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E.D. Warehouse


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true Keef and it would be different if it was a builders yard, firing range, chemical storage facility etc etc but it's not. It's warehouse that's supporting small individual businesses and seems to be wanted by the majority however I understand the residents of that street are worried because of the uncertainty of what it will bring them. I'm all for raising objections to anything unwanted and that's what's been done and we'll see if those who make decisions act on those. I think it's a shame that people want it closed before it's opened as it's such a good idea.

And before you ask, no I don't live on Zenoria Street.

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"It's warehouse that's supporting small individual businesses and seems to be wanted by the majority"

Again, me included, but isn't that a touch hyprcritical of us... Fair enough, a builders yard, firing range, chemical storage facility would have it's own issues, but surely if a similar scenario occurs on another street, and it's any other retail outlet thats opening, chain or not, we should all be responding in the same manner that we have here.

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wasn't the new outdoors section of the Plough done sans planning permission. That must cause the local houses grief (lighting, music, people etc) but I've not heard much complaints about it

As I say I do have some sympathy with the residents and applaud Keef for being fair-minded. But in this instance alone, judging by what we know (the location, the nature of the business, the entrances, the previous occupant of same site etc) it doesn't seem to be THAT much of a change

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Keef Wrote:


> but surely if a similar scenario occurs on another street ... we should all be responding in the same manner that we have here.

perhaps yes, if something wants to open that the majority of the locals want, and it would be beneficial to the people in the area then it should be looked at favourably. Unless it's in my backyard of course then there no way Jos? that that thing is happening near me ;-)

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I think the EDWH is a great idea. If, however, it opened on my road, which is 100% residential (apart from those working from home) I'd be well peeved if residents hadn't been properly consulted first. Hypothetically, if I lived on Zenoria St I'd still feel the same way if I hadn't had proper prior consultation. BUT I wouldn't be THAT surprised given the proximity to LL and the fact that there are two large retail ops on the corner plus a Warehouse. You'd kind of expect a bit of a problem there when considering to buy or rent, wouldn't you? As an aside, I'm sure they already get regular traffic from after hours EDT'ers looking for somewhere to shed excess alcohol!
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I guess it comes down to the planning issue, and whether it is classified as A1 or not. If it is, then I dont think it needs change of use permission (am no expert - so dont hold me to this - but I looked on internet and saw that only need change of use if you move between categories). Would seeem strange to me for someone to take on this warehouse project, and the associated cost, unless they had first worked out the building designation with the council, but maybe it has hapened.

Either way, I hope it is allowed and will definitely visit it if it is - from my perspective it is better than an empty warehouse (I dont live on the street).

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Can I help by clarifying a couple of things?

Firstly I dont think it's been shown that ED Warehouse is opening without the correct permissions in place; it may well be that while it has been empty or in use as storage it has all the time been coded A1 for retail use.

Secondly planning permission does not exist simply to protect residents from retailers; its function is to ensure that developments fit in with local, regional, and national strategy. It's not a boo/hurray system.

Thirdly, the Warehouse will either be a worthwhile addition and enjoy customer support; or it won't, and it won't.

Hope that helps


[sorry dusty i hadn't seen yours while i was posting - you are quite right of course

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Keef Wrote:


> I do feel for the residents a bit here. They're

> basically getting no support because everyone is

> so excited about this new warehouse (me included I

> must admit). Just can't help thinking things would

> be different if it was something like... say...

> Foxtons.

Keef, I'm with you on this.

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What is the real substance of the Zenorians (I like that too) objection? The site is adjacent to LL so v. unlikely to increase foot traffic on the street, parking is already disastrous (as it is on every street off LL between Goose Green and the police station) so can't really get worse, would seem unlikely to be particularly noisy/smelly etc. How is this particular development likely to change the character of the street? It's also worth bearing in mind that even if the planning issue is resolved in favour of the warehouse that doesn't mean they are not liable to further control if, for example, it leads to particular problems with regard to litter or some other identifiable nuisance.

Is it possible that it's a load of knee-jerk nimby b*ll*cks?

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Some well chosen words there, Dave.

The structural and fitting work must, understandably, have been a grind for the Zenorians.

But I'm sure that once it's up and running everyone will get along famously, and that little corner of ED will grow to love its cheese shop and its book dealer!

Now can we get back to the business of being rude about Foxtons?


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That's the first time I've read the word "nimby" on this entire thread

While I sympathise with the zenorian residents for the increased noise over the past couple of months, I expect it'll quieten down once the place is open.

I doubt very much (although I admittedly have no idea) that it'll be open particularly late or early, and is unlikely to open every day of the week (indy retailers are often are one man bands and have to re-stock at some point)

I personally can't wait until it opens!

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nice idea the rent on it was 60,000k per year when a mate of mine looked into it to use as a small local theatre /cinema unfortunately it proved unfeasble both in the planning sense and the cost

i guess charging people about 400 pounds a month will be a nice little earner for someone

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SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> >

> Stop playing with my dreams Mark


> Between where I work (variously Blackfriars, Lower

> Thames St and Tower Hill) and where I live there

> is no-where to buy cds/DVDs.


> There used to be an MVC on London Bridge but

> that's now a Pret. Speci--alist* CD shops exist in

> Peckham, Walworth Rd etc and "chart" music in

> Woolies etc but if I want to buy the new (say)

> Edwyn Collins album I'm stuffed...


> *That word again

You'll have to end up buying vinyl on-line......

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all business is risk and hard work !

but the maths still tell me its a good idea as long as the stalls are filled ..i will watch with interest lordship lane is not as busy as some assume during the weekdays .

and i think the zenoria street residents have a point ....just beacuse they already have parking problems why should they accept more .

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I have some sympathy for the residents of Zenoria street if things have not been all above board....but not that much sympathy because, as Mark said, you don't have to walk past any residences to get into the Warehouse and as has been pointed out Lordship Lane on a weekday is not as busy as some seem to assume - neither, for that matter, is it all that busy on a Sunday. Saturday on the Strip has ever been busy - residents on streets adjacent to the Strip just have to lump it I suppose. Someone recently moaned about Church services being noisey on a Sunday and spoiling a lay-in....hmmmmm.

The thing we ought to be concerned about is whether the pressure on on-road parking caused by the Warehouse and other developments starts to make a Controlled Parking Zone a possibility.

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If we did have to have a controlled parking zone, would it not be possible to have something that would allow, say, an hour of free parking rather than all out pay and displays for the shoppers/visitors? It seems unlikely that we will escape the situation for very much longer and surely it would be better to get the sort of parking regulations that would best suit the local people and businesses. This would also have an interesting effect on the Foxtons fleet... (Apologies for going off topic)
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We live near the butcher's/ new gym so it's a similar problem with parking etc. However the benefit of a great butcher on my doorstep far outweigh the negatives of my street being a car park on a saturday.

By the way, is this a Zenorian?


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Yes, Popped along with Mrs Plot today and came back with a selection of cheese, and two books, so in all a good day out in my estimation. Also saw CitizenEd in is role as "Transporter of Children."

Oyster Bar though.....Only for the more upwardly mobile...Surely not the sort of place that likes of Mockney Et Al woudl frequent?

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