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Peckham rye park and the new dwellers


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I'm glad someone else has seen, the man I have only seen asleep (until my loud girl wakes him) but the lady is very shifty looking but after a couple of hard stares she seemed to wander far enough away...I'm glad they are aware hopefully he will take the help soon
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They are not a new nature attraction, they are human beings. Perhaps you could teach your little one not to shout and wake them up each time. It's not a game. And I wonder if you felt enormously superior and condemnatory with your 'hard stares' at the woman. I only ask. Sorry, but the tone of this post seriously pisses me off.
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Buddug what a pathetic way to look upon a post...nothing you say makes an impact!

A child is going to be 100% curious because it is a new experience

Go and use your time helping them instead of interrupting a curious thread as this is a forum about our local area and the goings on!!!!

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You being offended is of no concern to me...don't read what you can't see two sides of

Saying a person is "down on their luck" isn't even a statement you could begin to explain because it's broader than most people could know

If you read the post property you would see it was a "humorous" add in that my child speaks of them...as she does of squirrels etc

Read the main message don't derive what you want from it

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OP, your ignorance scares me. Through history there have been any number of sectors of our society that have been described as curious, or scary, or shifty based on nothing but a snap judgement of their appearance or situation. Ignorance is usually the cause, fascism is usually the result. Next time you see them try taking a hot drink or sandwich to them. And also consider that a huge proportion of this country is only a one month pay check from being in a very similar situation. Explain to your curious daughter that what she is seeing is the result of a society broken by people who do nothing but point. I'm amazed I managed to get through this without swearing.
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Disgraceful post. Glad at least that one person has taken the trouble to find out if Shelter are aware, instead of posting idle and contemptuous gossip. Almost worse than the original is the comeback to buddug, who is entirely correct and justified. Shame.
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Lighten up and read the reason for post

To ask if others have noticed the recent increase in homelessness in our local area

And don't dare assume to know how a hold should be moulded, thins are to be discovered in ones own time not

Forced upon them

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Hmmm yes. Unpleasant tone here. I spent 10 years living in supported housing with people with learning disabilities and they got so much of this kind of attitude all the time, including from children who had not been taught about tolerance and difference. Perfectly fair that she is curious but she can do that quietly. And as for the "hard stares" - shocking.
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Oh dear.

LaineyB - if I ever need a nanny...remind me not to call you. Anyone who's an advocate of the Daily Mail's school of parenting and thinks it's "humorous" to refer to a someone sleeping rough who's probably homeless as "the new nature attraction" need not apply.

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