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I think he's been drinking and is over emotional. :))

Not too worried about a draw at Fulham. They've been a good team recently and have given us a good run for out money and with Rooney out it was always going to be a bit makeshift up front. I'm looking forward to the reactions from tomorrow night's game.

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Heh heh - I enjoyed the game but at the same time no wonder people thought Howard Webb had a good World Cup final if the Refereeing today is deemed acceptable!

It was an end to end game and was quite surprised by the number of times Fulham opened up United. Maybe not as many times United opened up Fulham there but worryingly, for United fans, there did not seem to be much resistance in the United midfield.

But the real puzzler is why were the United fans singing the Torres song :-S

We shall see what happens in Manchester tomorrow night - could go either way, but probably a 1-1 draw. Hope I am not tempting fate here but the last time Liverpool played their second match of the season away at City they lost 2-1 missing a last minute penalty which I believe had a certain Niall Quinn as goalkeeper.

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matthew123 Wrote:



> It was an end to end game and was quite surprised

> by the number of times Fulham opened up United.

> Maybe not as many times United opened up Fulham

> there but worryingly, for United fans, there did

> not seem to be much resistance in the United

> midfield.


Agreed - They have still not replaced Keane, despite all the success they have had since he left. They do not seem to be prioritising the Keane role.

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Money does talk and what knocked United off their perch was a lack of it compared with Abramovich. If it had not been for the Russian they they would have captured Michael Essien to replace Keane. Plus a whole host of other players such as Michael Ballack, John Obi Mikel and Arjen Robben who they were also favourites to sign until Chelsea showed the Roubles.
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The draw with Fulham was a fair result...not sure why Nani was taking the pen with Giggs on the pitch, but heyho.

Utd fans do not sing the 'Torres song', however there is a song dedicated to John O'Shea to the tune of 'Into The Ark' that has been sung since season 2002/3, long before the camp looking one visited these shores...

When Johnny goes marching down the wing, O'Shea, O'Shea

When Johnny goes marching down the wing, O'Shea, O'Shea

When Johnny goes marching down the wing, the Stretford End will f****ng sing

'Cause we all know that Johnny's going to score...

(sanitized version: ...the Stretford End will rise and sing...)

Despite not signing Michael Ballack, John Obi Mikel and Arjen Robben, Utd still went on to win the PL three times on the trot, so that completely blows that 'analysis' out of the water. As for the laughable notion that Utd have been knocked off their perch, well I'd argue that at least Utd are still in the cage, unlike the droppings that have long since been cleaned out and shipped off to the Europa League...:)

Mick, Fergie said a long time ago when Keane left that he was irreplaceable...we now have new systems to suit the current squads' strengths (and weaknesses), at present a Keane type player isn't one of them....as you rightly point out despite losing Keane we have still achieved significant success, so the new players/systems have obviously worked...no one ever says we need a new Nistelrooy...I'm happy that Utd are constantly moving forward and adapting, and not living on past glories.

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From a spurs forum

ok so the info i got today was very precise & the dude was at pains to say "exactly" what he was told....

we have had a bid of ?14mil accepted for fabiano, we are in contract negotiations as we speak....we are positive he will sign for us & this should be a big story tomoz in various press outlets...

Robbie keane is not injured, he has had a huge bust up with joe jordan & was angry to be left on the bench against young boys even though defoe was nursing an injury to his groin.....west ham have offered us a straight swap, parker for keane (this is to appease west ham fans as gold says he wouldnt sell but parker has refused to sign a new deal) harry has given this the green light now fabiano is close however keane has refused to go....simply does not want to go there....he wants celtic but there offer of around ?5.75mil was deemed unacceptable....

keane is going no matter what, even a possibility of a loan if club ties up fab

the guy states we are only after fabiano & parker (now gallas is in)...thats our lot apparantly...

from spurs fan

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Celtic are a very different proposition this season. Now the misfit Mowbray has gone its a more positive camp and looks a good team.

So much of what has been good so far will depend on getting past Utrecht on Thursday night though and into the europa leagu proper - the players who have come already or who may be considering coming will want euro football of some sort.

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red devil Wrote:


> Who are you backing for the PL this year

> Mick?...just so I know who to avoid ;-)

Have just had a few quid on Man City to win league at 9/1 RD.

Based upon their firt half against Liverpool they are either very good, or Liverpool are very poor.

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I dont allow myself to criticise liverpool anymore. If i go to the drinks next week i want to have someone to talk to.

I would say that with villa losing 6-0 and liverpool losing 3-0 then martin o neill should be managing liverpool. Villa are going to see now the value he added and liverpool might feel they have made a mistake but time will tell.

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Jah Lush Wrote:


> It's early days yet for everyone. It was always

> going to be a tough job for Roy Hodgson but he

> will get it right. Just don't expect miracles

> overnight.

Sorry Jah, and Keef, but why is there this amazing faith being put in Roy Hodgson? I really don't understand it.

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