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Best way to lose baby belly??


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Does anyone have any tips on the best exercise to lose a baby belly that GENUINELY works??!! Time is limited due to usual work/study/baby etc etc, but am determined from Jan I am going to squeeze in at least one class a week. Am sick of having to undo the top button of my trousers/skirt when I eat - doing this after lunch just now at work felt SO wrong!!

I walk lots with the buggy and am generally running around lots, but 14 months on my stomach is getting bigger not smaller ;-(

I did Legs Bums Tums and Pilates both once a week at Push Studios over Summer but didn't really make a massive difference. Am not looking for washboard stomach just want to be able to go clothes shopping again without feeling a bit rubbish!

Don't worry no exercise will be undertaken til 1 Jan!

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I used to dive for my county (ooooh yeaaaah, I'll be handing out autographs later...) and when S was about 4 months old, started swimming again. He'd having a swimming lesson with Daddy, I'd do my own thing for 1-1.5 hours. Did it twice a week. I was all thin and lovely again. And then I got knocked up.

To conclude, would recommend swimming.

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Thanks Ruth - i enjoy swimming but know motivation is the key here - I know if I pay for a class and HAVE to go I WILL go because when it comes to exercise I am laaa-zzzzy. Am wondering if there are any aqua aerobics classes around or did that die out in the 90s?? Never seem to see them advertised anymore!
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I know you've already tried it bnut t hink pilates really is meant to be the best thing for a tummy - worth another go, or maybe one of the hybrid type ones, like pilatesfit I think? I say as someone with several classes paid for and yet to be used at ESPH gym...but I did find it helped when I was doing it regularly. btw think you must disguise this mythical tum v well as you always look annoyingly svelte to me ;-)
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I am truly loving the vibration training at High Vibes on Melbourne Grove (v convenient for me...) but has changed my shaped noticably, amazingly reduced the vile ammount of cellulite and helped my dodgy knee! It is a really quick work out - about 30 minutes or so and so it is easy to fit in.

I would really highly recommend it (in case you hadn't guessed);-)

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Ohhh - I got a leaflet thru the door about the vibration place, might be tempted to give that a go.

BMF sounds smart option but in weather like this I'm not likely to be out at 7pm at night in the park in a class.

Hmmm - I have been told that those Slendertone belt things really work. Is that a cheating way to get rid of baby belly??

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Thanks everyone. I had heard about the vibrations training and it sounds good to me, but do you actually get a cardio work-out from it? Not sure I really understand what happens?! Don't really care as long as it works!!

Anna - yes defo up for joint effort next year!!

And belle...thank you very much, but appearance of trim waist = spanx and leggings pulled up to my boobs under jeans = pretend flat tum!!

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I'd be up for joining those of you who want to excercise in the new year - I have always been a petite size 8 and have gone back to size 8 very quickly, except the tummy. I cant actually wear any tops I own as they look horrible on the tummy so I still wear my maternity clothes and feel awful. keep me posted x
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Having managed to keep up my running for the first 3 weeks of my holiday here in NZ I've failed miserably in the last 2 weeks so will be up for doing something once I'm back and welcome company.

I'm a member of BMF, and do the Wednesday am class (not looking forward to getting back into it after a few weeks in the sunshine!), try to run at least once or twice a week and go for the occasional swim at Crystal Palace. A running buddy would be ideal to help motivate me out of bed!

Determined to lose the excess pounds that have crept on, as have had FAR too many people ask me if I'm thinking about having a 3rd baby while throwing knowing glances towards my belly!

P x

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Actually was just talking to Gianni about this today coincidentally (whilst doing my workout) and he is now running a few different options on memberships depending on how often you want to go and at what time of day. Give him a call and he will be able to run through it. He was closing early today I think but will be there tomorrow.
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ryedalema (and others who want to 'do something' - i would like to try the vibration training and ive just seen on the 'what's on' section that they do a free trial. also maybe pilates? ive never done pilates but have heard a few people saying it is good for postbaby tummy.

Pickle (enjoy the sun!!!)- I'd be up for running but will that help loosing the belly (it really is the onlt thing I need to work on)? x

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I too would love to establish some sort of regural exercise regime. Running would be ideal (with a partner) but I dont feel I could do that before baby is a bit older and sleeping at a reasonable hour and also days are longer.

I used to do a fantastic yoga class Saturday mornings at Copleston Centre not sure it is still on but keen to do that again. If you discover any suitable classes on weekends let me know!

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Hamlets Health Club is running free weight loss events for new members of the gym. There's a post about it called Lose Your Spare Tyre. You get one to one coaching and support about your nutrition and a 12 week weight loss class. (you can also win cash prizes in the weight loss class for losing the most) They also have loads of classes in the gym like pilates, spinning and even some martial arts.

Sounds good to keep up the motivation in the New Year

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Mandisa Wrote:


> Hamlets Health Club is running free weight loss

> events for new members of the gym. There's a post

> about it called Lose Your Spare Tyre. You get one

> to one coaching and support about your nutrition

> and a 12 week weight loss class. (you can also win

> cash prizes in the weight loss class for losing

> the most) They also have loads of classes in the

> gym like pilates, spinning and even some martial

> arts.


> Sounds good to keep up the motivation in the New

> Year

interesting posting history you have, mandisa

the health club does itself no favours creating fake profiles to post on its own threads...

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I don't quite know how to respond to that Fuschia. I saw the add and got some information from the hamlets health club listing. I've seen your threads on their listing. Clearly you've had a bad experience. All I want to do is lose a bit of Christmas weight. I don't think it is either necessary or appropriate to send messages like that to me.
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I'm afraid joining up and then posting solely on one subject does tend to look suspicious.. and the site admin can see from the IP address if an account has been created by someone just to add posts in support of their business. I note the site admin has removed most of your posts, all of which were on the subject of Hamlets Sports Club and its great offers. Please pardon me if I am a little cynical.
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