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Winter babies club (due Dec 2011, Jan/Feb 2012)

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Just wanted to add what an amazing support I had from Erika (Lanes midwives) - not only has her care been fantastic over the past months where I've been I'll, but yesterday she was with me for the long haul, arriving to start me on the drip at 4pm and not leaving hospital until after 7am this morning.

She has been a caring ear on the phone for me over the long induction process, came to visit whenever she could, and was great at pushing things along in a busy maternity ward and making sure I was heard.

There were other Lanes midwives around last night with various women and it was immediately obvious that they care passionately about the ladies they look after. Cate had been here since 8am and was still going strong at 2am determined to see the process through with her client.

such a brilliant service - thank you ladies, if you're reading!

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well done pickle and pippa, i am so please for everyone!

we are growing in number... even if i still haven't met any of the new babies. sorry to miss mon, i was registering the birth. also had a trip to doc, who confirmed reflux for j. i hope it solves soon as i would like to sleep at some stage!

i wonder if anyone is planning another meet up this week? i m going to try the cinema again on fri at the ritzy, but also up for a civilised sit down with a hot choc n cake somewhere!


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Huge congratulations, especially after such a long haul!

Having had my reflexology and hypnobirthing (fear release) on Sunday, I went into labour yesterday and gave birth to a 8lb 13oz (4kg for those younguns who do metric!) baby girl at 9.30pm last night. a smooth home birth, as planned, thankfully. We have decided to call her Gabriella. I had the Oakwood midwives with me and would like to sing their praises too. The midwives clearly love what they do and it shines through in the experience I have had with the birth of both my children.

Now I have had my baby, I'll be ready to join a meet up!

Hope to see some/all of you soon.



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WOW! more babies coming.

I am def going to Ritzy to see Haywire (American action thriller in the style of Bourne) at 11 on Friday, there is also Shame on at the same time, but it seems a bit depressing and intellectual and I m not sure my brain / emotional state can take it at the moment.

I am meeting a friend there about 10.30/10.45. I have short black (going white) hair and a screaming baby - for those who don't know me.


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A huge congratulations to Pippa and Steph...

Pippa, I'm so glad that you escaped a c-section and that Kate came in the nick of time! And I really hope you enjoy having just the little 'un to yourself for the next few weeks.

Steph - it is so good to hear you had such a great experience with the Oakwood midwives - I'm with them too and certainly have found them terrific so far - really compassionate and reassuring.

And Nicky - I have everything crossed for you that Thursday (tomorrow! You might meet your little one tomorrow!) goes well - can't wait to hear your news x

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Hi all,

Sal... 6 days of work for you now whoopie!! make the mot of your maternity leave and try and rest as much as you can!

A huge congrats to Steph and Pippa. Well done!

If anyone else is at Oakwood and had Jacqueline and Alissia.. I still haven't bought them anything to say thanks. Last time I bought some pampering products and a massive bundle of cakes to share in office and am happy to do the same this time but if anyone wants to club together to give them a more substantial pressie- a gift voucher or something then let me know.

I'm booked back in to take toddler to Diddidance at 10am on Fridays.. Session will allow for me to sit back and feed. So if any mums of 2/3 fancy there's a free trial you can book and it's a good time to ebable coffee/toddlers lunch afterwards.

Lovely seeing some of you on Monday.. Not a great time for us though as had to dash off for naps etc (including mine!!)

I want to meet some more of these babies... We should arrange a regular meet up again.

Ruth, good luck for Friday.


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Wow, so many new babies! Huge congratulations to Pippa and Steph and all the others with new arrivals. Well done you all!!

I'm on my first week of maternity leave, but have spent most of it trying to turn my baby! We had a scan last week at 36 weeks and he was still breech, so plans of having a natural homebirth are a bit up in the air at the moment. Have been trying every trick in the book to get him to flip round including handstands in a swimming pool! I'm booked for an ECV on Thursday, but I'm hoping that he'll have gone head down by then. But what will be will be!

