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Revised new - M&S planning application to replace Iceland..

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Rye Lane is a disgrace! Southwark have allowed Rye Lane to decend into a disgusting Ghetto / No Mans Land.

Mainly due to the restriction on cars.

The moment it became a dump was the day cars were stopped, shortly after Jones and Higgins the department store equivalent to John Lewis saw massive customer decline as Dulwich customers went to Croydon for the multi storey car parking.

M&S should be forced on Rye Lane.

NOT Lordship lane!

It's about time a plan was set out to balance both these high streets.

Lordship lane is 1/6 the size of Rye Lane.

Putting an M&S on Lordship Lane would be overdevelopment!

Putting an M&S on Rye Lane would lift that high street.

Southwark must have a balanced plan and part of that balance must be to stop dumping every high street name on the smaller of these two local shopping high streets.

Rye lane will never escape the Ghettofication enforced on it by previous Poor Southwark planning decisions of the 1970s .

Its about time some common sense was used.

No question the M&S application is Over Development of Lordship Lane and the ban on cars on Rye Lane should be lifted!

Edit to add

There's a perfectly good Cinema on rye lane ....

Why are we trying to replicate everything Peckham has in East Dulwich madness!

In a few year time we will end up with the Lordshio Lane Ghetto?

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I am all for better quality food being on our doorstep - secondly when you buy / rent a home near a high street or rail track (which incidentally is reflected in the price) don't expect the immediate area to be rolled back into countryside.. this is economic progress.

Flip a coin, M&S or 24 hr McDonald's Drive-Thru..

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Hi Fazer71, the majority of shops on Rye Lane are in private rather than council ownership. The historical reason as to why there are so few chain stores on Rye Lane is that it was going to be the route for the Channel Tunnel rail link. Chain stores pulled out, many buildings were bought by the rail company (later sold off when the route was altered)


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I'm a 'foodie', but I don't like paying through the nose for food because it's sold in a posh area. I rarely buy anything from the shops around Lordship Lane as there's a premium on them. I break the rule to buy things that can't be found elsewhere, but don't use the butcher/fishmonger/deli etc. I think Iceland should stay. There are plenty of people living near Lordship Lane who can't afford to pay the artificially inflated prices of some of the other food outlets there. For very good reasons outlined already, going elsewhere isn't practical for many of them.

For what it's worth, I dislike M&S. Uninspired ready meals and overpriced staples that aren't particularly exceptional quality. If we have to go upmarket, give me Waitrose any time.

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matthew123 Wrote:



> Flip a coin, M&S or 24 hr McDonald's Drive-Thru..

maybe in Asia a

24hr disco with a 2nd floor whore house .....


If you live in the UK I think we would expect shops to be in suitable high street locations and Lordship Lane is a small high street ... Which should have small shops not M&S or McDonalds they are shops for Oxford street or Rye Lane.

Just a thought if this was shabadaba supermarkets rather than Maxiprice&Shitfoood would everyone still be happy to see this large development on our door step?

Ummmmm I don't think so!

I say shitfood on the basis that the highly processed and over packaged products they sell gets us further and further away from REAL food, proper misshapen tasty vegetables and such like... Though I do like their biscuits especially when I'm out of the UK. Imo the ready meals and plastic tasting stuff they sell is very sad, nothing could be worst that sitting down at a table to all that garbage... Modern life hey eating M&S micro merde!

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After a browse of the application it appears M&S are atempting to squeeze a store onto a site which just isn't large enough.

What's really amazing "for M&S" is the way their transport assessment sees the loss of on site parking for 17 cars as an improvement!

Who else in their right mind would believe a loss of 17 parking spaces on lordship lane to be a good thing?

An M&S store larger than iceland will have more staff and more customers with a net result of more pressure on car parking locally.

The application should include an increase in parking from 17 to 40+ car spaces not a removal of 17 spaces!

Regardless of excellent local transport, an application like this is completely out of keeping with local needs and places increased pressure on already limited local parking and other facilities. Without question constitutes overdevelopment.

This is the type of development suited to Central London ie work destination not a residential area ie not suited to serving local needs but serving a visiting workforce.....

Different rules should be applied.

If this type of development is allowed "regardless of who the applicant might be" the impact will be to dramatically change the character of Lordship Lane reducing the residential feel and nature of the area. An area which currently has a good balance of business retail units suited to the size and demands of the local population.

Locals before Big Business ......

