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Adys Road (What is the street like?)


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I'm thinking on about moving to the ED/Bellenden Road area, and found a really fantastic flat Adys Road that ticks all the boxes. What is the street like? In particular, there's an empty plot of land near the corner of Nutbrook Street that I assume is going to be turned into flats - does anyone know how long it has been empty and when they are planning to start work?

Totally love the area but it would be great to get some insider information!

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It's a nice street and has great access to both Lordship Lane and Bellenden Road but parts of it get quite busy with traffic cutting through the neighbourhood to get from one main road to another. I noticed it when viewing a flat there once. Check it out around rush hour and see if your part of the street is affected. Since the road is quite close to the houses you might really hear the traffic.
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I live in Adys Road. One gets used to the traffic. Only problems are trying to park at 3.30 is when it seems local school children cannot possibly walk to school but must be driven!

There have been various proposals for the corner plot, the number of flats/ratio to parking being the problem. A lady called Eileen Conn chairs the Peckham something or other. I'm sure if you Google her name you will be able to make contact and find the latest plans.

It is a great area for being close to E Dulwich and all that has to offer, plus Bellenden Road and more diverse (and some pretty crap) shops in Peckham. One random brilliant shop on Peckham High Street, for example, is "Persephone" a Persia comes to Peckham spice and tat shop. Well worth moving to Peckham for that alone.

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I've lived in Adys Road for the last 7 years and love the fact that I can use Peckham Rye in the morning (lots more trains than East Dulwich) but get all the benefits of Lordship Lane. It is a little noisy due to the traffic but I've never had a problem with parking.

The Bellenden Residents Group is the lot mentioned above - I think you can sign up for their newsletters by sending your email to [email protected].

The plot on the corner was a builders yard until about a year ago and has been refused building permission several times but I think their last application for flats got through. There is also a rumour that the pub at the bottom of the road the Oglander is also going to be turned into flats.

The other benefit is of course the Gowlett pub round the corner for organic wine and great pizza!

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I too live on Adys Road and think my location is perfect - half way between East Dulwich for all the great things it has to offer, and Rye Lane, for useful things like pound shops, banks and Peckham Rye Station, which is not only better in the morning but also coming home again as twice as many trains stop there as East Dulwich. There's also the shops on East Dulwich Road and Bellenden Road, you're walking distance from Sainsbury's and the Gowlett is a massive plus point, I couldn't ask for a nicer local.

As for traffic - I work 9-5 and don't drive so I don't have much perspective on what it's like, but the traffic has never bothered me, I notice the noisy foxes in the church yard more!

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  • 2 months later...
It may tick all the boxes but it is still in East Dulwich and you will have to expect life to be chaotic. Best bet is avoid as any fall in property prices will hit ED hard. Lord help everyone who bought in Camberwell Grove thinking it was a quite cul-de-sac!!
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I live in Adys Road too (hello neighbours) and love living in this part of Peckham.

Think all the (valid) nice things about the place have already been said, other than the lovely sound of the bells telling the time from St. Johns between 7 in the morning and 10 at night. Only thing I don't love is the traffic noise at night, but we've had our windows to the front bi-glassed and hey presto, problem solved.

Lynxse, don't quite know what you mean by chaotic. And should poor EDhopeful just not buy a home at all because of property risk, or is it just ED which is in danger?

Edited for duplication.

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I am guessing that it's named after Ady the poet - in some places it's spelled "Ady's" and he is the only famous Ady I can find, and he lived at about the right time. However, he doesn't seem to have any connection with Peckham, so as I said it is just a guess. Anyway, I like the idea of living on a road named after someone who really knew how to live!

A shining light of 19th C Hungarian literature

DM, that's not like you - a true lady of the demesne doesn't scorn even her humblest smallholders.

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