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Theft from Car Oglander road

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I carelessly forgot to lock it , it seems as no sign of breakin , I'm only human I suppose , last night or early morning , took my Tom Tom and change pot , which is a cigerette pot I keep emergency fund in , but also I'd left a card wallet with payement cards in , not of any use to anyone and a great hassle to replace , very sad that they belong to elderly disable couple who I pay bills for , yes I'm stupid for having them in car , but I've learnt my lesson , post to warn people someone obviously trying car doors , plus double check if you have automatic locking ,your car does lock .
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My car was broken into on Fellbrigg Road last week. I can only assume they were looking for a sat nav as I'd left the sticky suction cup thing on the windscreen. Glove and other compartments were left open, but luckily I keep nothing in the car. All my CDs were left in my door pockets which probably means I have bad taste in music! Lesson to self, take sticky sat nav thing off the window.
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I am just around the corner from you and I too left my car unlocked by mistake. My handy phone charger was taken along with a lovely picnic blanket I had won in a competition. They even took my old shopping bags - probably to put their ill

gotten gains in. They just cannot walk past an unlocked car without pinching something.

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Somebody definitely has a device - I park on Marsden Road and have had my car doors unlocked about 6 times in the past 4 months. On 2 occasions they stole stuff (last time - a 1 pound coin and bags of sweets!!). I've reported this to the police twice, would be great if others could report to the police as well to put a bit of pressure on them to look into it further.
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Here is the list of VW related cars tested/found to be vulnerable in the academic paper mentioned above, but it goes on to say that other makes/models may be similarly affected. Also some of the hack methods aren't particularly simple and require "eavesdropping" on a particular car's unlock frequency.

There are other kinds of wireless key attack though - see this reported earlier this year which potentially affects a whole bunch of other cars - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/03/23/hackers-can-unlock-and-start-dozens-of-high-end-cars-through-the/

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I saw a tall, thin bloke on the Monday eve about 9ish, walking down oglander road, towards grove vale, he was walking in road, looking into every car he passed. Wish I had called police however due to past experience, by the time they could turn up the suspect would have gone..though would call police if I saw him breaking into car. People should report it if car broken into.... I'm all for cctv every where.
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And sadly another to add to this list - our car was opened on Thursday night (25th August) and a large suitcase full of clothes, medical equipment, medication and children's swim gear and toys was taken from our car on Fenwick Rd. My husband packed up a few bulky items as we were due to leave for a trip early the next morning. He's certain he locked the car but the big case was taken overnight. We did notify the police who mentioned the possibility the car had been tampered with but hinted heavily we may have forgotten to lock it (my husband's confident he did). They thought it was odd that they didn't take my blue badge and left a smaller case, but they probably had their hands full as they also took a couple of bottle of fizz - we're supposed to be celebrating a birthday and wedding anniversary.

This was our first family holiday and having been housebound for a long time following illness and then an accident, the break, and the contents of the suitcase, were a big treat to ourselves for getting through a difficult time. Needless to say it's hard not to let it ruin the whole thing when we don't have enough clothes!

This is just another warning to add to this thread - please don't leave anything at all in cars and do notify the police if it happens to you.

And, as the contents of the case are of no value to anyone but us, if you do happen to come across a large black suitcase full of children's and ladies' clothes, please do get in touch - it has a tag with my name and number on it. We'd be happy to offer a reward - some sentimental items and medical equipment are irreplaceable.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, best of luck.

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Really sorry this happened to you and your family. Do try to have a good holiday. I will keep my eyes peeled for your case, as your probably right in saying they dumped it somewhere after looking in it. Some people are just plain rotten. I always try to think of how things could be worse so thank goodness the idiot didn't take the car. Try not to leave the blue badge in car as they take those to sell, that's why the council give a letter to display when parked outside your house, as they know they get stolen. Best of luck, and enjoy your holiday.
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Unfortunately I can add to the list. Friern Road this tune. A couple of weeks ago we, like the OP, forgot to lock the car one evening (the only time we've ever not locked it). Overnight someone helped themselves to our MaxiCosi Isofix base from the back seat, plus approx ?1.80 in change.

Obviously entirely our fault for failing to lock-up, but still - who goes round stealing car seat bases!

They did at least leave our iPhone charger cable. Must be an Android user :)

Needless to say we won't be making that mistake again.

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my partner was unloading the car and when she returned to the car (2 mins later) they stole a brand new duvet. My partner swears blind she locked it behind her even remembering seeing flashing lights from the breaks to indicate it was locked!

I jumped in my car to see if i could track them down but no luck! don't think i would be writing this message if i did find them ;)

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Some criminals use jammers to stop remotes from locking the door. Always watch the indicators flash and if possible observe the door locks moving into place. Never leave any valuables in sight, or signs of them (clean the marks off the windscreen). It is preferable to take all of / as many as possible of any valuables kept in the car out when leaving the car. Try to park somewhere well lit and in public view. If you happen to pass the car at any point, it doesn't hurt to quickly look and ensure the doors are still locked.
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Whoever is doing this is also operating in Nunhead as our car (Audi a3) was opened today, thankfully nothing was in there to steal but they had a good rummage around. I'm an obsessive checker so I know I would have locked it! Sorry to hear about those who have had stuff taken.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Having our car broken into 3 times -

1 - sat nav and 2 iPods stolen

2 - ipod (stupid me)

3 - nothing to nick but glove compartment left open

After number 2 I leave nothing worth taking in the car.

All times, the car was locked, but the kids play with the keys............????????? Chancers maybe?

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    • Thank you. Based on what's happened so far, I'd prefer my own surveyor for a totally independent view. I really just want peace of mind to ensure the work is done properly. It's not in my interest to delay it unnecessarily but ironically, if my neighbour continues down this road, i will delay things further!   I'll speak to the council and freeholder on Monday.   Thank you!
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