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How can we allow this to happen in today's time


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That's all beside the point. I hope they catch the cowardly little bastards. Ten little shits in hoodies beating the hell out of one guy. That's really brave of them. I hope the victim can recover from his ordeal. He can probably count himself lucky that his injuries could have been a lot worse.
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Auberon Waugh once wrote that "Ripper" as in Yorkshire Ripper was superfulous. Simply describing him as "The Yorkshire" would convey the illicit nature of the activity just fine.

Anyway, as someone who has been at the wrong end of an encounter with these sorts of gangs myself, I'd hang them. I'm afraid too much tolerance/understanding has led to this sort of thing barely being news.

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It isn't "How can we let this happen" its more "Look what's happened after a multitude of 'GENIUS' ideas by various government departments!

We reap what we sow I'm afraid.

I would say this is due to Social Services and not being allowed to smack kids any more, or because too much leniency is shown on certain petty offences that lead to these kids feeling more 'brave' and that they will get away with more and more.

However, I had an opinion along this vane on the Vandalism of the Goose Green Park and got buried under my draconian and short sighted views.

So I shall simply say, leave the little oiks alone, they're just bored and under-challenged!

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Yet why spend three years keeping them alive at our expense? Straight to the Gallows then. Or perhaps this is just to easy an answer and we need to wrestle with our tortured souls, wring our hands and wonder about what we've all done wrong. This man could have died and these ignorant twats are walking around free while we ponder what's wrong. I'll settle for birching them as a solution AND revenge.
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Do we know whether assaults have increased year on year?

Are Gangs a new threat or have they actually been around for centuries.

Maybe for previous generations life was always nasty brutish and short. Violence being found in every century and being perceived as being "new"

Peter Ackroyd's "London The Biography" paints a picture of a constant recycling of London's problems whether its dust, noise, fire, horse poo or violence. Maybe we have done with horse poo; but the violence remains.

It was ever thus.

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isham bracey Wrote:


> It's very sad and I don't normally comment but

> this example of the ignorance of some children

> (young adults?) has to be a reflection of their

> parents and upbringing. Thick, stupid, waste of

> time, they (and us) would be better off if they

> were conscripted in to the army. There, I've

> become my father, but that is what I now believe.

> To use an old fashioned term they and their

> parents should be thoroughly ashamed (but none of

> them will be reading this).

I had to giggle at this.

The army is not reform school and it's strength lies in it being of a volunteer nature.

Scrotes not required!

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Horsebox Wrote:


> Scrotes make up the backbone of UK armed forces.

> Try going for a night out in Winchester without

> running into a thug squaddie.

Oh ok, I will defer to your greater knowledge!

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Until children go back to fearing adults, be it their parents, teachers, police, and the law we are never going to eradicate teenage murders and the lawlessness of these teenage thugs. I won't even dignify them with the term gang, because they are just good old fashioned groups of teenage bullies.

We had some boys break into our TA hall a couple of years ago. They were caught red handed and sentenced and so on. They were all barred from being anywhere near the Hall. One boy continuously would walk in there only to be marched out again by the staff. The one thing he would say as he was marched out is 'don't you touch me!'. These kids know every right afforded them, so much so that any form of man handling becomes impossible. He took great delight in being a complete pain in the a***

These kids know that they have to commit a thousand burglaries before they are put away. Similarly they know that adults have virtually no rights when it comes to dealing with them. And that is the major reason why discipline has broken down in many schools and otherwise.

There have always been troublesome kids, but this present situation of so many troublesome kids being out of control and worse still committing murder is a new phenomenom that has gone hand in hand with devolving the ability of adults to discipline and the import of global culture and relaxation of censorship.

If children don't learn at an early age that bad behaviour has consequences then they never will and sometimes the only way to teach that lesson is with a short sharp shock.

We've gone completely soft with laws put in place by people who have only the best behaved and privately educated of children. They are the least qualified people to get us out of the mess they put us in.

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First of all, it is awful that someone has been mugged. But we live in a very safe area, at a time when, nationally, just about every crime is at a historical low.

The most pervasive way in which crime affects society is through the way in which these stories are reported and the discussions afterward which perpetuate the idea that there is a mugger on every street corner and that 'the rap music' is turning youths feral. And to suggest that music will turn someone into a mugger is an easy way to ignore the hundreds of other more powerful influences on a child, particularly parenting.

It is awful that someone has been mugged, but you could find exactly the same stories in newspapers forty years ago and you would just need to change 'hoody' for 'mod'.

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That's true, there have always been groups that would give you a kicking and steal your wallet. Similarly there have always been 'gangs' that would do similar to keep strangers out of their neighbourhood. But on the whole, those groups battled with other groups (mods vs rockers for example)and were adults, and if you weren't in those groups you were safe.

But how many of those victims got stabbed and left for dead? Worse still how many children in the past decades got together to commit murder for no other reason than their victim lives in a different area? There is something very different going on today and to simply brush it aside as something comparable to mod culture of the 50's and in between is nonsense. It's far more violent and deadly and children shouldn't be living in fear of being mugged or worse still murdered by their own generation.

I completely welcome the news from Mr Cameron this morning that teachers are to be allowed to use reasonable force against unruly children.

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I remain firmly of the view that decent law abiding citizens must match this sort of extreme violence in kind. There is a war on out there people. We have to take these people on otherwise it won't just be foxes terrorising us in our beds.
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Loz Wrote:


> Sod that DJKQ - I want a couple of cruise

> missiles.

Woman examining low cut dress in a shop: ?I?d have to be shot in the back with a couple of cruise missiles to fit into that?

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