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Winter babies club (due Dec 2011, Jan/Feb 2012)

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Thanks Ladies, was so scared he'd flip back in the middle of the night. Midwife appointment later- so hopefully she'll confirm he's still head down.

Hope things get moving for you very soon Nicky!

Good luck with the section Ruth and everyone else due imminently!

Sal - hope you're little one turns of her own accord. Have you tried the moxibustion sticks? They're dead easy to use. You can pick some up from Traditional Chinese medicine places. It can help even if you have to have the ECV too.

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Great news Caroline - really pleased for you and was lovely to bump into you and bump the other day! :)

Congrats to all the new mums. Nicky, Sal & Ruth - got my fingers crossed for all of you.

I'm finally getting a bit more on track with my little one, but she's been diagnosed with a posterior tongue tie which explains a heck a lot of our struggles over the past few weeks and the slow weight gain despite hours of feeding. Unfortunately NHS won't treat it for at least another week though and I don't think I can bear it so I'm looking into whether someone will do it privately asap.

Aiko's going to be 1 month old next Tuesday! Can't believe it's gone so fast... Hubby went back to work this week and we have managed fine, so think I am ready to start meeting up and socialising... :)

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Mooncake, give Katie Fisher a call (you'll find her mobile no on the forum) - I spoke to her the other night and am booked in to see her on Sunday. My little girl looks to have a posterior tie too. I went through weeks of agony with my son so definitely recommend getting it sorted sooner rather than later. Katie charges ?90 for consultation and will snip straight away.
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thanks pippa! we're going to see Katie tomorrow. Aiko has just gotten up from a nap and I swear she's grown... just put her into a 0-3 month baby grow. I've just realised all the actual clothes we have are 3-6 months so she has nothing to wear now we're going out!!
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I am soooo pleased for you Ruth!

Thea is a name I toyed with... beautiful!

I have no doubt that Oakwood were fantastic again and I hope you get 'released' from hospital soon.

I am around without toddler on Monday and Tuesday morning if anyone fancies a meet up (Mothercourage and I were thinking about a possible Bishop meet!!) I would love to meet more of the WBC babies.

I will be around with toddler from Wednesday and only concrete plans are Diddi dance on Friday at 10am so let me know if anyone is around with older children next week too.

So exciting to hear about all the babies popping out and I'm sure I saw a WBC mum to be in King's yesterday (we were the ones setting off the alarm for the car parking machine!!)

Have alovely weekend and hope to see some of you next week


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Ruth - congrats on the birth of baby Thea! Hope you're home soon.

Anna - I am around Monday without toddler and would love to venture out with Gabriella! Bishop sounds good for me. I must dig out my mums the word card.

Let me know if Monday suits


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I would have loved to meet tomorrow morning, but have the midwife coming to do heel prick test etc at 11am. Tuesday is out for me this week but I'll keep an eye out to see if anything else is arranged.

Mornings are best for me as Millie is at school until 12, so it's just me and Kate.

Hope you have all had nice weekends.

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Very jealous of coffee and cake outing. Already a bit cabin fevery! We got home saturday afternoon, but am being wrapped in cotton wool.

All good so far ( although feeding more painful than last time round). Have fun this morning and I look forward to joining you in a couple of weeks.


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So so lovely to see ladies, babies and bump this morning - I've been so frustrated the last few months being unwell and missing meet ups, so was great to catch up now that I'm back to "normal". Gorgeous babies all round, and not a single cry to be heard the whole time we were there as far as I recall!

My sleepy girl finally woke up (with a bit of persuasion), fed, and is now asleep again. Long last the newborn phase.

Look forward to catching up again soon.

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