Southwark have a duty to keep East Dulwich from becoming just another cloned US style Highstreet, resulting in yet another Highstreet which in time few will want to visit.

Dulwich Village has "due to the Dulwich Estate" resisted excessive development, which means its still an area worth living in unlikely to become a retail Ghetto....

Edited to remove some misleading stuff about 2nd floor.... cheers ...

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despite claiming to have reviewed the application, you have made a very misleading post:

the proposed residential elements are a CHANGE OF USE of the first and second floors of the existing building.

there would not be any rooftop extension.

the skyline would not change.

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but in many other ways fazer71 has seen the light, in that the application really does present an attempt to 'maximise' use of space in a way that is highly detrimental to those immediately around it. That the application also attempts to trade on eco-friendly credentials is derisable.

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But over the last 30 years, because of the Dulwich Estate's rental policies, there are far fewer "real" shops in the Dulwich Village such as butchers and greengrocers and far more expensive clothes shops and the like. It used to be a much better (or at least egalitarian) place to shop if you weren't very well off.

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fazer, you're right, Dulwich Village is not a retail ghetto - but there's nothing there!! One pub, a couple of bland chain restaurants, nowhere to buy food. If this is down to the Dulwich Estate, then they've screwed up big time.

It's a picturesque corner of London, it should really be one of the most desirable places to live in the capital.

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Clearly this is a topic that people feel, one way or another, quite strongly about. I personally would welcome an M&S. I don't think it would constitute overdevelopment. If people love particular shops, then the best way to keep them open is to shop in them.
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M&S to enter Lordship lane. Humm??? So, they develop, remove what little parking there is now available to Lordship lane in the way for visitors, force shoppers on to the high street and upset the locals just so the council can sway the locals minds when debating overspill parking on the side roads. this area is only aliuve o n a saturday morning which I do not believe justifies the expense in carring out the planned works. Furthermore, there are still many families and singletons who rely on Iceland budget shopping to live within there means.

We saw the same thing in Camden where local people were priced out of there own neighbourhood by the Bunty influx from the shires none of which hang around during the festive season to mix with the local community.all the side roads are empty xmas and easter and bank holidays!!!! why? beacuse they have all absconded to their home towns to find a Marks and Spencer for a Quality ready meal. "Heaven forbid we Dulwich-ites, remaining at home on the Up an coming lane, add to global warming by turning our Ranges or AGA's on!"

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bemusED Wrote:


> Frazer71

> despite claiming to have reviewed the application,

> you have made a very misleading post:

> the proposed residential elements are a CHANGE OF

> USE of the first and second floors of the existing

> building.

> there would not be any rooftop extension.

> the skyline would not change.

Apologies Yes Woops? My post is rather misleading

I totally missed the second floor existing plan.

Didn?t look at the existing elevations either I could have sworn there was only one floor above Iceland.

Good thing I?m in IT not planning!

Well I best take half my comments back.

Will edit them out?.

Still a loss of 17 parking spaces and potential cloning and increase in direction to blag shopping experience??.

Though it looks like that wouldn?t stop it being granted.

ETA M&S on LL a year away..

How SAD ?? micro merde ??.. central..

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Zebedee Tring

The rental policy is market rate.

Basic food shops would die a death too much competition from Sainsbury?s etc...

Jeremy Today

Sheppard?s sell food.

I'd happily live in the Village just a matter of earning enough money, I think it offers excellent value compared to Wimbledon Chelsea etc and has some of the best schools in the country which get coach loads of kids bussed in every day from Kent Clapham etc etc .

I?ve never understood how prices in Dulwich Village aren?t at least equal to Hampstead Wimbledon it?s cheap relatively ie per sqft , maybe it?s the train line going through Peckham that kills the prices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just been advised that as this planning application is not a major scheme and that officers appear minded to approve that it would not, under the new rules introduced in May, go to a planning committee - slam dunk.

So I have made a formal request as a ward councillor supported by my ward colleagues Cllr Rosie Shimell and Cllr Jonathan Mitchell that the decision is formally referred to one of the two new extra centrally run planning comkmittees.

Long shot but I've also asked that if one of these committees does decide this application that it meets locally in East Dulwich.

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James, I do hope you have judged this right - a lot of anti posts on this thread, but think how many were in favour of either M&S or Waitrose moving in when you floated the idea initially 18 months or so ago. You may find that being the champion anti doesn't earn you that much favour, if you succeed and block the plan. Or even if you try to block the plan and fail. It could be the CPZ all over again.
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