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Why is Dulwich the poor relation?

Guest Filiz Muatafa

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Is it me or is Dulwich the poor relatons when it comes to money being spent.

Peckham and Camberwell have these funky new lights and what do we have the same old ones, god knows how old they are

all this money is constantly spent in Peckham and Camberwell. They forget about us

why? Why? Why


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You can't be getting out much.

The following roads in East Dulwich and Dulwich Village wards are having all street lighting replaced. Huge improvements very close to completion - each lamp post and the EDF electricity works is not cheap.

Chesterfield Grove, Ashbourne Grove, Tell Grove, Glengarry Road, Tarbert Road, Trossachs Road, Thorncombe Road, Lycott Grove, Playfield Crescent and Colwell Road.

Hope that convinces you that East Dulwich is not the poor relation you thought it was.

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I think the main area we would like to see new "fancy" street lights would be Lorship Lane and Northcross Rd. Any chance this will be happening in the near future?

While we're there how about new footpaths in Lordship Lane. The one's that are there now are appauling for such a nice high st.

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I live on Nutbrook Street just behind The Green. The 'funky' streetlights in this area are due to the Bellenden regeneration scheme. It's a ten year project, nearly finished now, with the aim of improving what was a deprived and rundown area. I would have though Dulwich was getting by OK.

A bit more about the scheme: http://www.southwark.tv/bellrg/bellHistory_BRS.asp


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Think the reason for the pavements may be due to ownership issues. See Northcross Road where parts by the road have been replaced and look good (Council owned part) while the bits closer to the shops remain uneven - these are owned by the shops/leaseholders, and they are not so keen to spend the money. So I think Lship Lane unlikely to get uniformly good pavements.
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It's more than likely because the communist local council like to pump money into areas where everyone is on income support and more than likely from an ethnic minority, rather than spend it in an area where most people have to work for a living. Isnt it great living in Ken Livingstone's London!
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I reckon you should get back to reading the Sun in your white van Paul. You seem to suggest that the council should only spend money on places where affluent white people live. If you have a look at the streets of Peckham (where a lot of people actually DO work for a living) you might discover that they aren't exactly pristine, compared to the smarter streets of gentrified East Dulwich. And on the subject of Ken, he has improved the buses beyond recognition and cut traffic in London dramatically - good news on both counts. Why don't you move to Rio de Janeiro? There you can enjoy the rich/poor divide and lack of welfare state you seem to admire so much.
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James, perhaps I would have more respect for the white middle class PC brigade if you were not so patronising and hypocritical, I do not read any of the tabloid press nor do I drive a white van, so it's best not to try and pursue my prejudices by spouting your own. Peckham is a dirty dumping ground for illegal immigrants and a testing ground for the middle classes to 'experiment' with social and political projects. On the subject of cutting traffic, why does Ken just not ban all non essential vehicles into the centre of town? Perhaps then the more cynical people would actually respect the guy for doing something to prevent global warming rather than just being a wealth generator for the bureaucrats who sit in and supposedly contribute to his London Assembly. Perhaps I would have more respect for the welfare state if it was used and funded properly, and used by people who have contributed to it, as opposed to a free for all for people from the developing world, who cannot get such generous treatment at home.
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Georgia, the first post-war wave of immigrants from the new commonwealth provided this country with a fantastic amount of support in all essential public services for many years, and continue to do so. However, recent waves of immigrants from many of the African nations and those from eastern Europe and parts of South America, have done little but drain this country of a large amount of public funds, all of which was generously paid into the system by white and black over the many years. Perhaps these are the ethnic minorities I am refering to? It's interesting to see the Guardian readership get their back up over these things, it's almost as if the vast majority of this nation are 'racist' or 'xenophobic' and those of you who live in the likes of gentrified Islington and Dulwich always know best!
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James, Are you implying that people who drive white vans and read the sun are racists? I'm not being serious!


I could think of better things to spend public money on than 'funky' street lights. Maybe sports facilities and youth clubs so any bored young people (all backgrounds of course) have something more stimulating and constructive to do.

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  • 2 months later...

Filiz Muatafa Wrote:


> Is it me or is Dulwich the poor relatons when it

> comes to money being spent.

> Peckham and Camberwell have these funky new lights

> and what do we have the same old ones, god knows

> how old they are

> all this money is constantly spent in Peckham and

> Camberwell. They forget about us

> why? Why? Why?

Why do you not go and live in either Peckham or Camberwell?

The gentrification of East Dulwich is spoiling an area that was once a cosmopolitant working class community.

The influx of rich middle-class "immigrants" has led to overcrowding , terrible parking problems and astronomical increases in property prices . Take your funky ideas and go elsewhere.




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Ibo - the reason that ED is resurgent is because of the money that the newer people bring in. The changes in ED benefit all.

"Working class" - "Middle class" are terms that have no relevance here. I come from a mining family, not many mines left in ED.

Having been in the area for 19 years - I dont remember people revelling in a "cosmopolitan working class area". The place was a dump and the only people who revelled in it were those still fighting a pointless and irrelevant class-war.

The days of the Tankies have long gone. The rest of us can get on with life without the hate-filled bile that they spewed.

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I have been in the area slightly longer , over 26 years , and though ED was once much poorer we did not suffer the terrible parking problems and property prices that the new colonisers are causing .RD was certainly no a dump and the we should not look on the colonisers as saviours.
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Tankie = old style Stalinist. Derived from the Red Army's "Stalin Tank" of WW2 - a great lumbering monster of a tank, that had little relevance in the then modern battlefield, but made alot of noise.

Prime Minister Harold Wilson told TU Leader Hugh Scanlon to "Get you tanks off my lawn" in the good old days of class and industrial warfare.

Nowadays the most we have to worry about is where to park the car.

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Thanks for that Mikewbate,

I remember having a good 'revel' in East Dulwich - in the mid 80's! Do you remember the cricket ground on Dog Kennel Hill? 'Doggers' it was called - I wonder if Batdog remembers it too? Although he was no doubt just a pup. Thank God they had no alcopops then or I would have been admitted to The Priory years ago.

There is nothing for anyone to lock horns over, we have running water, public transport, a national health service (of sorts) and none of us are starving - although I didn't have a lot for lunch.

Yes Dulwich is evolving constantly - at a pace. I have lived here for more than half of my life and I like to think of it as progress.

I love Dulwich, I am sure you do too. That is the point. Aren't we lucky to be here? My God, have you ever been to Wales???????????????????

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Dear Mr Quaywe,

Pray what are you implying? The abuse of animals is aborrant in all forms - even if you do find them particularly attractive, and they do seem to be giving you the come-on.

Are you from New Zealand by any chance young man? I shall have my mother pray for your soul.

Bob, hang your head in shame young man or you will find yourself on the naughty step - again.

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ivemet-jimmy Wrote:


> Dulwich is my favourite place in the world. I

> wouldnt want to be a part of another comunity for

> love nor money!

You need to get out a bit .

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