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Winter babies club (due Dec 2011, Jan/Feb 2012)

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Morning all, seems like ages since I've made it along to any winter baby club meets. Tuesday is a much better day for me too. Will try and come tomorrow, but all dependant on whether various useless delivery people turn up on time. Would definitely be up meeting up after Easter on a Tuesday though.

Caroline x

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Ties afternoons great for me too, as my toddler is at nursery. Don't know what time suits most but earlier afternoon,about 1.30/2.00 would be great if poss to allow nattering time before I have to pick up said toddler from nursery at 4pm.

Lindsay x

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I think I'm going to head down during nap time and aim to be at the cafe for 2pm - feeding time! See you there. I'm appalling at remembering people's faces (plus haven't actually made many of these) so will just ask around all the mums til I find people.


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Sorry not to see you Pickle, but lovely to see everyone who did make it. We talked about making it a bit of a standing date, around 2pm every Tuesday at the Gardens. Hopefully see some others over the coming weeks!


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Gosh time have flown in, I have given birth to a baby girl on the 17th Feb and have just recently completed my confinement. I am looking forward to the next gathering at the gardens. It will be something new for wee yin to meet other babies her age. Just hope that she will be napping at that time of day if she is feeding it is not a pretty sight! hahaha

Stef x

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Hoping to be there too, but currently son number one bit poorly so not sure if he'll make it to nursery today, in which case will not inflict ourselves on you all, but hope to catch you next week. Great day for a birthday - going to demand an exchange!

Lindsay x

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I'm taking my daughter to a Diddi Dance trial this afternoon (the older one... Kate's not quite at the dancing stage yet!), so won't be able to make it.

I still power my way round the parks most mornings at 9ish if anyone fancies meeting x

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Hurray hurray, c'mon, was indeed Ganapati. Very happy and full of delicious food - we didn't annoy other diners too much and Jonah asleep by the main course and got to talk to each other. Lovely to see everyone today and hopefully catch up again next tues.

L x

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Hi all,

Incase anyoone is interested... I have just signed up with some Mums from my NCT group (all recently had their 2nd babies) to run the 10k Race For Life.

The race is on Blackheath on Sunday July 1st. That gives us just over 9 weeks to put a good training plan into action!

If you are interested in joing our group, we are planning to arrange meet ups for training in the park and I have downloaded some good programmes for beginner runners to build up to 10k in 8 weeks. PM me and i can 'invite' you to join group.

Now I know this might sound terrifying.. I myself have NEVER run 10k in my life but we're assuming that if some of the women who participate are suffering from cancer, then we should be able to do it too!

For me it's a way of contributing to a good cause after the safe delivery of my healthy baby!

However, if this is TOTALLY not for you but you'd like to help. Then visit our page


On another note...

I'm around with toddler for a bit tomorrow pm.. is anyone up for Garden's coffee/cake action? Haven't seen any of the first timers for AGES. Hope you're all doing ok


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Hope you had a good meet up, sorry I couldn't be there. We made it down to Cornwall quite successfully and Charlie slept for most of the way ( we left around 11.30am and had one long stop).

See you in a couple of weeks.

Lou x

P.s Elli - Kuki hair was good, I had straight, shiny hair for the first time in weeks!! Go for Shingo or Pauline.

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    • "If I hear 'my father was a tool maker' / my wife's a nurse / my father was a GP one more time... as if any of those things qualify anyone to fix / understand anything. "   yeah but that's not the point here - many (most?) of the people watching last night are the voters who tend not to pay much attention to Westminster and may well buy the "they are all the same - born into money and detached from real life" - so Starmer's story, as overplayed as it is to you and me will be news to many
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    • Indeed, many house here have had or will have subsidence issues so one needs to bear that in mind.  Many houses here have shallow foundations but they have been around 100 years or so without too much issue. What the surveyor has told you doesn't feel like a 'red flag', more of a sensible warning.  Bear in mind that although the surveyor is nominally working for you, their focus iln reality is mostly on the lender and the risk of being sued, either by them or you.  So they are always pretty cautious.  It would be wise to get a 2nd opinion, eg. from a structural engineer.  Or talk  to the original surveyor directly as they may say more than they are prepared to put in a report.  It's a little difficult from the description to identify what the situation is but the scenario in which part of a property has been underpinned and the rest has not is fairly common here.  The proximity of trees is likely to be the main thing to be concerned about, particularly after the hot summer of 2002, as insurers generally regard them as risky, especially if they are not cut back from time to time.  A second surveyor can advise directly on this. It would definitely be worth trying to take over the current buildings insurance.  Indeed, it may be quite hard to find new cover.  Enquire what the current premium is and who the policy is ultiimately underwitten by (ie. is it a name that you have ever heard of?)  The insurance industry, in general, works to a guideline that the insurance of an underpinned property should transfer to a new owner.   https://www.biba.org.uk/insurance-guides/home-insurance-guides/subsidence/
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