Good luck to everyone else and for your induction Nicky! Hopefully you'll get some movement before then.

Caroline xx

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Caroline... Poor you!

There's still plenty of time for little one to turn. Have you heard of Moxibustion? A couple of friends had it 'to turn' their babies and whether it was the treatment or just coincidence, it worked.

Have a look at this link http://www.londonacupuncture.co.uk/showCondition.asp?ArticleID=4 it explains a bit more.

Better than manual turning though so maybe worth a try?

Good luck and get on all fours as much as you can!!


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This might sound wierd, but I also heard that putting a bag of frozen peas on the top of your belly (where the baby's head is) can coax them to get the heck out of there and head for the warmer bit down below. You might well have already tried that though!

Congrats to the latest wave of new moms and babies! Not due for another 3 weeks and waiting patiently...sorta.


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Thanks for the tips ladies. I have been trying everything going!

Have had several sessions of acupuncture with moxibustion and have been doing the sticks daily at home- which definitely do get him wriggling about. Have tried the peas on the baby's head, lots of inversions and had an additional session with my hypnobirthing practitioner yesterday to try and turn him. He's certainly been very active since then and I thought he might of turned in the night, but I think I still feel his head at the top of my belly.

ECV is definitely a last resort! But worth a try, the consultant we're seeing has quite a good success rate apparently. But hopefully we won't need it.


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I'm in the same boat Caroline. I'm 35 + 5 and breech. I'm having a scan tomorrow to confirm it. I'm so hoping she turns in time but have also been told that they will try ECV around 37 weeks. I hope your little un turns before then but if not will be very interested to hear how things go with the ECV. I'm trying every trick in the book to turn her. I was just crawling around on all fours on the floor and I'm about to do some weird inversion thing with my knees on the couch head on the floor which I found on spinning babies.

I also heard about the cold pack idea but did not have anything that I could use except a cold bottle of champagne that was left in the fridge from new years. I had quite a giggle to myself as I sat on the couch with a champagne bottle pressed against the top of my belly.

I'll be thinking of you and hope that bubs turns for you soon. Let me know if you find any trick that works.

Congratulations Steph. So many new babies!! I can't wait to meet them all.



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Just to update you- I had a successful ECV today! Whoop! Baby is now head down, so we're now back on track. The procedure itself was very straight forward and not in the slightest bit painful, not even that uncomfortable. Baby was turned in record time- 30 seconds- much to everyones surprise! Even the Consultant Obstetrician looked shocked it had been so easy. So I think he had wanted to turn, but just needed a helping hand.

Sal- if you do decide to try it I would recommend trying to get yourself as relaxed as possible before the procedure. This morning I had a long relaxing bath - submerging my bump as much as I can! I also listened to my Hypnotherapy breech turning mp3 in the waiting room beforehand and then did deep belly breathing when he was actually performing the version.

They monitor baby before and afterwards- for about 40 mins and he was absolutely fine. Hopefully he'll stay put now.

Good luck Sal- hopefully you won't need it and your little one will have turned on her own.


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That's excellent news Caroline. It's so reassuring to hear your positive experience. I booked to have another scan next Tuesday afternoon and depending on how that goes they'll book me in for the ECV. So I am going to spend the next few days with my butt in the air and my head on the floor to see if I can help her along. If not, I'm comforted to hear such a positive story about ECV.

Good luck to Ruth for your section today and to everyone waiting patiently for their bubs to arrive.



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Good luck to everyone due in the next few days. I think Nicky was in for induction yesterday(?) and hope that it goes well - hopefully nobody else has to endure the process taking 3.5 days like I did!

Hope all the new mums are doing ok. I'm currently sitting with daytime tv on, a deliciously warm little girl on my lap having a lovely long feed. Wish they stayed newborn for longer! She's done the school run already (at 1 day old) and we've been to Sainsburys and Starbucks this morning, shopping for birthday supplies as my oldest boy turns 5 tomorrow!

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