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I hate all the mothers and mothers-to-be that have inflitrated East Dulwich in recent years


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I really resent the fact that mothers are always lumped together, as if the fact we've had kids makes us all the same. Or that there's two types: young, working class and clueless or older, middle-class and organic-mad (both complete generalisations). There are lots of different ways to be a mother. Sorry, rant over. Just riles me sometimes.
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Indeed Jessie, it's all most riling. even if this is clearly the post of a WUM

2 minor points cdonline......

The Herne has a PLAYGROUND in the garden

who do you think that might attract?

And what about the gay mums? or are you royalty and therefore dont beleive they exist?

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One of our friends, who is gay and 7 months pregnant, visited us this weekend. We all went to the Herne and had very civilised time, baby M who is 9 months old loved the bread and ate virtually a whole basket on her own (well they were very tiny slices). We didn't even use our buggy, it was folded up in the corner out of the way.

I kept my eye out for bitter, piano-teacher types, or other child-haters, but no-one seemed the least bit bothered by our presence. In fact, everyone seemed to rub along quite nicely, with a few old-timers smartly dressed chatting and drinking pints in the saloon bar, and a mix of families and couples eating in the dining room. Plus, obviously, some children playing in the PLAYGROUND (well spotted mightyroar). It was an excellent example of a relaxed, inclusive community space. And the burgers, as usual, rocked. I think what's nice about ED is that, sometimes all sorts of people do get along just fine together.


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Lovely AB,

I have been resisting writing on this thread because I know rather a number of people who have similar opinions and attitudes, and it is rather tragic. This person is angry with the world because she has lost her opportunity to have a family and she hates everyone.

It is for this exact scenario that God invented cats and rabbits. Feed the feline regularly and stock up on batteries MISS Strictteacher...

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If you take Strictteacher's ideas to the limt just think how boring ED would be - I am a middle aged (well a bit over really) father of two teenagers, well acquainted with the positives and negatives of family life but I enjoy seeing others embarking on the same journey. Babies & buggies and yummy mummies make me smile and ED a pleasant place to walk around - I'm sure most people prefer their presence to a bunch of childless trendies reading their Saturday supplements to discover the latest fad.

Pubs, restaurants, shops, public spaces, libraries, cinema, theatres are all the better for being shared and used by all generations rubbing along together. BM's example above of the Herne at a weekend is a good illustration.

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Well, I guess we can't be completely certain, however there seemed to be a little too many bitter and pointed comments for it to be a p*** take. And even if it was intended in jest, I can't believe that a piano teacher, who depends on these people for her livelihood, would resort to such a scathing attack. It out-ratners Gerald Ratner for God's sake!
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No it wasn't! (serious that is)

And whilst I'm not agreeing with what it said at all, I don't think that someone who doesn't like the ED described by Marmora Man is automatically a c**t who should be slated by everyone on here! Get a grip peeps!

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The reason she's an arse is not because she has a certain opinion of people in the area.. it's because she smugly posted a load of bile one day and then realised.. oops!.. there was that other nice-as-pie advertisement as our friendly local piano teacher which she forgot about, or didn't think people would put two and two together.

She hasn't even got the bottle to follow-up on the thread she started now that she's been 'outed'.

Bollocks to her.

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Fair enough *bob*, but you're usually the first to laugh about, or take the p!ss out of this sort of thing, just surprised it's upset everyone so much.

I for one am convinced that she didn't write that, it just doesn't sit right.

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Ok, she slipped up. It was fun. Now let's leave her alone. She's probably hurting and she probably didn't really mean all the things she said, exagerrating for effect. She might just like the sound of her own voice and think she's witty and zeitgesity. Like we all do. I get the irony, I get the joke, it made me smile, but it's over now and we shouldn't revel in her chagrin and shame. Nero
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I don?t quite understand this hatred of perambulators that some people have. It is not like they are some new phenomenon invented by the evil bourgeoisie to use as frontline cavalry in their expansionist class war. They are just vehicles for pushing kids around in that have been widely used for over 100 years.

You get some pretty over the top ones I must say but this isn?t new. The Victorians had some pretty elaborate ones as well. I saw one on LL the other day that had disc brakes which I thought was pretty cool but completely unnecessary.

Personally when I reproduce I?m going to build a cart with shiny chrome wheels and flames painted down the side to push the kids around in.

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mamafeelgood, as another "two for the price of one" beneficiary child-wise, I have to say that I do think the sort of discrimination bandied about by strictteacher and her ilk (even if she is a WUM, there are plenty more out there who genuinely share her perspective) is definitely multiplied when it comes to us. Naturally, if you had more than one child at a time you MUST be older, have had IVF, therefore be rich, have husband in City, organic-mad, etc etc etc. Happy days!
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i wish i had a husband in the city ;) could do with the cash to pay for a nanny. hoipolloi lets call an end to this unfair discrimination. after all when i say they're identical boys i don't laugh in the faces of the 'inteligent' people who go on to ask: boy and girl then? aherm, i said identical.

but apparently i am just a mum clogging the already crammed streets of east dulwich with my vile off spring poluting the happy world of fights down LL of a weekend nights and therefore have no right to exist, nay, even have an opinion.

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Maybe Keef and Nero are right - let's have a strictteacher amnesty. After all, us parent-types should be big, ugly and grown-up enough to let people learn from their mistakes and carry on with their lives. (Does that sound too cheesy?) There's room for everyone to get along fine, some people just need longer to learn how to do it than others (and I'm 42 and still learning myself). OK strictteacher, why not say hi, or join another thread, I promise I won't jump on you like the over-excited children you must understandably find frustrating (and at times in all honesty so do I).
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