as LadyMuckIronFist.

> I'll be equipping her with a lightweight suit of

> armour and a laser cannon.

> I can't wait for the first cabinet meeting,

> that'll shit the rest of them bastards right up.

You're a right bloody tart, I thought that was my position!

HonaloochieB Wrote:


> cate Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > What you are referring is not a click. It's a

> > clique.


> Away with your Frenchified flummery.

> 'Clique' indeed Cate.

> It saddens me to see someone falling at the first

> hurdle, particularly as the response has, in the

> first stages been a little less than overwhelming,

> but standards must been maintained.

> We must always aim for quality rather than

> quantity.

> Regretfully I must decline your application.


> The board finds you not 'street' enough for this

> particular click.


> With your permission we will submit your details

> to the West Dulwich Forum, but even then...

Thanks for the rejection. You are just a bit previous. I didn't apply to join.

cate Wrote:


> HonaloochieB Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > cate Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > What you are referring is not a click. It's

> a

> > > clique.

> >

> > Away with your Frenchified flummery.

> > 'Clique' indeed Cate.

> > It saddens me to see someone falling at the

> first

> > hurdle, particularly as the response has, in

> the

> > first stages been a little less than

> overwhelming,

> > but standards must been maintained.

> > We must always aim for quality rather than

> > quantity.

> > Regretfully I must decline your application.

> >

> > The board finds you not 'street' enough for

> this

> > particular click.

> >

> > With your permission we will submit your

> details

> > to the West Dulwich Forum, but even then...



> Thanks for the rejection. You are just a bit

> previous. I didn't apply to join.

Cate - I think you might be well out of this one. Nothing wrong with expecting a level of literacy!

edcam Wrote:


> cate Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> Thanks for the rejection. You are just a bit

> > previous. I didn't apply to join.



> Cate - I think you might be well out of this one.

> Nothing wrong with expecting a level of literacy!

Hey Poindexter, don't nothin' be wrong with my literacy.

Gosh this thread almost passed me by. I'm totally in love with you Hoochie B so I'll join your click. PM me details of the secret handshake as I wouldn't want to run into a click member in, say, Somerfield, and make a complete twit of myself.

BTW - you know Lord Hunter and the Rant Band is touring, right? Islington in October. Fabulous venue.

giggirl Wrote:


> Gosh this thread almost passed me by. I'm totally

> in love with you Hoochie B so I'll join your

> click. PM me details of the secret handshake as I

> wouldn't want to run into a click member in, say,

> Somerfield, and make a complete twit of myself.


> BTW - you know Lord Hunter and the Rant Band is

> touring, right? Islington in October. Fabulous

> venue.



Ermm...( love you BTW )

But have you been on the "Ashes to ashes" tip a bit too long

See, Somerfield is gone ( I know...sad, but are you sitting down ..? ) it's now a Co-op

Brace yourself again; David cameron is Prime Minister

Really.......true !

* nods head *

Who'd have thought eh..?

Somerfield to a Co-op

( say what you see, look at the screen...for 10 points )

"It's Catchphrase..."


nashoi Wrote:


> Are occasional posters welcome? I had been

> thinking of creating a one man click of my own and

> calling it a cl1ck and then I remembered I've just

> turned 40 and that sort of thing really, really

> isn't acceptable.

Nashoi, why bless you of course you can join my click, despite being middle-aged.

Consider yourself one of us, as Lionel Bart had it.

Shall I put you down for the XL T shirt?

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